The heroes of the work are typical contemporaries of the author.“Dykanki”: the town governor Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, who takes large bribes and knows everything about everyone; Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, “the one who administers justice” on the basis of personal gain and “twirling with the law like a tongue”; the chronically cowardly superintendent of the Khlopov schools, "foul with bow", who is afraid of the bosses and subordinates; the unscrupulous guardian of the strawberry charitable institutions (in which people in hospitals died like flies); unscrupulous postmaster Shpekin, opening the envelopes and reading the letter "out of curiosity." The whole essence of the activity of the authorities: externally - fussy efforts, deeper - bribery, theft was shown by N. V. Gogol. The Auditor also clearly defines what motivates these people to work together. Everything is extremely simple - the mechanism launched by the mayor’s office is the fear of losing the “place”. After all, everything about everyone is known. Each "sits on his hearth." It is amazing that Anton Antonovich himself (the mayor), transgressing the law more than others, sincerely considers himself a carrier of morality and a believer.
Petty vile official Khlestakov, despisedeven as a servant Osip, by chance, he stopped at a hotel in a provincial town. He goes to Saratov to his father. His career success is not brilliant. The father is obviously going to make the son a “suggestion” and a “reset” of his official career. But the twenty-three-year-old blockhead loses pocket money, remaining "on the beans." At this time, notebook gossipers and talkers, landlords Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, spurred on by an egoistic desire — the first to “calculate” the auditor who had arrived in the city, decide by virtue of their lack of will that Khlestakov is an auditor.
Is “Revizor” modern?Gogol, by the way, has long been familiar to Israeli theatergoers. This success came to the production of the comedy after the localization of the plot and its complete transfer to the soil of the given country. Israeli direction proceeds from the fact that the classical playwright Gogol gave the main thing - the instrument of staging the play, but modern mayor's office, judges, and trustees of institutions are much more sophisticated than the ones originally shown by the writer. Therefore, the statement was made in modern spoken language, using slang. Success exceeded all expectations. The internal potential inherent in the idea of Gogol allowed the author of the Israeli performance to write the script for the entire series, which also turned out to be in demand.