/ / Impressionism in the literature

Impressionism in the literature

Impressionism in the literature had enougha lot of weight, and its most powerful influence was traced already from the end of the XIX century. It is worth noting that not only literature has learned what Impressionism is, but also other areas of art, for example, painting. However, let us return to the sphere under consideration. Impressionism in literature was absolutely not a completely homogeneous phenomenon, which was typical of many currents. On the contrary, the impressionistic elements began to be actively traced among writers who had previously worked in different trends and in different directions, namely: realism, naturalism, symbolism and neo-romanticism. With all this, it is worth paying attention to the fact that for national literatures such differences were also characteristic, in particular, for Russian, French and German.

For research scientists a great difficulty in terms ofstudy is precisely the synthesis of elements that were embodied in impressionism. By the way, it was this topic that was devoted to a huge number of works on the poetics of this direction. For example, one of the most powerful works is the monography "Impressionism", where the notorious L. Andreev reveals the features of the artistic image of the Symbolists. Do not overlook the merit of other authors, for example, J. Revald and R. Collingwood, who devoted many pages to the development of this direction.

By the way, we should immediately give a concise interpretationthis term. Impressionism - this is a special direction, which originates in the 19th century in France; was based on the reality and variability of the surrounding world. Actually, this world and tried to fix the artists brush and words.

Over time, impressionism in literature has become moreclear, bright. More and more attention was paid to it by domestic researchers who were looking for notes of this direction in the lyrics of Anton Chekhov and Athanasius Fet. Ivan Bunin also became a prominent representative. In general, the Silver Age of Russian literature was a discovery in terms of impressionism. The same can be said about the literary creativity of the authors of Ukraine, where the close attention was paid to the works of P. Yarchuk. However, all these steps were taken to solve the main literary task - to study impressionism in all aspects, and this all required, and now requires special research.

Impressionism in literature introduced a keychange - he completely reformed the concept of "plot". The entire construction was based not on any general impressions, but on a specific perception, experience of one or another moment, a special lyrical impression. Because of this, it was the plot that was no longer a situation, it was a sea of ​​nuances and sensations that impregnated the creative sketch. By the way, the French poet Mallarme immediately characterized the meaning of the new direction, indicating that everything is based not on the things depicted, but on the effect that they will produce.

The central focus of thoughts and ideas forImpressionists become the poetic world of nature. Plots passed through the disclosure of all natural, unique, natural. Many writers are actively exposed. For example, Guy de Maupassant writes famous masterpieces "Mont Oriol" and "Life", which are based on landscapes in a new manner of image. At the same time, all the impressionistic features are closely intertwined with the realistic plot. The author notes every detail in the change of nature, its colors, emphasizes the role of light. Sometimes the emphasis is on the psychological descriptions, which was reflected earlier in the works of artists.

In the poetic world, impressionism is synthesized withsymbolism, which is completely explained by sensuality, subjective expression, suggestiveness and musicality. However, here it is necessary to emphasize the Baudelaire law of correspondence, which united these two directions. In the poetic world in terms of impressionism, Boris Pasternak, Paul Verdun and Stefan Mallarme, as well as many other remarkable authors of that time, were noted. All visions of their world were based on the creation of a realistic "sensual" landscape. The art of overflows and transitions was perfected, which gave birth to a whole creative method.

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