/ / Review of the car "Lada-Largus" (van)

Overview of the car "Lada-Largus" (van)

The Volga Automobile Plant continuesto advertise its novelty under the name "Lada-Largus" (van). The debut of this car took place a year ago, but that's not affected the popularity of the car. "Lada-Largus" still beats demand records on the Russian market. In Ukraine, this car is also respected. But why did he get such a confession? Let's figure it out.

lergus van

As you know, about the WHA motorists suckedmany jokes. And the fact that this "bucket with bolts", and "tarantas", and much more. But about this novelty you can not say either one or the other. In fact, "Lada-Largus" (van in particular) is the highest-quality car so far among the entire line of the domestic automotive industry. Go a thousand miles without a single breakdown - it does not matter! With this task, the car "Lada-Largus" will cope easily. But it was not without the hands of French engineers. They made this machine reliable, taking as a basis the platform with the Romanian "Dachi-Logan".

The design of the car reminds of some kind of workinghorseshoe - slanting headlights of the main light, rectangular bumper and straight lines. The car seems to say: "I'm ready to go!" Despite this working appearance, the novelty copes well with the function of the minivan. If you mount the seats in the car "Lada-Largus" (van) (the dimensions of the trunk can accommodate up to 6 seats), then the car will turn into a real "minibus", and the comfort in the cabin will be at an altitude.

technical characteristics of the ladus lergus van

Everything is quiet inside, not a single hint of noise."Is this really a VAZ?" - you ask with surprise. Yes, indeed, these are the products of the Volzhsky plant, oddly enough. Good noise insulation was also created with the help of French colleagues. The level of ergonomics and interior design as for the "budgetary" deserves a solid five.

Specifications "Lada-Largus" (van)has very attractive. The maximum speed of the novelty, according to domestic engineers, is about 180 km / h. Of course, this speed will not be accelerated on our roads, but also at a mark of 90 km / h the car feels well on the track. Inside, again, the sound of the motor is not audible, the creak of various details is not observed. Maneuverability of the car, in terms of experts, the novelty is also on top.

Perhaps the only drawback of this van- this is a suspension. The car will go gently only when about 4 quintals of ballast is placed in its cargo edema. If the car goes empty, then on the pits of the driver will be strongly shaken. But nevertheless, this defect can be forgiven, especially as the engine and the box are executed quite qualitatively, and the seats have well-defined side support rollers.

luggus van luggage compartment dimensions

In conclusion, I want to say that the creation of a newLada-Largus (van) became a new milestone for the Volga plant in the history of development, and if this continues, then perhaps 15 years later the products of the domestic car industry will take the leading positions in the lists of the most reliable cars. But whether this is in reality, as yet is not known, but the fact remains a fact, and this is proved by Lada-Largus. The van became the most reliable car in Russia.

As you can see, the quality and domestic automotive industry are quite compatible concepts!

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