/ / Played in the film adaptation of the tale of Carroll actors. "Alice in Wonderland" - a terrific fantasy, filled with secret meaning

Played in the film adaptations of Carroll's tales, actors. "Alice in Wonderland" - an amazing fantasy filled with secret meaning

Few people know that July 4 is celebrating itsAlice's birthday is the heroine of the fairy tales of Lewis Carroll. It was on this day that the British mathematician came up with entertaining stories about the amazing adventures of a little girl.

The works turned out to be so excitingthat they were truly loved not only by children, but also by adults who considered that with the beginning of the era of cinema, Alice’s magical adventures, which had rejected the established norms of society, must be realized.

There are 20 screen versions of Carroll’s fantasy, including animated films.

First screen versions

1903 marked the first black and white version.fairy tales that lasted about 10 minutes. The British silent film miraculously reached our days, surprising the descendants with a certain similarity of special effects, showing the growth and decrease of Alice, who fell into a fairy tale.

Alice in Wonderland

Thirty years later, an American director,who dreamed about the film adaptation of Carroll’s beloved creation, he spent 5 months looking for a girl to play the role of the main character. He carefully approached the choice of candidates, offering famous black-and-white movie people to play in a magical film for children, and truly star actors played in this tape. “Alice in Wonderland”, despite the unique artistic composition, fell through at the box office, as the viewer, unfortunately, did not appreciate the thick layer of makeup and costumes that seemed cumbersome.


We will not take into account the animatedtapes and erotic films based on Alice's adventures. Let us dwell on the interesting and unusual in the presentation of film versions, and here we can not fail to mention the most terrible picture in which the eerie kind of actors played. "Alice in Wonderland" was a real phantasmagoria, in which the insane heroine fell into hell, not a fairy tale.

Alice in Wonderland Actors

TV series

In 2009, the TV screen is not a familiar film about the adventures of a curious girl, but an entire mini-series about the life of an adult heroine - a sexy brunette.

Актеры фильма «Алиса в стране чудес» предстали in front of the viewer in a slightly different form from the usual image. The girl who came to the magical country, meets with the Hatter, helping the resistance movement, and all the people in the series were like oysters.

The latest tape about the adventures of Alice

Однако самой захватывающей лентой с удивительными Visual effects were the latest film adaptation of Carroll in 2010 by Tim Burton. The director turned the 19-year-old Alice into a real liberator from the dictatorship of the cruel Red Queen.

In the Burton film about the adventures of a girl,conflicting with society, played awesome actors. "Alice in Wonderland" became a picture filled with secret signs, the meaning of which was readily guessed by the audience.

Fairy Tale Interpretation

This tape was a real breakthrough inthe career of Mia Vasikovskaya - an Australian actress, Alice’s stunningly rebellious character. For a girl, the fairy tale in which she fell is her inner world, and, fighting with the evil queen, she defeats herself.

actors film alice in wonderland

Безумного Шляпника сыграл прекрасный мастер the reincarnation of Johnny Depp, whose game Tim appreciates incredibly, and this tape was the 7th joint work of a talented director and an outstanding actor. Particular attention is paid to the hat of a madman, with whom he does not part. It embodies the love and the real soul of a man from whom the dragon took away happiness.

It must be said that critics positively ratedthe duet of Vasikovskaya and Depp wrote in reviews that the actors showed their full acting potential in this tape. “Alice in Wonderland” appeared before the audience as a Gothic tale with a lot of hints, but without moralizing, and this was what her special charm was about.

Two queens

Burton's ex-wife - Helena Bonham Carter -literally got used to the formidable ruler. The director saw her with a disproportionately large head, symbolizing the queen's excessive selfishness, and the actress meekly accepted all the mockery of her appearance.

actors film alice in wonderland

But on the way the charming Anne Hathaway, who avoided computer processing, worked make-up artists who turned the White Queen into a bright blonde with monstrous makeup.

Tale continuation

A peculiar vision of the fairy tale director reflectedeven in the smallest detail, and many rightly considered the Burton film a special interpretation of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland." The actors successfully conveyed a visual representation of the phantasmagoria built according to the laws of sleep, which is very difficult to translate into other languages.

Film filled with deep inner meaningthe audience liked it so much that the director promised to release in 2016 the continuation of the exciting adventures of Alice. Looking forward to the new fantasy Burton!

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