/ / What distinguishes modernism from realism: a comparison of two directions

What distinguishes modernism from realism: a comparison of two directions

In this article we will look at what distinguishes modernism from realism. To mark the differences, look at two directions separately.

Modernism. His characteristic

Modernism is a direction that appeared inart in the late XIX - early XX century. It is characterized by new, unconventional beginnings, changes in artistic forms, sketchiness and abstraction of style. This direction was leading in the first half of the 20th century.

In various fields of art, modernism has manifested itself.differently. In the visual he was like an early stage of avant-garde. Modernist artists created original works that reflected a special view, the inner freedom of the authors, brought new works to the works and even shocked the public.

what distinguishes modernism from realism

In Russian literature, this trend has replacedclassic romance. The main currents were symbolism, acmeism, futurism. They had their own characteristics and differed from each other. All this can be seen when reading the poetry of the first half of the XX century.

Realism. His characteristic

What distinguishes modernism from realism isobjectivity of the second. It displays the true reality, typical, important aspects of life, specifies the signs and features. The topics of personality and society are touched upon. In the literature for this can be used various myths, symbols, parables.

comparison of realism and modernism

The direction appeared in the era of the Enlightenment, in the XVIII century. It has several varieties. It happens educational, critical and socialist.

In the visual arts, paintings created in this direction depict the everyday life of people. Among the Russian realist artists can be identified I. Repin, V. Surikov and V. Serov.

What distinguishes modernism from realism?

Each direction has its own characteristics, sometimes some have common features and properties. However, this does not apply to the currents we are considering: they are completely opposite.

What distinguishes modernism from realism?First of all, covering different topics. In modernism, the authors convey their feelings, personal outlook on life. In realism, artists touch on important life topics. In the first place they have not their own feelings, but the transfer of typical situations. Personality is inextricably linked with society. In modernism, the artist is able to change the world as he pleases. No matter what kind of social phenomena are happening around.

If we consider the visual arts, thencomparison of realism and modernism shows how they differ from each other. In an earlier direction, artists show life as it is. In modernism, what is seen is not described, but the author’s opinion is expressed. Reality is not copied like a photo. Artists use new methods for drawing pictures: various shapes, symbols, and so on.

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