/ / Henry Ian Cusick: photo of the actor, filmography, interesting facts of life

Henry Ian Cusick: photo of the actor, filmography, interesting facts of life

Henry Ian Cusick - Peruvian-Scottish actororigin, played in films such as "24 hours", "Scandal", "Edge", "Hawaii 5.0". However, fame brought him the role of Desmond Hume in the successful series "Lost", released in 2004.

Henry Ian Cusick photo

Early years and education

Cusick was born in the city of Trujillo (Peru) 49 yearsback in the Peruvian family Esperanza Chavez and a Scot from a Catholic family of Harry Joseph Cusick. When the boy was two years old, the family moved to Madrid (Spain), after a while - to Glasgow (Scotland), and after that - to Trinidad and Tobago, where she lived for about 10 years.

In San Fernando (one of the major citiesisland state) the young man studied at the theater college, after which he and his family again moved to Scotland, in the city of Paisley at the age of fourteen. There, Henry entered the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, after studying in which (2 years) began work in the theater Citizens.

Career, movie roles

Карьеру Генри Йен Кьюсик начал в качестве theater actor on the stage of the Royal National Theater. In one of the first performances, he played a major role in the production of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray", where Hollywood actor Rupert Everett became the partner for Cusick on the stage. Then came the roles of Hamlet and Horner, works in Shakespeare's plays "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Othello". After it was involved in the productions of "Anthony and Cleopatra", "Richard II", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Don Juan", "Macbeth".

In 1995, for the roles of Torquato Tasso and Creon (Oedipus), the actor was awarded the prestigious Ian Charlison Theater Award for outstanding performance by the young actor.

Henry Ian Cusick Movies

Kinololi happened a little later, afterNumerous works on British actor television have been noticed in Hollywood. In 2003, Henry Ian Cusick, whose films began to appear on large screens, played Jesus Christ in The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John. However, until now, as bright as Desmond Hume from the super-popular TV series, Survivor (2005), Cusick has not played. But the actor does not intend to become a hostage of one role. Participation in the filming of the second season brought along with a resounding success a prestigious nomination for an Emmy Award (2006).

After the sensational work "Lost" HenryIan Cusick played in the films: "Half Light" with the participation of Demi Moore, "24 Hours", "Hitman", "Law and Order: Special Group", "Scandal". Not long ago, the actor acted as a director in the film "Dress," which was filmed in Hawaii, and who won the Best Short Film Award at the Honolulu International Film Festival. Currently, Cusick is filmed in the sequel of the series "Hundred", where for several seasons the misanthrope Marcus Kane plays.

Henry Ian Cusick

Personal life

Кьюсик вместе с супругой Энн Вуд воспитывают three sons: Elias (1994), Lucas (1998), Isaiah (2000). Spouses for a long time (since 1992) lived in a civil marriage, and on July 15, 2006, they formalized the relationship. Currently, the family lives in Kailua, Hawaii.

Interesting facts from life

  • Cusick is sports, enjoys surfing, swimming, football, jogging.
  • Fluent in Spanish.
  • Considers that Hawaii is the best place to stay.
  • Perhaps, if it weren't for the meeting with Carlton Cuse,the executive producer of "Lost", in the house of Cusick's friend - Brown Cox, the audience would not have seen him in the role of Hume. As the actor recalled, his candidacy was also chosen because they were looking for a person with Scottish (Irish) roots.
  • The Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow could not be completed - due to problems with the attendance of the actor, they were expelled.

stay alive henry yen cusick

  • Thanks to the convincing game in the movie "Lost" Cusick nominated for an Emmy.
  • Ian admits that he does not like to fly on an airplane.
  • In an interview after the release of "Lost" HenryIan Cusick, whose photo is presented to your attention in the article, stated that if he had not received the role of Desmond Hume, he would have liked to play Ben Linus or John Locke.
  • Cusick is a fan of the Dundee United Scottish Premier League football team.
  • Henry Ian Cusick admits that the most honest and truthful critics are his children, to whose opinion he always listens.
  • The first name of "Henry" the actor tries not to introduce himself, he is more impressed with the second - "Yen".
  • Took part in the voice of a computer game on the TV series "Lost".
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