/ / Matthew MacFayden. Biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of an actor

Matthew MacFayden. Biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of an actor

Matthew MacFayden was born October 17, 1974year in England. From early childhood, the boy began to show love for art. While studying at school, Matthew attended a theater group at the same time. However, we will talk about the most interesting moments from the life of a famous actor further.

Matthew McFuiden

Childhood, youth

Mother Matthew - actress and teacheracting skills. Grandfather - in the past, the head of one of the local theaters. Dad - an employee in the oil business. It was the position of the father that caused permanent family relocations.

The future actor graduated from school in Rutland (county of Lestestershire). Simultaneously with his studies, Matthew attended a theater group. Even then, the teachers foretold a starry future for the young man.

In 1992, after graduation, youngthe man tried to enter the National Youth Theater. Unfortunately, he was not accepted. Matthew did not despair and tried his hand at the Royal Academy of Theater Arts. This time the future actor did it all.

After training

After graduating from the academy, Matthew McFayden becamerapidly gaining prominence in the English theater scene. He perfectly got used to any role and easily coped with the tasks. "The Duchess of Malfi", "School of gossip", "Much Ado About Nothing", "Henry IV" - all these plays were fateful for the artist, because it was with them that he began his creative path.

matthew macfadeden oblonsky


Matthew MacFayden, whose roles are numerous,made his debut in the mini-series "Thunderstorm Pass", which was shown on the channel of the Air Force. The actor played in the film Harton Earnshaw. The painting immediately became one of the most successful at the time. For his role in the series, MacFayden received a BAFTA award in the nomination "Best TV Actor".

Следующая важная роль артиста – в фильме «Бойцы».Here he played a football fan from Scotland named Alan James. The premiere took place on the Air Force channel. This time, MacFayden was awarded the prize of the Royal Television Society in the nomination "Best Actor".

Roles in 2000

Мэтью МакФейден стал получать роли в artistic paintings with enviable regularity. The next important tape for the artist was “Room of Death: the Dark Origin of Sherlock Holmes”. The role of the mysterious tenant failed Matthew more than ever.

In the same year, Matthew was offered a role in a film called “Everything Is Possible, Baby.” Here the actor played the awfully evil and greedy boss Hugh Laurie.

Matthew Macfadeden Roles

The next picture, in which Matthew participated, is Enigma. The role of a military officer named Cave forever deposited in the memory of the actor.

It should be noted that this period has become especially significant for an artist, because the offers to act in film were received constantly.

The most memorable film for Matthew was “The Beautiful Stranger”. It should be said that he played with the idols of his childhood, Michael Gambon and Lindsay Duncan.

McFayden's next role was in a film called “So We Live,” where the actor played the rude and recalcitrant man Felix Carbury.

An important career step

Matthew MacFayden, whose photo is in ourarticle, took part in the film, which became in his career the most significant. This is the role of an intelligence officer for particularly important cases called Tom Quinn in the film "Ghosts." The tape started on the BBC channel and brought Matthew crazy popularity.

Matthew McFuiden filmography

Further shootings

In 2005, Matthew McFayden is shooting anotherdrama - "Pride and Prejudice." The actor, according to many critics, was able to clearly transfer the hero described in the book to the screens. His Mr. Darcy conquered the audience with his nobility and humanity.

Matthew's next picture was a thriller"Provocateur". Then there were roles in the drama Frost vs. Nixon, as well as Breakfast with David Frost. In all the paintings, MacFayden proved that acting is what he lives for.


In 2010, Matthew McFayden plays in the films “Robin Hood”, “The Project”, and also participates in the TV series “The Pillars of the Earth”.

In 2011, the actor plays the role of Athos in the adventure drama of Paul William Scott Anderson “The Musketeers”.

In the same year he is offered to play in the film"Anna Karenina". What role does Matthew McFayden play in this film? Oblonsky - his character. It should be noted that it was the performance of this role that made the actor harder than all the previous ones.

Matthew McFuiden photo

Next, Matthew was featured in the Ben Hopkins film Epic. The premiere of the painting took place in 2014.

Personal life of the actor

2003 is a period of love for Matthew.With his wife, the actor met on the set of the film "Ghosts". Keely Howes immediately attracted the talented Matthew. Without thinking twice, he began to look after her. The girl did not particularly resist and immediately reciprocated. Six months later, young people announced the upcoming wedding. But the celebration did not have time to take place, since the girl became pregnant. Only after the birth of their daughters Matthew and Kili decided to play the wedding. The celebration took place in a quiet family setting. In 2006, Kiely again told her spouse that she was pregnant. This time a boy named Ralph was born.

Interesting facts from life

Далее мы расскажем о нескольких фактах, которые probably will be of interest to fans of Matthew McFayden. For example, few people know that the actor is a big fan of the works of John Le Carré. He never doubted for a second that he would be able to play an agent of the intelligence service, since his old friend was spying on England.

It is also interesting that during the filming of the film “Fighters” the actor took part in military training.

It should be said that Matthew is a true culinary fan. Therefore, whenever possible, he cooks for his family himself. As the actor says, it calms him down.

Matthew McFayden's filmography is multifaceted. He is a truly talented actor. So we wish him in the future more new roles.

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