/ / "Village of Fools": actors and their roles

"Village of Fools": actors and their roles

Just remember the melody playing in thethe beginning of the Russian television show "Village of Fools", as the mood itself is increased, and the silent heroes of jokes only strengthened the general impression. Many people liked the show, but also there were also opponents who think his unfunny and even silly. But sometimes, after a long and hard day at work, just lacked something light and funny, in such situations, and delivered "Pun".

History of the program

Like any other show, "The Pun" has its own story. The creation of the program was preceded by the unification of the comic trio and the duo into a single collective called Full House.

The first series of television shows were published in 1996year, but not one channel was eager to show at least one of them. But nevertheless, 12 series were released in Kharkov, but then the telecoms were called "Full House" and did not have a lot of excitement. After an obvious failure, the project's general director Irina Kozyr turned to her old friend Eduard Verhoturov with a proposal to become the program's director. The man immediately accepted the offer and began to pull out the "Full House" from the pit. And Yuri Stytskovsky, who at the time was not only a director, but also a show host, helped him.

show the village of fools

"Full House" vs "Village of Fools"

At first, 5 of the 12 series were completely re-released, and the boring name "Full House" has turned into an interesting and funny "Pun to the village of fools." Later, when the program gained popularity, the issues began to appear in Odessa, along with the place of deployment, the producer was replaced, this time it was Yuri Volodarsky. The series went on to ORT, for four years of endless work, about 90 editions of The Village of Fools came out!

New century - a new place of residence

Since the beginning of the new century, the program has also been updated,again moved, but already on another channel, such a move the producer explained financial gain. In December 2000, the "pun" began to be released on RTR, for the year it was removed about 40 episodes!


Guess which program contains the best comediansthe former USSR? Fans of good humor will need a second to realize that this is the "Village of Fools". Actors here gathered only the best, deserved and talented.

village of fools actors

What are the most unexpected heroes we do notmet on the screen of your favorite show: a bear, a pilot, a village woman, and a stewardess. And the listed images are only a small part of favorite heroes, which were performed by the same people, however, in different skits. An irreplaceable leader, chef, cheerful and even a little crazy commander of the crew is Yuri Stytskovsky, skillfully playing his roles. Now this actor continues his activity and is shot in the cinema.

Another great character is a sailor,who either all the time was in a state of alcoholic intoxication (remember how cleverly he swallowed a home-brew), or was a bit "not himself." The only thing that can be said for sure is Vadim Nabokov played it remarkably. Sailor-fool was not only one of the funniest characters of the program, but also a favorite hero of many. Also, this actor played private Prankel, the radio operator Morse, who under no circumstances showed his emotions, and the Eternal.

Tatyana Ivanova - the pearl of "Kalambura", the lady "onall hands". In the show, she played a waitress, a flight attendant who is not "swaying" what is happening on the plane, and a woman in that same village. And even though a woman like as by definition can not be a good comedian, Tatiana played her roles at the highest level, with each series destroying all the prejudices about female humor.

Yury Shmatskiy

Sergei Gladkov - this is another comic, brightwho showed his talent in the form of a loser holding a bar, a dispatcher, private Drankel, and that same mustachioed peasant with a red nose. All these characters gave us positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter.

The last artist on the list, but not last onimportance - Alexey Agopyan. We remember him as the inventive pilot Drinkins, who is always trying to save the situation and take the plane out of the "steep pike."

Having understood the actors and fully aware of themtalent, involuntarily you realize that this is more like a village of talented and educated comedians than the village of fools. Actors of this show and still continue their activities, however, is no longer on such a scale.

pun punched village of fools

Why did the "Village of Fools" cease to exist?

Its existence (unfortunately) programgraduated in 2001, later on television showed only repetitions or some shots from the series. The reasons for this are still unknown, because one of the most popular shows was exactly the "Village of Fools". Actors believe that all the blame was financial difficulties.

«Каламбур» до сих пор «крутят» по некоторым channels, the audience is happy to revise this famous show in its time. One of the reasons for which the famous "Village of Fools" - actors. But, alas, even their colossal talent was not enough for the show to last longer.

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