/ / A Brief Biography of Paul McCartney

A Brief Biography of Paul McCartney

One of the greatest musicians of the 20th centuryPaul McCartney is considered. Probably, any person, even far from music, heard the edge of his ear about the Beatles group. This article describes the most significant stages in the life of a musician.

Biography of Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney: A Short Biography

The musician was born on June 18, 1942 in Britain(Allerton, a suburb of Liverpool) in the family of workers. The biography of Paul McCartney is the subject of close attention to the media and music critics. In 1957 he and John Lennon organize the band "The Quarry Men", which in 1960 turns into the legendary "Beatles" team. Liverpool group began to conquer as early as 1961. The team performed several times a week at the "Cavern-club" institution. Next year there is a single of a musical team called "Love Me Do". In the British charts, he took the 17th position. This composition gave a start to the triumphal procession of "Beatles" on the planet.

Paul McCartney biography
Биография Пола Маккартни содержит интересный факт.In 1963 he met with Jane Escher, who dedicated many songs. Their wedding was scheduled for 1968 at Christmas, but soon the musician meets Linda Eastman, who married in 1969.

Biography of the McCartney floor says that his firstsolo album, released in 1979, he played on all instruments. This plate was mixed by superimposing different sound tracks on each other. The album appeared on sale two weeks before the release of the last studio release of the Beatles. Critics noted some incompleteness of the record, which was recorded by Paul McCartney. His biography says that, despite this, the track "Maybe I" m Amazed "had a great international success and partly influenced the formation of the classic" McCartney "standard of the 70's.

In 1971 Paul's next solo album was released"Ram", which was recorded with his wife Linda. None of the compositions from it became completely disastrous. The album was a huge success. In the same year, the musician creates the band "Wings". In addition to himself and Linda, it included Denny Seewell (drummer) and Denny Lane (vocalist, guitarist). The first album was not very successful. In the future, the composition was repeatedly adjusted. Biography of Paul McCartney says that the most famous record of the band "Wings" in the opinion of critics, is "Band On The Run", which was published in 1974.

В 1977 музыкант под псевдонимом Перси Trillington creates an instrumental version of "Ram", and also produces a solo project by D. Lane. The track "Maybe I" m Amazed "in the concert version takes the 10th position in the US hit parade, followed by the successful single" Mull Of Kintyre "with a circulation of more than two million, which was a record for Britain. the same year the track "Seaside Woman" comes out.

Paul McCartney Short Biography
In 1980 on tour in Japan musicianarrested for possession of drugs. Having freed himself on bail, he still conducts a concert tour. Paul McCartney's biography says that in 1981 he received several anonymous messages with threats. In memory of the musician was the tragic fate of Lennon. Paul reacted to threats seriously and refused touring concerts. As a result, this caused the collapse of the "Wings".

In the 1980s, McCartney resumed solo work andwrites a very successful record "Tug Of War". She was particularly successful in the United States. In the 80's, the musician recorded a number of successful compositions. In 1995 he published an anthology "The Beatles", which managed to return interest of listeners to this collective. In 1997, the musician released one of his best solo albums - "Flaming Pie".

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