/ / Leonardo DiCaprio: biography, filmography, personal life. How tall is Leonardo DiCaprio and how old is he

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography, filmography, personal life. How tall is Leonardo DiCaprio and how old is he

Один из самых неоднозначных и спорных актеров Hollywood - Leonardo DiCaprio - was born in Los Angeles on November 11, 1974 in the family of an Italian immigrant George DiCaprio and a German, Irmelin Indenbirken. Parents had no understanding, and they often quarreled. In the end, a divorce followed, and Leonardo remained to live with his mother. At that time, the boy was only one and a half years old. To the question of today's fans of the actor about how many years Leonardo DiCaprio can be answered unequivocally: this year he will be 40 years old.

Irmelin tried to provide a growing sonwith everything necessary, although for this the woman had to work from morning till night. But her efforts were not in vain, Leonardo grew up and entered the Seeds Elementary School, which he successfully graduated in 1992 and immediately applied to the university. After four years of study, he received a bachelor's degree, but did not get a job.

leonardo di caprio biography


С раннего возраста мальчик проявлял артистические ability and at the age of 14 began to dream about the scene. His appearance allowed to hope for success in the world of art. Leonardo DiCaprio's height was already above the average (now it’s 183 cm). The young man stood in front of the mirror for hours, trying to embody the images he saw in the movie in his own way. His idol was Cary Grant - an actor worthy of imitation. Leonardo was 12 years old when Grant passed away. This event left a deep imprint on children's memory.

Impressed by Hollywood movies,Realizing that he has good appearance, Leonardo decided to become a film actor. After some time he managed to get acquainted with an agent who was engaged in the selection of performers of small roles in advertising short films. So began a film career for the young Leonardo DiCaprio, whose biography can become an example of success.

Filming and school

The sonorous name, beautiful face, slim figure - allthis opened the way for the young man to cinema. Leonardo was not embarrassed that he played advertising characters, and his role lasts only one minute. He felt like a real actor capable of reincarnation.

At first, he had to combine shooting withstudy, and he began to think about how to quit school. But his mother convinced him of the need for education. Then the future actor learned how to distribute his time so that school classes remained in the first place, and shooting in commercials took place during free hours. Leonardo was pleased with his life as a novice actor, and besides, he received little money for participation in advertising films and was proud of it.

leonardo di caprio growth

The first series

Young artist Leonardo DiCaprio, photowhich were in the agency, noticed producers from television. He received an invitation to participate in the TV series "Roseanna". That was in 1988. The young man happily agreed and diligently played the microscopic role of Darlene's student. The series "Rosanna" was at that time the most successful project with a huge number of nominations and prizes. Leonardo was not even included in the list of actors listed in the credits, but he was happy that he was participating in such a project. The following year, the young actor played a boy in the TV series "New Adventures of Lessy", then a child in the movie "Santa Barbara", and after that in "Outcasts".

Debut in the movie

As time went.Leonardo DiCaprio, whose biography already contained the first pages, turned into a handsome young man. He became famous in certain circles related to filmmaking. And in 1991, Leonardo DiCaprio had a full debut film - he played the role of Josh in the Critters horror film.

From now on, the commercials were over.Leonardo became a film actor, which he confirmed by his participation in the film "What Gnaws Gilbert Grape." The plot of the picture is deeply dramatic. The role of Arnie Grape, mentally defective brother of the protagonist, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, demanded the highest acting skills, and the young novice artist brilliantly coped with it, receiving the first in the life of the nomination for the Oscar and Golden Globe.

how old is leonardo di caprio

The development of creativity

1995 passed for Di Caprio under the sign of participationin the movie "The Fast and the Dead", where he played the role of the Kid. Director of the film Sam Raimi gathered a truly star cast of actors. Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe participated in the film. An exciting action script kept in suspense all who were on the set. Even after the operator turned off the camera, no one wanted to leave. Spontaneous discussions of the work done began, which continued until late at night.

In the same year, Leonardo took part in the creation"Basketball Player's Diary", in which he played the main role of Jim Carroll - a sixteen-year-old teenager, gifted, but without a future. The films made from 1991 to 1996 are the best films of Leonardo DiCaprio as a novice actor.

DiCaprio and Shakespeare

In 1996, Leo appeared on the set.Romeo plus Juliet film directed by Baz Lurman. The plot of the picture repeats the classic story of two lovers, the tragedy of the English playwright William Shakespeare in a modern interpretation. Leonardo DiCaprio's height was a little more than required, as Romeo was not tall. And the operator had to lift the camera to visually reduce it. Juliet was played by actress Claire Danes. This was her first major role. The film was a resounding success and became the first box office successful film DiCaprio.

Leonardo's next work was a family drama."Marvin's Room". This was the role of the teenager Hank, involved in the complex vicissitudes of kinship. A partnership of stars such as Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro, Leo added confidence and acting experience. He was ready for his next picture, which will turn his fate.

leonardo di caprio roles


It was James Cameron’s Titanicpicture, which became fundamental for the future career of the actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The role of young Jack Dawson brought him worldwide fame and glory. Nevertheless, the actor first wanted to refuse to participate in the film because of lack of confidence in his abilities. The plot of "Titanic" seemed to him too complicated, responsible. Leonardo DiCaprio, whose roles had not been impressive by their depth, believed that he would not cope with the new work in his youth. However, director Cameron tried to convince Leo of his abilities, and filming began.

"Титаник" стал потрясением для кинозрителей, the main event of the cultural life of 1997. The picture has collected an unprecedented number of "Oscars" (eleven). However, film academics decided not to indulge Leo with the highest award. But even if Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for Best Male Role, then most likely it would have no effect on his career. After all, he, thanks to this film, has become one of the highest paid Hollywood actors. A magazine "People" included it in the list of "50 most beautiful people in the world."

Cinema roles and box office

For a long time after the movie "Titanic" in the assetLeonardo DiCaprio, whose biography was already very rich, did not appear work of a similar scale. He played the main roles in the film "The Man in the Iron Mask" and in the film "Celebrity". Both films were shot in 1998, but for Leonardo it was the usual movie roles. His creative ego was not satisfied.

Actor slightly cheered adventure filmtitled "The Beach," filmed in 2000 by director Danny Boyle. DiCaprio played a major role in the film - the American traveler Richard, looking for extreme sensations. "The Beach" was conceived as a specific picture with tropical episodes, but it did not have success, although the box office was not bad.

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Creative growth

In 2001, Leonardo DiCaprio became interested infilm project "American psychopath", namely the role of Patrick Bateman, but, on reflection, refused to participate, and in the end the role was played by Christian Bale. And the image of Peter Parker in a statement based on the super-comic book "Spiderman", intended for Leo, after his refusal brought Tobey Maguire to life.

А вот сценарий фильма "Поймай меня, если сможешь" DiCaprio became interested in his criminal tragicomics, and he agreed to the role of Frank William Abignale, an extraordinary criminal of the sixties. The picture was shot by famous director Steven Spielberg. All work on the film was done in record time and took six weeks. Box office nevertheless was impressive, and the actor was nominated for the Golden Globe Award. Creative growth Leonardo DiCaprio continued.

The first "Golden Globe"

Then Leo participated in an interesting enough forhimself a project of director Martin Scorsese called "Gangs of New York" about the confrontation of the New York criminal gangs and visiting "guest performers." The film was a success, the game DiCaprio was highly appreciated, but still he lost the palm to his partner on the set - actor Daniel Lewis.

Painting of Martin Scorsese "Aviator" becameLeonardo's last movie in 2004. He played the American billionaire Howard Hughes, whose image was woven out of controversy and demanded lengthy training for the actor. For one and a half years, Di Caprio studied the life and life of a great businessman. The film was a great success, and Leonardo received his first deserved Golden Globe. “Oscar”, which was also nominated for Di Caprio, went not to him, but to Jamie Fox.

best movies leonardo di caprio

DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese

In 2006, Leonardo DiCaprio, Filmographywhich includes about fifty pictures, starred in the movie "Blood Diamond" - an adventure drama directed by Edward Zwick about the smuggling of diamonds. There was also a tape called Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed” - this is a story about the Irish Mafia and policeman William Costigan, who is opposing the criminal encroachment of the Mafia. The leading roles in these two films added Di Caprio a nomination for an Oscar and a BAFTA, as well as another Golden Globe. Leonardo's collaboration with Martin Scorsese continued in 2010 on the Island of the Damned project. It was a psychological thriller based on the Dennis Lihane novel. Leo played Marshal Teddy Daniels.

Travel to Petersburg

Ноябрь 2010 года был свободным от съемок, и Leonardo DiCaprio, whose biography did not yet contain travel pages, went to St. Petersburg for the International Forum organized by the animal welfare society on the endangered population of Bengal tigers. The trip did not work right from the start. DiCaprio's plane made two unplanned emergency landings: the first in New York and the second in Helsinki. The flight took place in an atmosphere of emergency tensions, but in the end an airliner with a Hollywood superstar landed at Pulkovo International Airport.

leonardo di caprio filmography

Personal life

The personal life of Leonardo DiCaprio isinexhaustible theme for newspaper articles. His every step is widely covered, every word is retold in every way. DiCaprio has never been married, but he does not deny himself the pleasure of chatting with a famous and beautiful woman for a month or two. All the girls of Leonardo DiCaprio - from the world of fashion or show business. Each of its alliances invariably ends with a press report: “It was then and then that the couple announced the breakup ...”

In 1990, Leo met with Helena Christensen,Danish, model, very beautiful woman. A year later, another model appeared, this time the Brazilian - Gisele Bundchen. Then there were meetings with a model from Israel Bar Rafaeli. With her, DiCaprio met for three years, from 2006 to 2009, and in March of 2010, the couple announced that they were breaking up. Then they met again and even wanted to get married. This mutual desire lasted until May 2011. Given how old Leonardo DiCaprio is, many fans would love to know when he decides to start a family.


June 2011 marked the beginning of the DiCaprio Alliance withactress blake lively. And in half a year, according to newspaper reports, the lovers broke up, but swore to each other an indestructible friendship. Beginning in December 2011, Leo met with the model Erin Heatherton. Exactly one year later, they parted due to mutual employment. Six months later, the actor suggested fraulein Tony Garrn, models from Germany, to start a relationship.

Леонардо Ди Каприо, в отличие от большинства colleagues in the shop, is not an active buyer of real estate. He has only one house in Los Angeles, an apartment in Manhattan at Battery Park, and a small island in the Caribbean, which he acquired to put his eco-tourism idea into practice.

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