Russian playwright A.N.Ostrovsky has become such a brilliant man for the Russian theater, as far as one can imagine. Few people know that the famous art paintings of E.Ryazanov's Cruel Romance, Balzaminov's Marriage by Konstantin Voinov, Russian Money by Igor Maslennikov, etc., were shot from Ostrovsky’s plays. Whatever the play, it is a masterpiece.
The chronological table of Ostrovsky’s life in textual form is as follows.
He was born in Moscow on the Little Ordynka on March 311823 His mother died early and was replaced by a stepmother, who was very successfully engaged in raising orphaned children. His father wanted his son Alexander to become a lawyer.
First, the boy learned in the 1st gymnasium of the capital, then he studied at Moscow University, but because of a quarrel with a teacher he did not finish one course. Then his father arranged for him to serve in court.
Further, the chronological table of Ostrovskyreplenished with very important dates, but more on that later. So, the work in court gave him a rich material for creativity, before him often were completely not fictional stories from the lives of ordinary citizens and people of the nobility and the merchant class. And all this he wrote down. And then Ostrovsky conceives the work “We Will Consider Our People”, which brought him fame. Then there was the delivery of the play "Do not sit in your sleigh." And then, for as long as 30 years, his plays, one after another, were staged on the stage of the St. Petersburg Alexandria and Maly Moscow theaters.
Over time, he began working at the Sovremennik Publishing House, and after a while two volumes of his collected works were published.
But back to the biography of the playwright.His next famous play will be “Thunderstorm”, where the image of Catherine became the prototype of his passion, actress Lyubov Pavlovna Kositskaya. Their relationship was complex, since they both were not free.
Драматург очень много работал, у него всегда была a lot of plans, and his strength was quickly exhausted. By old age, he moved to his estate Shchelykovo (Kostroma). The chronological table of Ostrovsky indicates that he died at the age of 63. He was buried near his father in the village of Nikolo-Berezhki (Kostroma).
03.31.1823 (April 12, 1823) | Born in Moscow. |
1835 - 1840 | He studied at the 1st gymnasium in Moscow. |
1840 | Entered the Moscow University Law Faculty. |
1843 | He interrupted his studies at the university and went to work as a scribe in court. |
1846 | I decided to write a play, "We Will Consider Our People." |
1847 | Posted essay "Notes zamoskvoretsky resident." |
1848 | Moved to Shchelykovo (Kineshma district, Kostroma). |
1849 | Created the debut comedy "His People - Let's Count," which brought him fame. Its first name was Bankrut. |
1850 | Ostrovsky because of this play fell into disgrace to Tsar Nicholas I. He wrote the play "Unexpected Occasion", "Morning of a Young Man." Collaborated with the magazine "Muscovite". |
1851 | Published the play "Poor Bride". |
1855 - 1860 | Close to the revolutionary democrats. He wrote such works as “Profitable Place”, “Pupil”, “Hangover at another Feast”. |
1856 | He worked in the magazine "Contemporary". |
1859 | Published a collection of essays in two volumes. Wrote the work "Thunderstorm." |
1863 | Received the Uvarov Prize. |
1865 | Created an artistic circle - the cradle of theatrical talent. |
1874 | He founded the Society of Russian dramatic writers and opera composers. |
1881 | The debut of the opera "Snow Maiden". |
1885 | He headed the Moscow Theater School and became head of the repertoire of theaters. |
14.06. 1886 | He died on the estate Shchelykovo. |
Уже прошло много времени, но и нашим contemporaries is a great playwright and a writer is very interesting. Ostrovsky’s chronological table is quite interesting and contains many very important dates. After all, he was appreciated and loved by the public, theatrical figures and even kings. Goncharov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Tchaikovsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others were admirers of his talent.
This chronological table of Ostrovskyfairly brief. But the main thing here is that, as a playwright, A. N. Ostrovsky made a great contribution to the development of theatrical art. He created his school with its unique and holistic concept of theatrical production, in which the task was to portray the life situations associated with the life and psychology of a man of his era, which he himself knew well.