/ / Lelya - full name, his story and "Deffchonki"

Lelya - full name, his story and "Deffchonki"

Lelya, the full name for many still remainsthe subject of a dispute, in fact, such a gentle and affectionate that you want to call your newborn daughter. Beautiful female representatives already awaken interest in themselves beforehand, when they say their names. The mystery of the name is contained in the appearance, the number of letters and syllables. It turns out that all this predetermines the character, habits and even the fate of the person to whom this name will belong.

full name

Mystery of origin

Laskatelnaya Lelya - the full name of Olga, itof Slavic origin, means "holy." According to mythology, the so-called goddess of spring, the daughter of the most beautiful celestial, the symbol of love and fertility of Lada. She had the image of a young, attractive and slender girl, reaching the age when she can get married. This goddess is firmly connected with the spring revival of nature and the beginning of field work.

How else can I decipher?

Lelia, whose full name may still be Lyudmilaor Elena, independent from the very childhood, serious in relation to life, cheerful in communicating with friends. She is very fond of coziness and pets, extremely touchy and does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. In controversial situations, Lelya prefers to seek a compromise, using a soft approach to reach agreement. If the dispute can not be settled, she will always move aside.

llya from deferchonok full name

The series "Deffchonki"

Perhaps the most famous owner of thisname - Lelya from the "Deffchonok". Well-groomed and incredibly beautiful heroine of the popular youth series somehow graduated from school and refused subsequent training at the university. Such a charming and amazing girl of knowledge, in fact, and to nothing - to achieve success, she was used to her appearance.

The main thing in life is Leli

Lelya from the "Deffchonok", whose full name is OlgaRzhevskaya, pursues only one single goal in her life - to meet and rack up the most rich and beautiful oligarch. Once she had already coped well with the role of the wife-kept woman, but so the circumstances developed that now she has to live in an apartment with three girlfriends. However, Lelya, whose full name is already known, continues to live with a glamor and breadth from habit.

lelja from деffчонок
Despite almost total absenceintellect, it has an amazing taste and style. She knows everything about cosmetics, fashion, discounts and sales. She easily manages to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, in many matters, her neighbors are consulted with her about the apartment.

A little about the actress

The role of a charming blonde performed beautifullya young actress Polina Maksimova, a graduate of the famous Theater School. Shchepkina. She is always energetic, full of strength and never sad - an optimist of clean water!


Here such, it appears, happens Lelya -versatile, open and direct. In any case, thinking about how to name your child, think several times, because this largely depends on how happy he will be in the future. Do not forget that the name affects the attitude of others to its owner, so, trying to highlight your child, do not overdo it.

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