/ / Character Lord Beilish ("The Game of Thrones")

Character of Lord Baileish ("The Game of Thrones")

Lord Baileish is a character you do not needto present to devoted fans of the popular series "The Game of Thrones". The royal treasurer Petir is a charming man, sweet-spoken and cynical, endowed with an excellent sense of humor. The goals with which he is guided in his intrigues are still unknown to the audience, which makes the hero even more interesting and mysterious. What is known about the character and the person who embodied this image?

Lord Baileish: Origin

Petir is a man of low birth; about such,as he, it is customary to say "from mud to riches". His great-grandfather appeared in the Valley Aren as a hired soldier, entered the service of one of the local lords. The grandfather of Baileish managed to achieve knighthood, his father became a lord at all thanks to the valor shown during the war, but his property was only a tiny plot.

lord bailish

Lord Baileish inherited his father's house and severalacres of barren land. Much more valuable for him was that thanks to the friendly relations of his parent with the mighty Lord Riverrand, Petir was able to become a pupil of the latter and grew up in his house.


Lord Baileish appears in the first season of the series"Game of Thrones", already becoming an adult male. Little is known about his childhood and adolescence. As a teenager, he fell in love with one of the daughters of Lord Hoster, who took him to his place as a pupil. However, Katilin Tully did not respond to Petar, she treated him more like a brother. But her younger sister was in love with someone who later had to become a royal treasurer. It is also known that as a child, the boy earned the nickname "Little finger", because he was not very tall.

lord bailish actor

When Hoster Talley announced his engagementdaughter Keitilin with Brandon Stark, Petir could not reconcile that the beloved girl will not get him. Lord Baileish called the opponent to a duel, but he was much stronger than him. The little finger could not win, moreover, was seriously injured. Immediately after the recovery of the young man, Lord Hoster, who did not like his act, sent him away from his castle.

When the rebellion of Robert Baratheon ended itvictory, Lord Baileish received from the newly-made king the seat of a customs official. A few years later, Mizinets' outstanding abilities and the help of Liza Tully, still in love with him, helped him to become a treasurer and become a member of the royal council.

Events of the series

A clever schemer - this appears before the audiencealready in the first season, Lord Baileish. The biography of the character shows that he is the person who sparked a conflict between the two great houses of Västerås. The actions of Petir led to the outbreak of war, which affected almost the entire kingdom. His unexpected betrayal was worth the life of one of the protagonists of the series. Eddard Stark believed that Mizinets intended to help him transfer the throne of the deceased king to his rightful heir. However, he, pretending to be a friend, in fact united with the enemies of Stark, as a result, he was executed.

lord bailish actor photo

At the beginning of the series, Lord Baileish is a royaltreasurer, is in the council and owns a network of elite brothels, which bring him a good profit. However, for fulfilling the orders of representatives of the Lannister house, who were in power, he is awarded the title of Lord Harrenhall, who allows him to enter into a profitable marriage. Petir marries Lisa Tally, who has dreamed of this since the first meeting, but family life does not last long. The little finger kills his wife, imagining her death as suicide, then becomes the lord-protector of Valley Aren and the guardian of the underage son of Lisa Robert.

Relations with Sansa

Sansa is the daughter of Katilin Tally, who onceHe was in love with Mizinets, and Eddard Stark, who died due to the fault of Petir, and also the niece of his wife Liza. Viewers of the series "The Game of Thrones" can not understand to the end what feelings Baileish cherishes for this girl. He constantly mentions how much young Lady Stark is like a mother who was his only love. However, at the same time he constantly uses Sanz in his intrigues.

lord beylish and sansa stark

Lord Baileysh and Sansa Stark leave togetherRoyal Harbor after the assassination of King Joffrey, organized by the Pinky himself. For some time, the “niece” remains in the Aren Valley with him, then he arranges her marriage with Ramsey Bolton, whose father treacherously killed Brother Sansy. As the audience later found out, this marriage was necessary for Petyr in order to embroil the Bolton family with the rulers of Westeros and, as a result, to seize their lands.


A psychopath impersonating a normal person- This seems to many viewers of the series Lord Belylish. Actor Aidan Gillen, who played this character, in creating the image was based on a real prototype, which for him was Peter Mandelson (a politician with a scandalous reputation).

lord beylish actor name

Little finger - a man not familiar with remorseconscience, he is also not able to feel a sense of pity for other people, whom he sacrifices to his thirst for power. He is the organizer of several cold-blooded murders with which no one binds him. He cleverly manipulates people, pushing them to acts beneficial to him, easily achieves his own goals. He has no enemies, he does not allow himself emotional attachments since Catelyn Talley rejected his love.

From other criminals who are abundantare present in the game "Game of Thrones", Lord Baishis helps to distinguish the presence of motive. He does not kill because of overwhelming emotions, fear for his life or orders of other people. He has a goal that is only to be unraveled by the audience.

Character's future

The plot of the series "Game of Thrones" is borrowed fromSaga "Song of Ice and Flame", written by George Martin. Currently, only five books of the planned seven are available to readers, the sixth is expected in the next few months. Therefore, no one knows what end awaits such a charismatic character with many admirers like Lord Belylish. The actor, whose name is Aidan Gillen, also does not know what the TV project writers and the writer will do with his hero.

lord beylish biography

In the first three episodes of the sixth season of Game of Thrones, the Little Finger is absent, its appearance is expected in the fourth episode. It promises to be enchanting.


The audience of the series, not reading books, can hardlyunderstand what earned him the nickname little finger lord belylish. The actor, whose photo is present in the article, has an average height (178 cm). The appearance of the Irishman who played the royal treasurer, in general, corresponds to the description that is offered in the song “Song of Ice and Flame”.

lord beylish biography with photo

The character has a lean physiquedark hair, in which, despite the youth of the man, rare silver threads had already appeared. He has attentive gray-green eyes, a neatly trimmed beard. By nature, the treasurer Petyr is endowed with a rare charm that helps him to subordinate people to his will.

Biography of Aidan Gillen

Кто же сыграл такого удивительного героя, как lord peter beylish? Actor Aidan Gillen joined the main part of the show in the first season. It is known that his candidacy was approved by George Martin himself, who is the creator of the saga. Aidan is an Irishman, was born in Dublin in 1968, his childhood years were also there, about which little is known. The future Little Pink chose the profession as a teenager; he got the first role in the play at the age of 16, having appeared in the production “A Midsummer Night's Dream”.

Когда Эйдана спрашивают, похож ли он на character, which is played in the "Game of Thrones", he responds negatively. This is true, because Gillen is not a “lonely wolf,” as Lord Belylish is. His chosen one was a girl named Olivia, not related to the world of cinema and theater. He married her in 2001 after a long affair. The family nest is located in Ireland, where Aidan and Olivia raise two sons. Interestingly, the wedding they played after the birth of children. If you believe the words of Gillen, he hopes that his sons will not follow in his father’s footsteps and will not become actors.

Creative achievements

Aidan Gillen owes his popularity not onlyTV project "Game of Thrones", they played other famous roles. The most Irish actor remembered by the audience as Tommy Carsetti, one of the most charismatic characters in the TV series “The Wire”. His hero is an ambitious politician, tagging for the position of mayor of Baltimore. Initially, the character has certain principles, but as events unfold, he is more and more willing to go to the head in order to achieve his goal. Gillen was perfectly able to show how a good person gradually becomes a victim of his own ambition, which he is unable to fight.

Participation was not left unattendedIrish actor in the popular show "Close Friends", in which he talentedly played Stuart Alan Johnson. Aidan is also shot in the films, the most famous of which are: “The Dark Knight: Revival of the Legend,” “The Circle of Friends,” “The Shanghai Knights,” “Golgotha.” In 2016, fans will be able to see their favorite actor in the new series “Quantum Rift”, as well as in the film project “Sing Street”.

These are the most interesting facts about such a wonderful character, as Lord Belylish (biography with photos is in the article).

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