/ / "Gossip Girl": actors and roles. What do actors have in common with their characters?

"Gossip Girl": actors and roles. What do actors have in common with their characters?

Manhattan elite.This simple phrase immediately associated with only one incredible series - "Gossip Girl". Actors, of course, played with a bang, but the whole thing also worked and the operator and the designers - they gave the serial world of Gossip Girl that incredible style that fascinates with the first series. "Gossip Girl" stands out among other youth dramas: there is something in it that does not exist in others. The elite here are not spoiled "golden" boys and girls, but a real aristocracy, with a share (I must say, no small!) Of intrigues and, of course, slander. It is because they are famous for the series "Gossip Girl", the actors and roles of which are as remarkable as he is.

Serena van der Woodsen - Blake Lively

gossip actors
Chic blonde, played by inimitable BlakeLively, with each appearance, brings to the events a note of insanity, lightheadedness and, of course, charm. Blake Lively and her character Serena van der Woodsen open our review of the series "Gossip Girl" (actors and characters embodied by them, we are interested).

Like her heroine, a twenty-eight-year-old beauty,in love with Hollywood, she is very passionate about fashion: on the red carpet she has no equal. Blake fervently advocates a healthy lifestyle, driving away excess calories in the gym and claiming that for her it is a complete pleasure.

In an interview after the first season of "Gossip Girl" missLively mentioned that she would like to star in a remake of the film of the 1940s. Well, you can say that she got a part of her: not so long ago came the film "The Age of Adalin" with Blake in the title role, in which she managed to visit in the forties, including.

Blair Waldorf - Leighton Meester

gossip actors and roles
Heroine Leighton Meester in Gossip girl - girlclever, purposeful, somewhat arrogant, she has no equal in intrigues. Something, and revenge and build insidious plans Blair Waldorf knows exactly! Her idols are Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, the real ladies Waldorf wants to be. Leighton Meester continues the list "The series" Gossip Girl ": actors and roles."

Miss Mister (this is such a pun) is not enoughsimilar in life to his heroine. She is much easier to communicate with a girl, to compete with friends, unlike Blair, does not strive and sincerely believes that love should be in a peaceful environment.

Leighton does not burn with passion for fashion, but preferssimple and comfortable clothes, often smiling and in general is a very family man. She is known not only as an actress, but also as a singer: Leighton Mister herself writes and performs songs, accompanying herself on the guitar.

Charles (Chuck) Bass - Ed Westwick

series gossip actors and roles
The embodiment of the devil in the series is, of course,Chuck Bass. Throughout the series, his personality evolves: he casts the image of a womanizer in favor of Blair, and such events as father's death and acceptance of responsibility force him to grow into a real businessman from a carefree "golden" boy. Although some vices, and most importantly, charisma, still always remain with him.

Ed Westwick, who plays Chuck Bass, withoutobscenity calls his character an insensitive scoundrel and does not have any sympathy for him. Edu Chuck is interesting only from the actor's point of view, no more. In real life, Mr. Westwick in every way refuses to compare with this cowardly (in his opinion) hero.

Ed Westwick, as well as Leighton Meester, is known as a musician in the band The Filthy Youth. And although now he does not play in it, the actor has plans to create a new band in New York.

Nathaniel (Nate) Archibald - Chace Crawford

Nate Archibald is a good guy fromhappy family. But, as they say, in a quiet pool the devils are found. And the approximate guy Blair, with whom he had everything painted for years: several years of relationships, a wedding and beautiful and smart children - is in love with her best friend Serena. But admirers of Nathaniel, the traitor, are still perceived as an angel from heaven. Still, against the background of something his best friend - Chuck Bass.

actors of the gossip series

Identifying the similarities between Nate and Chase Crawford,who played it on the screen, arises by itself: both seem inaccessible handsome, of which little is known. In one season, Nate says that he is "no". There are no bright features in his character, although he falls in love with his beautiful hair and broad shoulders. Well, it seems that you can say exactly the same thing about Mr. Crawford.

Daniel (Dan) Humphrey - Penn Badgley

The simple guy from Brooklyn with the gift of the writer - herewhich one is represented in "Gossip Girl" by Dan Humphrey. His family and himself are not the Manhattan elite, but this is his charm. Dan is not inclined to intrigue, but honest and does not play the feelings of others.

series gossip actors

Pann Badgeley, the actor who played Dan in the series,is similar to his character, though not entirely. Mr. Baggli assures us that he is just such a simple guy and does not feel involved in the higher world. He likes Humphrey's ideals, and he shares them.

In Penn Badgley's Life Except Actingengaged in music. But, unlike his colleagues Ed Westwick and Leighton Mister, he does not play in public, he believes that his music is too personal, besides non-commercial, closer to the arthouse.

As you can see, not all the actors of the series "Gossip Girl" look like their heroes, but there are also those who themselves see similarities with characters.

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