/ / "Surreal" - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and examples

"Surreal" - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Let's talk about the fashionable word, which is familiar to many, but there is no clear understanding of what it means. Attention is paid to the adjective "surrealistic." It will be interesting, at least.

Surrealism is ...

Entertaining and bold movement of the early 20s20th century. The founder is considered Andre Breton (1896-1966). It was from his pen in 1924 that the first manifesto of surrealism came out. The basic concept of the teaching is “surreal”, that is, if you translate literally from French, “super- and nadreality”. The figures of the movement wanted to rejuvenate the old woman-reality, filling it with new meanings. The main principle of the direction is a mixture of reality and dream reality. Two opposing entities were connected in bizarre collages quite as it usually happens in a dream, or by moving non-artistic, everyday objects into an artistic environment, thus art was created. This technology is called the overhead phrase ready-made.

No wonder that the representatives of the movement wantedfreedom and revolution, but above all - the restructuring of consciousness, rightly believing it was precisely its beginning of all changes. What is the point of putting a person in the new conditions of being, if he is still not mentally ready for this? That's right, no! In order to fully understand what surreal means, it is necessary to penetrate deeper into the ideas of the movement itself. Consider the last at least a little.

surreal it

Ideological basis and main themes

Surrealists, not hesitating, experimented:they worked under hypnosis, alcohol and drug addiction, starved themselves - and all this only to disperse their own unconscious. The term of Freud is not accidental here, since it was his ideas that inspired the surrealists, but not all. For example, Rene Magritte was calm about the doctrine of the unconscious. By the way, his picture is on the first photo. The reader probably knows it.

Surrealists were primarily interested in magic,erotica, subconscious. From this listing is already breathtaking. It is therefore not surprising that surrealism has remained in culture and language. The reader probably already thought that we had forgotten why we gathered here at all. But no, we remember: we are expected to explain the adjective "surreal." This is not a problem, because we already know the main content of the teaching, from which it came. Everything is very simple. Surreal - not related to reality, at least to the one that everyone is used to. This is reality, different, different, saturated.

surreal impression


Replacement words are especially useful here.Sometimes, of course, this subsection seems to be a formality, but not now, when such a complex concept is considered. Synonyms are really necessary. So, here they are:

  • absurd;
  • magic;
  • magical;
  • unrealistic;
  • dreamlike.

Unfortunately, to give an unequivocal interpretationthe adjective “surrealistic” is sometimes a difficult task. But usually people use it in the sense of "absurd." Hardly anyone climbs into the dictionaries and reads about the history of the movement, which was founded by Andre Breton. Although we do not exclude that there may be such people. Then the latter use the term with full understanding.

Route 60 (2002)

The film was released a long time ago, 15 years have passed since then.But in the space of culture, time no longer has such a meaning. The most interesting remains, and the checkpoint disappears and falls out of human use and disappears from memory. But "Route 60" continue to watch. And not least because the adjective “surreal” applies to the film. This will become obvious if you turn to the material again, or enjoy the motion picture for the first time.

And even the main character, Neil Oliver, saysthe word "sur", when being interviewed for admission to "work". And this is an obvious reference to our current topic. And here we need to return to the fact that “surrealism”, as a concept and a certain feeling of being, is in fact unparalleled. Yes, people say “sur” when the absurdity of existence becomes apparent to them, but still philosophical absurdism (A. Camus, L. Shestov) or literary (D. Harms) has little to do with genuine surrealism.

Что стоит добавить?The phrase "surreal impression" is closer, rather, to a magical sensation. But there are no canons here. Now the reader knows the history of the movement and its main ideas and can perfectly understand what surrealism is. True learning of some knowledge is not so easy, because they are complex in themselves.

what does surreal mean

"Alice in Wonderland"

By the way, speaking of dream reality, no wayYou can not forget the wonderful work of Lewis Carroll. “Alice in Wonderland” is surrealism before its official recognition. Why? All features on the face. Is that eroticism in the composition there is no. But, we must understand that, firstly, it is the Victorian era, and secondly, it is still a fairy tale for children. Although the initial addressee, that is, the child, will understand little of it. Rather, the entire depth of the author’s mockery of reality is not available to him. Surreal prose impression captured without difficulty. Probably Lewis Carroll was the forerunner of surrealism, one way or another. But we agree that putting a story’s action into a dream is a convenient device. If there is criticism, you can always say: "This is a dream, only a dream." What then may be the claim to the author? True, in the Soviet Union the trick did not always work.

what does surreal mean

So, we understood what surreal means.It cannot be said that the adjective is claimed by the broad masses, but sometimes it is used. There is one more white spot in the problematic: can a nightmare be surreal? However, we deliberately leave this question unanswered so that the reader has something to think about in the cold summer of 2017.

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