/ / Chronological table of Gogol. Life and work of the Russian writer

The chronological table of Gogol. Life and work of the Russian writer

The last years of life of the great Russian prose writer andplaywright Gogol took place in the painful struggle of the artist with an Orthodox thinker. This internal discord served him as the deadly weapon that killed him. However, the importance of his many famous works for Russian literature has become extremely important and profound. A brief chronological table of Gogol contains only dry facts. In fact, Gogol had a lot of incredible events that would make us consider him a great mystic, although in fact he was a real Christian.

The Chronological Table of Gogol

The Chronological Table of Gogol

20.03 (01.04) 1809

In Great Sorochintsy (Poltava province of Myrhorod Uyezd) was born N.V. Gogol.

1818-1819 years.

He and his brother Ivan study in the district school of the city of Poltava


The brother Ivan died.

1820-1821 years.

The writer lives in the Poltava teacher G. Sorochinsky and works hard with him.

1821-1828 years.

Study in the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium.


Gogol's father died (VAGogol-Yanovsky).


After graduation, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. The writer is experiencing a serious shortage of funds. Works under the pseudonym V.Alov and publishes the work "Hans Kühelgarten".


He goes to Germany and creates the work "Italy".


He writes the story "Bisavryuk, or Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala."

1830 - 1931 years.

Approaching with VA. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, which certainly affects his further literary fate.


Gogol creates "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka".


Works as a teacher at the Patriotic Institute.

1834-1835 gg.

Gets the post of adjunct at St. Petersburg University.


He is a member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, which was organized at Moscow University.


Gogol publishes two collections of works "Arabesques" and "Mirgorod", which includes works "Taras Bulba", "Old-World Landlords", "Viy", etc.


The beginning of work on the first volume "Dead Souls".


The comedy "The Inspector General" is finished. His first productions begin in St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters. After Gogol goes abroad (Germany, France, Switzerland and Rome).


Return to Moscow. The publication of the work "Dead Souls" and the story "Overcoat".


Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jerusalem).


Gogol settles in Moscow in the house of his old friend A. Tolstoy.

13.02. 1852

Burning the second book of Dead Souls.

21.02. (4.03.) 1852

The death of Gogol in Moscow. In 1931, the writer was reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

This ends the chronological table of Gogol. In fact, it is worthwhile to carefully study the biography of this great man, she is really very unusual and interesting.

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Gogol's biography: a brief

Gogol was born in an impoverished family of a landownerGogol-Yanovsky. The chronological table of Gogol contained only the most important dates from the writer's biography. And so I want to describe her events in a little more detail.

So, it is in the Nizhyn gymnasium that the future Russian writer begins to display literary, artistic and acting talents.

The dream of becoming a lawyer

However, with all this, Gogol dreamed of becominglawyer, so went to St. Petersburg. Having learned all the bureaucratic life of the capital closer, he did not want to work in justice. Then he tries himself in other fields. He even worked as a history teacher, but literature took upwards, this was facilitated by his acquaintance and cooperation with Pushkin, which had a huge impact on him. Celebrity to Gogol came with the product "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". And then in the drama Gogol will begin to shine thanks to his "Inspector".

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Deadly longing

But because of the caustic satire on him they took up armsliterary critics. Therefore, falling into a deep depression, he was forced to leave Russia and spend abroad for 12 whole years. He visited his homeland very rarely. In Italy, he will write his famous work Dead Souls, which will cause such a big public response, which can not even compare with the comedy The Inspector General.

Gogol died of nervous and physical exhaustion and loss of strength in Moscow at the age of 43 years.

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