Одно из самых сложных осознаний для читателей The biographies of great people are the simple fact that they were just human beings. Creativity, the brilliant flight of thought - this is just one of the facets of the personality. Yes, the descendants will see exactly her - but still this is only one and only facet. The rest may be far from ideal. Many unflattering contemporaries wrote about Pushkin, about Lermontov, about Dostoevsky. Marina Tsvetaeva was no exception. The life and work of this poetess were in constant deep inner contradiction.
Tsvetaeva is a radical Muscovite. Precisely here 26.09.1892 she was born. Midnight from Saturday to Sunday, the feast of John the Divine. Tsvetaeva, always anxious about coincidences and dates, especially those who added exotic and dramatic, often noted this fact, saw in him a hidden sign.
The family was quite wealthy.The father is a professor, philologist and art historian. Mother is a pianist, a woman is creative and enthusiastic. She always sought to see the germs of future genius in children, instilled a love of music and art. Noticing that Marina constantly rhymes something, the mother enthusiastically wrote: “Maybe a poet will grow out of her!” Delight, admiration for art — M. Tsvetaeva grew up in such an atmosphere. Creativity, all of her subsequent life bore the imprint of this upbringing.
Tsvetaeva received an excellent education, she knewseveral languages, lived with her mother in Germany, Italy and Switzerland, where she treated for consumption. At the age of 16, she visited Paris to listen to lectures on classic old French literature.
When Marina was 14, her mother died. Father paid a lot of attention to children: Marina,
her two sisters and brother. But he was engaged in the education of children rather than education. Perhaps that is why Tsvetaeva's creativity bears the imprint of early maturity and obvious emotional infantilism.
Many family friends noted that Marina alwayswas an extremely loving and enthusiastic child. Too much emotion, too much passion. Feelings flooded Marina, she could not control them, and did not want to. Nobody taught her this, on the contrary, encouraged her, considering it a sign of creative nature. Marina did not fall in love - she deified the subject of her feelings. And Marina retained this ability to revel in her own feelings, to enjoy them, as a fuel for creativity, forever. Love in the work of Tsvetaeva is always exalted, dramatic, enthusiastic. Not feeling, but admiring them.
Marina began to write poetry early, when she was six years old.Already at 18, she published her own collection — for her own money, wrote an enthusiastic critical article on Bryusov. This was another of its characteristic features - the ability to sincerely admire literary idols. In combination with the undoubted epistolary gift, this feature helped Marina to establish a close acquaintance with many famous poets of the time. She admired not only poems, but also authors, and wrote about her feelings so sincerely that the literary review turned into a declaration of love. Much later, Pasternak's wife, after reading her husband's correspondence with Tsvetaeva, demanded that they immediately stop communicating - the words of the poetess sounded too intimate and passionate.
Но такова была Марина Цветаева.Creativity, emotions, delight and love were life for her, not only in poetry, but also in letters. That was her misfortune - not as a poet, but as a person. She didn't just feel, she was fed by emotions.
The subtle mechanism of her talent worked onlove, happiness and despair, as on fuel, burning them. But for any feelings, for any relationship need at least two. Those who came across Tsvetaeva, who came under the influence of her dazzling, as if Bengal fire, feelings, always in the end became unhappy, no matter how wonderful everything was at first. Tsvetaeva was also unhappy. Life and work in her life intertwined too closely. She hurt people, and she did not realize it. More precisely, considered it natural. Just another sacrifice on the altar of Art.
В 19 лет Цветаева познакомилась с молодым handsome brunette. Sergey Efron was smart, effective, he would give the attention of the ladies. Soon Marina and Sergey became husband and wife. Many of those who knew the poetess noted that the first time of marriage was happy. In 1912 she had a daughter, Ariadne.
But the life and work of M.Tsvetaeva could exist only at the expense of each other. Or life devoured poetry, or poetry - life. The collection of 1913 largely consisted of old poems, and for new ones, passion was needed.
Family happiness Marina lacked. Marital love quickly became boring, Tsvetaeva's creativity required new fuel, new experiences and torments - the more, the better.
It is difficult to say whether this led to actualtreason Marina was fond of, flashing with emotions and writing, writing, writing ... Naturally, the unfortunate Sergey Efron could not help but see it. Marina did not consider it necessary to hide their hobbies. Moreover, the involvement of another person in this emotional whirlwind only added drama, heightened the intensity of passions. This was the world in which Tsvetaeva lived. The themes of the poetess's creativity, her bright, impetuous, passionate sensuality, sounding in verses - these were two parts of one whole.
В 1914 году Цветаева узнала, что любить можно не only men. Sofia Parnok, a talented poetess and a brilliant translator, Russian Sappho, seriously attracted Marina. She left her husband, inspired and fascinated by the sudden kinship of souls that sounded in unison. For two years this strange friendship lasted, full of delight of love and tender adoration. It is quite possible that the connection was indeed platonic. Emotions are what Marina Tsvetaeva needed. The life and work of this poetess are like an endless pursuit of the object of love - for the love itself. Happy or unhappy, reciprocal or unrequited, to a man or a woman is not important. What matters is the ecstasy of feelings. Tsvetaeva wrote poems dedicated to Parnok, which were later included in the collection "Girlfriend".
In 1916, the connection ended, Tsvetaeva returned home. Resigned Efron understood everything and forgiven.
The following year two events take place simultaneously: Sergey Efron goes to the front as part of the White Army, and Marina has a second daughter, Irina.
However, the story of the patriotic impulse of Efronnot so straightforward. Yes, he was also of a noble family, he was a hereditary Narodnaya Volodnik, his convictions fully corresponded to the ideals of the White movement.
But there was one more thing. In the same year of 1914, Tsvetaeva wrote shrill poems dedicated to Sergei's brother, Peter. He was ill - consumption, like that of Tsvetaeva’s mother.
What was supposed to feel Sergey Efron?The man who turned from a husband into an annoying hindrance. The wife is torn between a strange girlfriend and a dying brother, writes passionate poems and shrugs off Efron.
In 1915, Efron decides to becomenurse and go to the front. He goes to the courses, finds work on the sanitary train. What was it? Conscious, dictated by conviction choice or gesture of despair?
Marina suffers and worries, she is torn, notfinds a place. However, the work of Tsvetaeva only benefits from this. Poems dedicated to her husband during this period are among the most piercing and creepy. Despair, longing and love - in these lines a whole world.
The passion, eating away at the soul, spills over into verses, in this is the whole of Tsvetaeva. The biography and work of this poetess form each other, feelings create poems and events, and events create poems and feelings.
When in 1917, Efron, after graduating from the school of ensigns, left for the front, Marina was left alone with two children.
What happened next, Tsvetaeva biographerstry to avoid silence. The youngest daughter of the poetess, Irina, is dying of hunger. Yes, in those years it was not uncommon. But in this case, the situation was extremely strange. Marina herself repeatedly said that she did not like the younger child. Contemporaries claim that she beat the girl, called crazy and stupid. Perhaps the child did have mental abnormalities, and maybe this was the effect of being bullied by the mother.
В 1919 году, когда с продуктами стало совсем bad, Tsvetaeva decides to give the children to a sanatorium, for state support. The poetess never liked to engage in domestic turmoil, they annoyed her, caused anger and despair. Unable to bear the fuss with two sick children, she, in fact, gives them to the shelter. And then, knowing that there is practically no food there, wears only one food - the eldest, the beloved. The unfortunate weakened three-year-old child does not stand deprivation and dies. At the same time, Tsvetaeva herself, obviously, feeds, if not normally, then tolerably. Forces are enough for creativity, for editing already written earlier. Tsvetaeva herself spoke of the tragedy that occurred: there was not enough love for the child. Just not enough love.
That was Marina Tsvetaeva. Creativity, feelings, aspirations of the soul were more important to her than living people nearby. Everyone who was too close to the fire of Tsvetaeva's creativity was singed.
It is said that the poet has become a victim of harassment andrepression, did not stand the test of poverty and deprivation. But in the light of the tragedy of 1920, it is obvious - most of the suffering and agony that fell to Tsvetaeva is her fault. Voluntarily or unwittingly, but her. Tsvetaeva never considered it necessary to keep her feelings and desires in check, she was the creator - and that was all. The whole world served as a workshop for her. It is difficult to expect from the people around Marina that they perceive such an attitude with enthusiasm. Genius is, of course, wonderful. But from the side. Those who believe that close creators should endure indifference, cruelty and narcissism only out of respect for talent, simply did not live in such conditions. And they hardly have the right to judge.
Reading a book with genius poems is one thing.Dying of hunger when mom does not consider it necessary to feed you, simply because she does not love you - is another. Yes, the works of Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva are masterpieces of silver age poetry. But this does not mean that poets were necessarily good people.
With all the features of the character Tsvetaeva, withall her household, practical unsuitability, Efron still loved her. Once after the war in Europe, he called his wife and daughter there. Tsvetaeva went. For some time they lived in Berlin, then for three years - near Prague. There, in the Czech Republic, Tsvetaeva had another affair with Konstantin Rodzevich. Again the fire of passion, again poems. Creativity Tsvetaeva enriched with two new poems.
Biographers justify this fatigue hobbypoetess, her despair and depression. Rodzevich saw a woman in Tsvetaeva, and Marina so yearned for love and admiration. It sounds quite convincing. If you do not think that Tsvetaeva lived in a country that was starving. Tsvetaeva, by her own admission, caused the death of her daughter. Marina repeatedly was fond of other men, and not only men, forgetting about her husband. And after all this, he did his best to help his wife get out of the starving country. I did not leave her - although, of course, I could. Not divorced upon arrival. Not. He gave her shelter, food and the opportunity to live in peace. Of course, what kind of romance is there ... It's boring. Commonplace. Whether it's a new fan.
According to some contemporaries, the son of Tsvetaeva,George - not a child of Efron. It is assumed that the father of the boy could be Rodzevich. But there is no exact information on this. Those who doubted the fatherhood of Efron did not like Marina, considered her an extremely unpleasant, difficult and unprincipled person. And consequently, from all possible explanations, they chose the most unpleasant, discrediting name of the poetess. Did they have reasons for such dislike? Maybe. Should you trust such sources? Not. Prejudice - the enemy of truthfulness.
In addition, not only Rodzevich served as a subjectenthusiasm for Tsvetaeva. It was then that she conducted a scandalous correspondence with Pasternak, which the latter’s wife cut off, finding outrageously frank. Since 1926, Marina writes Rilke, and communication lasts a long time - until the death of the legendary poet.
Life in emigration Tsvetaeva unpleasant.She yearns for Russia, wants to return, complains of disorder and loneliness. Homeland in the works of Tsvetaeva in these years becomes the leading theme. Marina was fascinated by prose, she writes about Voloshin, about Pushkin, about Andrei Bely.
The husband at this time became interested in the ideas of communism, revised his attitude towards the Soviet government and even decided to participate in underground activities.
Not only Marina is ill with homecoming.The daughter, Ariadne, also rushes home — and she is really allowed to enter the USSR. Then he returns to his homeland, Efron, already by that time mixed with political murder in the murder. And in 1939, after 17 years of emigration, Tsvetaeva, finally, also returned. Joy was short lived. In August of the same year, Ariadna was arrested, in November, Sergey. Efron was shot in 1941, Ariadne received 15 years of camps on charges of espionage. Tsvetaeva couldn’t find out anything about their fate - she just hoped that her relatives were still alive.
In 1941, the war began, Marina withsixteen year old son leaves in Elabuga, in evacuation. She has no money, no work, the inspiration left the poetess. Devastated, disappointed, lonely, Tsvetaeva could not stand it and, on August 8, 1941, committed suicide, she hung herself.
She was buried in the local cemetery.The exact resting place of the poetess is unknown — only roughly the area in which there are several graves. A memorable monument was erected there many years later. There is no single point of view regarding the exact burial place of Tsvetaeva.