/ / Evgeny Litvinkovich - Belarusian star in the Ukrainian show business

Evgeny Litvinkovich - Belarusian star in Ukrainian show business

More recently, in the sky of Ukrainianshow business has a new star - Belarusian performer Yevgeny Litvinkovich. Popularity came to him through participation in the Ukrainian version of the show "X-factor", where he took second place. Prior to this, Yevgeny Litvinkovich unsuccessfully tried to pave the way to glory in his homeland. Purposefulness, self-confidence, optimism and, undoubtedly, talent did their job - Zhenya achieved his goal. He now has millions of fans across the CIS. About how Yevgeny Litvinkovich lived and what he did when no one knew about him yet, read the article.

Evgeny Litvinkovich

Childhood and youth

Born future artist in a small Belarusiana town called Jordino on November 4 in 1982. His parents were simple workers and had nothing to do with the world of music. Father - Litvinkovich Mikhail Evgenievich - worked as a shoe repairman, and his mother - Litvinkovich Nadezhda Mikhailovna - as a photographer. Evgenia’s father passed away early, and her older sister took an active part in his upbringing.

At seven, the boy went to educationalinstitution with a choreographic bias. And at ten joined the ranks of art school students. Zhenya did not forget about sports either - he did judo, sambo and even became a candidate for the master of sports.

Having received a secondary education, he enrolled inArt and restoration school, but never finished it, as I was engaged in entrepreneurial activity. At first he sold glasses and gloves on the market, then went to discos, later he opened a small cafe called “At Zheka”, where he prepared and accepted orders, and cleaned and entertained customers.

factor Evgeny Litvinkovich

First love

Special thirst for music Evgeny Litvinkovich notfelt until I fell in love. It so happened that in 2002 he occupied the vacancy of a sound technician at the Jordinsky House of Culture Rovesnik, provided musical accompaniment for the rehearsals of the Silver Trill collective. One of the soloists of the vocal ensemble sunk deep into the soul of a young guy. He could not eat or sleep, but the girl did not pay any attention to him. Then Zhenya decided to take up singing in order to make a favorite impression. Soon he not only learned to sing, but also became one of the soloists of the Silver Trill. So first love opened for Eugene the main passion in life - music.

Musical career

Little Jack – такой сценический псевдоним invented for himself Yevgeny Litvinkovich. The artist’s biography shows that he was unable to achieve significant success in his native Belarus - he was a star, but only on a local scale. But he wanted more, he dreamed of a big stage, applause, recognition. Therefore, I decided that I would take part in all possible music competitions.

Evgeny Litvinkovich Biography

First in his life was the project "Musical Court", then the competition "Academy of Talents", but they did not bring the desired result to the singer. It was necessary to look for another way, and he found it.

Step towards the dream

In 2012, the Belarusian artist arrived atUkraine to participate in the show "Ukraine May talent". Zhenya managed to reach the final, be remembered by the judges and find his fans among the spectators. Successful Ukrainian producer Igor Kondratyuk advised Eugene to come to another show, vocal.

Real Success: The X Factor

Evgeny Litvinkovich personal life

Evgeny Litvinkovich not only passed the casting show,reached its final, but also had every chance of winning. He lacked quite a few votes from viewers to get ahead of Aida Nikolaichuk and win the grand prize. Nevertheless, such a defeat did not upset the novice artist at all, but gave him an incentive to move on, develop and work with even greater persistence and zeal.

Solo career

After the show, Eugene signed a five-yearcontract with the TV channel STB and began a solo career. His first album “Signs of the Zodiac” has already been released and the first tour in the cities of Ukraine has taken place. Everywhere the artist waited for a smashing success and thousands of fans. It should be noted that Eugene himself writes both music and words to almost all his compositions. This testifies to the undoubted talent of a young guy.

According to the results of 2013, Litvinkovich was recognized as the “Breakthrough of the Year” according to the version of the TV show “The whole truth about the stars”, broadcast on the Ukrainian channel STB.

In December of 2013, Eugene tried his hand atNational selection of the Eurovision-2014 contest. The singer went to the finals and took eighth place. Considering that there were twenty participants, this is a very good result.

Evgeny Litvinkovich: personal life

О том, что происходит с артистом за сценой, он does not like to talk. But journalists - cunning people - were able to find out some facts from the life of the singer. Eugene had to comment on the rumors about his gay, which are widely distributed media. The artist made it clear that everything is fine in his personal life, he, like the nature laid down, loves women. His current life partner, Yulia Yagleyko, a blond girl from Belarus, also does vocals, but she is still afraid of trying her skills on the big stage.

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