/ / The film "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors": Actors, Roles, Story, Reviews

The film "Kingdom of crooked mirrors": actors, roles, plot, reviews

В сказке «Королевство кривых зеркал» актеры telling the young viewer the fascinating story of two girls who have fallen into a world where "the opposite is true." In this picture of Alexander Row many stars of the Soviet cinema have acted. Who can be seen on the screen when watching a movie?

The creators of the film

In the picture “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” the actors were selected under the close supervision of the director of the fairy tale - Alexander Row.

Alexander Row - the magician who gaveSoviet children have many good films: “Frost”, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, “Marya the Skillful woman”. The director shot only fairy tales and did it so well that even adults were happy to watch his creations.

Scenario for the "Kingdom of crooked mirrors" wroteVitaly Gubarev and Lev Arkadyev. At the time, Gubarev also worked on the adaptation of the fairy tale "In the Far East Kingdom". Arkadyev was not only a screenwriter, but also a professional writer, as well as a journalist.

The music for the fairy tale was written by Arkady Filippenko, who by that time already had experience working with Row during the production of the fairy tale "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka".

Filming took place in the Crimea near Yalta.

Short story

In the film "The Kingdom of Curved Mirrors" actorsthey tell the story of a girl Olya, who by the will of fate enters the fairy-tale Kingdom of crooked mirrors and meets her twin Yalo. That fully reflects not only the appearance of Oli, but also her character. Soon the girl learns that everything in this new world seems to have been passed through a crooked mirror: common nouns, concepts of justice, honor and friendship.

Olya and Yalo decide to fight with what they seeinjustice. They are trying to overthrow the power and greedy ministers, and most importantly, the stupid king of the kingdom, Jagupop, the 77th. The ministers of Jagupop deceive not only their subordinates and subordinate citizens, but also the king himself. In the struggle for power, they are ready to do much. Therefore, Ole and Yalo is not difficult to cope with them: the villains die in a bitter struggle with each other for power. Olya says goodbye to Yalo and returns home with complete triumph.

Judging by the reviews, the picture entirely captures the attention of young viewers, watching the interesting adventures of the characters, the guys learn goodness and justice.

The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors: Actors. Yukina Twins

The role of Olya and her copies of Yalo are performed by real twin sisters.

Olga Yukina
Olga Yukina, respectively, played Olya -a restless third-grader girl who got out of hand, doesn’t listen to her grandmother at all and is very picky. When she enters the Kingdom of crooked mirrors, she encounters there like two drops of water on herself resembling Yalo.

At first glance, Yalo played by TatyanaYukina, absolutely the same as Olya. But when the crucial moments come, Yalo doesn’t show herself from the best side and shows Olya how unbearable she can be in ordinary life. Nevertheless, the main characters are kind and selfless: they save Gurd's mirror man, deal with the villains and successfully return home.

After filming in a fairy tale, Olga Yukina and her sister appeared once more in the episode of the fairy tale “Frost”. On this their kinokarera ended.

Tatyana Yukina and her twin, Olga, worked for almost their entire lives at Intourist. Unfortunately, none of the girls did not enter the acting department.

Tatyana Barysheva as a grandmother

The role of the kind and caring grandmother of the girl Olya was played by T. Barysheva.

Tatyana Barysheva
Tatiana Barysheva was almost at the originsSoviet cinema - her first appearance in the film dates back to 1925. But the actress almost can not boast the main roles. Baryshev can be safely called the queen of the episode.

The first more or less prominent role of the artist wasthe role of the dentist in the comedy "Comedy". The film was shot in 1939 by Tatyana Lukashevich and in fact became a picture of one actress - the brilliant Faina Ranevskaya. Until now, her heroine’s phrase is used in everyday life: “Mule, do not make me nervous!”

Baryshev can also be seen in the children's film “First Grader”, where she plays the grandmother of the main character again, and in the comedy “Welcome, or No Trespassing”.

A. Stapran as Gurd

Andrei Stapran in the tale of Alexander Roe embodiedon the screen is an image of a brave and courageous Gurd (which means “friend” when translated into “human” language). Gourd is a mirror man who refused to make false curved mirrors. For this, the ministers of Jagupop on the 77th imprisoned the boy in the tower. In the final of the fairy tale, Ole and Yalo manage to rescue the boy.

Andrei Staprana, like the Yukin sisters, has not developed an acting career. He appeared in the cinema only two times: in the "King of crooked mirrors" and in "Frost."

After school, the young man decided to enter the directing department of VGIK, which he succeeded. Subsequently Stapran made a number of popular science and documentary films.

A. Kubatsky as Jagupop 77th

Special charm possessed character Yagupop 77th inperformed by Anatoly Kubatsky. The actor managed to convey the verbiage and pomposity of his character so accurately that it was impossible to not laugh at his stupidity.

Andrei Stapran

Kubatsky, like Baryshev, was an actor of the old school. He began his film career in 1928 and was not spoiled by leading roles. But Anatoly did not complain and very successfully continued to act in episodes.

Most often it can be seen in the tales of AlexanderRow: in the “New Adventures of the Cat in the Boots” he plays the King of the Dull, in the “Marya the Master” of Vodokrut XIII, in the “Evenings on the Farm near Dikanka” kuma Panas, and in “Frost” Kubatsky played the ataman of the robbers.

But there were other pictures in the actor's filmography:for example, in the comedy “Duenya” with Tatiana Vasilyeva in the main role, he played the abbot Pablo, and in the drama “Anna Karenina” directed by Zarkhi - valet Matvey.

A. Tsinman in the role of Abazh

Arkady Tsinman in the tale of Rowe appeared in the imagethe nasty, green Major Minister Abazh. As befits a toad, Abazh is a slippery type who only dreams of appropriating power in the kingdom. At first he conspires with Anidag and Nushrok to overthrow Jagupop, but then tries to eliminate even his accomplices as unnecessary competitors.

Arkady Cinman

Arkady Tsinman began his career infilm industry projectionist. A little later he graduated from the studio at the Moscow Art Theater Theater and in 1944 began to act in films, making his debut in the military drama “Sky of Moscow”. Tsinman for his entire long career has not played a single leading role. But the artist often collaborated with Alexander Row: Arkady Mikhailovich appeared at once in three of his fairy tales - "Barbara Beauty, the Long Spit", "Fire, Water and Copper Pipes" and "The Kingdom of Curved Mirrors". Tsinman's latest film role was an episode in the Soviet-Italian film “Life is Beautiful.”

A. Veit as Nushrok

With the greatest difficulty in the process of filmingI had to face Andrei Feit, who played the role of Nushrok. At that time, the actor was about sixty years old; nevertheless, in the frame, he had to race at full speed on a horse over rough terrain, and at the end of the way to fly over the horse. With a gallop, Fite did it on his own, but the final stunt had to be performed by the stuntman.

george millyar

The actor had a very colorful appearanceespecially in his younger years: black hair, prominent cheekbones, aquiline nose. Therefore, he often got the role of characters with negative charisma: the Germans, Basmachs, robbers. It is noteworthy that the center characters began to be offered to Veit already in old age: at the age of 63 he played the Maghribince in the fairy tale “The Magic Lamp of Aladdin”, and at 69 he played Ignatius Lyakhovsky in Privalovsky Millions. Next was the role of the master Bolotnikov in the potter's melodrama, and a few years later the actor was gone.

Other performers of roles

Not at this time without a star of allSoviet fairy tales: the actor George Millyar played three roles in the “Kingdom of crooked mirrors” - the Most High Master Master, widowed queen and carter. Milliard starred in absolutely all the tales of Row: mostly the actor played Baba Yaga, but in his piggy bank also played the roles of the devil, the King of Peas, the royal sleeping bag of Chihir and many other characters.

Tatyana Yukina

The role of the beautiful, but vile Anidag went to Lydia Vertinskaya, which can also be seen in the fairy tales "Sadko", "The New Adventures of Kota in Boots" and in the drama "Don Quixote".

The role of Bara (slave) was played by Ivan Kuznetsov, who is known for the role of Shcherbina in the film “The Sky of Moscow” and the role of Kondrat in the film “The Army“ Wagtails ”.

kingdom of crooked mirrors
Not to mention another master of the episode - Tamara Nosov. The actress brilliantly played in many Soviet films: "Carnival Night", "The Marriage of Balzaminov", "Hello, I am your aunt."

Also in the frame you can see Pavel Pavlenko(“Morozko”), Alexandra Khvylyu (“Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”), Valentina Bryleeva (“Earthly Love”), Alexandra Aleshin (“Treasure Island”), Vyacheslav Gostinsky (“Free Passenger”) and Altai Vera (“Marya scrubber ").

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