Domestic women-directors are very few,but if such a creative personality puts on the brittle shoulders of the production of the series, then from it one should expect a decent result. Moreover, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity by their nature of the person are subtle, gifted with excellent taste. And if the project is based on the work of a woman writer, the author of 40 novels in the genre of action-dramatic prose of Anna Malysheva, then the expediency of the film adaptation and the level of its artistic value can not go.
Therefore, after the release of the rental approval was receivedthe entire film crew of the four-part television movie "The Taste of Murder", whose actors advocated the realism of reincarnation, director Anna Legchilova - for a quality production, and screenwriter Sergei Beloshnikov - for the narrative without sagging.
In 2003, the REN-TV channel submitted to the courtviewer detective story "Taste of Murder," the actors and roles of which are matched with each other with the co-producer Dmitry Lesnevsky. In the picture, the investigation team unsuccessfully tries to investigate the sequence of seemingly unrelated and unmotivated murders. The main character Tatiana, whose husband becomes the first victim of intruders, conducts her own investigation, trying to restore the cause-effect relationship between violent deaths, the sequence of tragic events.
In the process of inquiry, household and economicThe motivation for crimes falls one after another. It becomes clear that the murderer destroys a certain circle of people, and in order to end the bloodshed, it is necessary to determine what unites them, what secret they hide. This intriguing idea was brought to the audience by the actors invited to the production of the series "The Taste of Murder".
In the mini-series "Taste of Murder" actors(performers of the main roles) presented to the audience a whole gallery of characteristic characters. Among them, undoubtedly, the main image of Tatyana stands out. This role was played by the actress Ksenia Alferova - the daughter of the famous I. Alferova, a lawyer by education. However, she was always attracted to the art world, so she got a second education - graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. She made her debut in the movie "Woman in White". Known for the films and series: "Chasing the Angel", "Captain", "On Guard Angel 2".
It is advisable to note that the actors in the mini-series "The Taste of Murder" acted as male actors, mostly wise with experience: Nikita Salopin, Yevgeny Kosyrev and Igor Romashchenko.