/ / Chronology of "Star Wars" (films and cartoons) by year. The correct chronology of viewing "Star Wars"

The chronology of "Star Wars" (films and cartoons) by year. The correct chronology of viewing "Star Wars"

December 17, 2015 the long-awaitedThe premiere of the next part of the saga Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is the first film of the third trilogy. This is an excellent reason to review all parts of the film epic, especially for those who have not yet seen cult films. But in what chronology to watch "Star Wars"?

chronology of star wars

How to watch? There are options

The correct chronology of "Star Wars" - the caseconfusing. Not only films and cartoons have been made about this universe, but many books, comic books, and video games have been created. At the moment, there are completely two trilogies, and the third has begun, not counting the animated series. If you want the most complete acquaintance with the intricacies of the plot, then you will need the chronology of "Star Wars", films and cartoons, given in this article.

The fact is that the first film, released in 1977, is the fourth part of the saga. Yes, the idea of ​​starting from the middle is very unusual, and this approach has generated a lot of controversy in the fan environment.

How to watch "Star Wars"?The chronology of the saga begins with the battle of Yavin, shown in the 1977 film. And the fourth in a row film begins thirty years before the destruction of the Death Star. For this reason, there are three options for the sequence of viewing episodes. Consider them in more detail.

star wars movie chronology

In order of exit

Still, many fans of film epic believethat the chronology of Star Wars itself is annually irrelevant from the battle of Yavin, and you need to watch movies in the order that the creator intended. The first will be the tape “Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope ”of 1977, that is, by episode numbers 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3.

This will allow to perceive the plot asperceived his first audience in the distant seventies, there will be the same questions, interested in the same secrets. With the beginning of viewing the first episode, released in 1999, you will begin to find new interesting facts and perceive the background through the prism of the previous parts.

In addition, with this order, the quality of the image and special effects will all increase, and not fall, as with other options.

Вывод напрашивается сам – если вам не знакома chronology of "Star Wars", you did not watch any of the episodes, and do not know the twists and turns of the plot, then watching movies in order of output will allow you to appreciate the charm of the nonlinearity of the epic. The same should be done with the animation work.

correct chronology of star wars

Machete method

This method was invented by film fans.It is suitable for fans who repeatedly saw all the episodes, as well as for beginners. So, the machete order: first you need to watch the fourth episode, where we meet young Luke Skywalker, his teacher Obi-Wan, Princess Leia, Han Solo, the villain Darth Vader and see the destruction of the Death Star. In the fifth episode, we observe the battle between Luke and Vader, and also learn about the kinship of the characters.

The viewer has a question: “What happened to Darth Vader? Why did he become a Sith? ”And he immediately gets an answer. The fifth episode is followed by the second and third, telling about the past of Darth Vader.

And the sixth episode ends viewing - thisthe final, which, thanks to this order, becomes more understandable. This ignores the first episode, which does not have a significant impact on the plot of the entire saga as a whole. Thus, the machete method allows a good understanding of the basis of the plot of ST. The viewer watches two films about Luke, two films about Anakin and a single final, uniting their stories.

The machete order shows the story of Luke wellSkywalker After the viewer understands what happened to Anakin, why he turned to the dark side, the plot returns to Luke and shows how he saves the good that remained in his father.

star wars episode chronology

The chronology of "Star Wars"

Finally, the last method of watching a film epic. We will look at it in more detail, as the animated series take their places here.

What is the third way to watch Star Wars?The chronology of the episodes for this method is of great importance. That is, the first film will be “Star Wars. Episode I: The Hidden Threat ”of 1999, and further by episode numbers - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Viewing by numbering episodes allows you to follow the plot in the order of events.

Next, we consider an extended list of canonicalStar Wars works according to the chronology of the universe, including cartoons. The numeration is carried out from the events of the fourth episode, that is, before the battle of Yavin, in which the Death Star was destroyed, and after, BBY and ABY, respectively.

"Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace

This film was released in 1999 and isthe fourth in a row released a film about pollutants. The action of the film takes place in 32 year. The chronology of star wars starts from here. In the first episode, the viewer meets a little Anakin Skywalker, the queen of the planet Nabu Padme Amidala and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi save the boy Anakin from slavery, finding in him the Force.

This film was coolly greeted by fans, it was considered too childish. Nevertheless, he was so much expected that the box office was almost 10 times higher than the cost of making the film.

star wars chronology of events

"Star Wars. Episode II: Attack of the Clones

The second episode, released in 2002,talks about the events that occurred in 22 BBY, ten years after the battle for the planet Naboo. Anakin Skywalker is 19 years old, and he is a student of Obi-Wan. Princess Padme is assassinated, and the investigation leads to representatives of the sidhe. Meanwhile, Chancellor Palpatine receives special powers and begins a clone war.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Under this name lie mini-series,full-length film and a full-fledged series, which will be released until 2016. So, what cartoons illustrate Star Wars? The chronology of the films continues with the first animated part of the saga - a mini-series that went from 2003 to 2005. It is also called the "Clonic Wars." The action in the series takes place in 22 BBY. It describes the adventures of Obi-Wan and Anakin during the war between the armies of clones of the Republic and the Separatists. The series are short, in the first and second season their duration is only 3 minutes, in the third - 12-15.

In 2008, came out full-lengthanimated film covering the events between the second and third episode of the epic. The clone war continues. In the center of the plot again familiar characters - Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, politician Padme Amidala and the beloved R2-D2 robot. The chronology of "Star Wars" states that the events of this cartoon unfolded in 21 BBY.

В 2008 году начинается ещё один сериал, telling about clone wars. The eponymous full-length cartoon was a pilot series of this project. This time a full-fledged series with a 22-minute series appears in front of the audience. Every 4-5 of them are united by a single storyline. 121 series was released, the project was closed in 2014. Unlike full-length films, the format of the series allows not only to describe the fate of the main characters, but also to devote enough time to secondary characters. The events take place in the 21-19 BBY years, which brings us to the next feature film.

what chronology to watch star wars

"Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

The third episode of the epic came out in 2005.The action takes place in 19 BBY. The clonic wars end in a final, decisive battle. Viewers see the birth of the dark Empire and the appearance of the Sikh Darth Vader. Attitudes towards this part both among critics and fans, are generally positive.

Star Wars: Droids

This first animated television series on the universeZV came out in 1985. It takes place in the 15th year of the BBY, and the main characters are the beloved droids C-3PO and R2-D2. Charming robots are experiencing various adventures, face Boba Fett, agents of the Galactic Empire, gangsters and pirates.

Star Wars: The Rebels

What is the newest Star Wars cartoon?The chronology of the films continues with the animated series that started in 2014. He tells about the events of 4-5 years of BBY. Before the start of the series, the viewer could get acquainted with the main characters with the help of four short films. The first episode was a forty-minute film. Familiar from the epic heroes appear in the series only sporadically. In the center of the plot team of a spaceship called "Ghost."

chronology of star wars by year

"Star Wars: Outcast"

The work on this film is almost complete, it will be released in 2016, and, as you see, it already takes its place in chronology. In the center of the plot is the theft of the Death Star drawings.

"Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope

Slowly but surely, we approached zerothe starting point of the events of the universe of pollutants. It was in the fourth episode of the Star Wars that the momentous battle of Yavin took place, during which the Death Star was destroyed.

Премьера этого эпизода состоялась в 1977 году, но George Lucas began working on the script back in 1974. Now it’s hard to believe that the management of many studios considered the picture of space Jedi uninteresting. Nevertheless, the age of the space saga is already approaching its fortieth anniversary, and the very first film about Luke Skywalker has been watched and revised by millions of fans so far.

"Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

After 3 years, the next, fifth episode of the saga comes out.The same period passes in the fantasy world - the events of the 3rd ABY year unfold in front of the audience. Although the battle of Yavin is won, the war is not over. Darth Vader is looking for Luke Skywalker across the galaxy. Initially, this film was not well received by critics, but over time, its shortcomings began to be considered merits, and the tape itself was almost the best of the epic.

chronology of star wars movies and cartoons

"Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi "

The action of the sixth episode, released in 1983takes place in year 4 of the NSR. There is a last duel between Luke and his father. The film was commended by critics, but is considered the weakest of the trilogy. However, the scene in Jabba the Hutt’s lair is one of the most memorable.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The premiere of 2015 tells about the eventshappened 34 years after the great battle of Yavin, and is the first film of the new trilogy. The viewer again meets with Jedi Luke, his sister Leia and friend Han Solo, but the main characters are the new characters - the girl Rey, the pilot By Dameron and the former attack aircraft Finn.

В завершение хочется обратить внимание зрителя на The fact that the order of viewing rather strongly influences the impression of the entire saga. If you look at the years of release, attention focuses on Luke Skywalker, his heroism and the salvation of his father, and if in the order of episodes - the focus is on Anakin Skywalker, his fall and the subsequent ascension. Decide for yourself what is the chronology of viewing Star Wars closer to you.

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