/ / Alexander Murataev - magical master

Alexander Murataev - magical master

If you have already ceased to believe in fairy tales, then thisdoes not mean that you have grown up. It's just that real miracles have not happened in your life for a long time. Will you say that they do not happen? Drive away the pessimistic thoughts that began to visit your bright head. Miracles were, are and will be! And one of the brightest proofs is the illusionist Alexander Murataev.

Meet: magician and magician!

Alexander Murataev

The conjurer Alexander Murataev permanently resides andCreates in the Northern capital, St. Petersburg. But his shows are famous all over the world. And this is not surprising, because such masters as he, on the whole planet can be counted on the fingers. What is the secret of this amazing talent? The answer, as always, is very simple: we all come from childhood.

Yes, just like the vast majoritythe greatest talents, Alexander Murataev got carried away by tricks even at that nice age, when magic is taken for granted, and in full earnest, when it never occurs to the idea that something can not be. Fortunately, the talented young man managed to keep this feeling, even after growing up. Therefore, today the whole world has the opportunity to dive into the amazing world of illusions of Alexander Muratayev.


The artist is still very young, but, despite this, alreadymanaged to take part in many television shows devoted to magic and magic. One of the most striking was his participation in the popular contest "Surprise me." This TV show channel "TV-3", which was attended by many talented magicians from all corners of our country. But only a few, including Murataev, managed to reach the finals. This, unquestionably, is a huge achievement in the career of such a young artist.

After such a bright debut sharply increased andthe demand for a magician as a great professional in his business. So Alexander became a participant in the projects "Street Magic" (TV channel "Friday") and Magic Comedi ("TNT"). Also, Alexander Murataev successfully tried on the role of presenter in the program "Morning at 5". And of course, he does not do without running his video blog.

What's up!

Alexander Murataev is an illusionist

The foci of Alexander Murataev are differentatmosphere. As a true professional, the artist always cares about every trick, every detail of it, be unique, and most importantly, inexplicable. To create the greatest effect, the conjurer always finds himself in close contact with the viewer, forcing a huge number of people to contemplate absolutely inexplicable phenomena at the same time.

And really, believe in what he doesthis kid, sometimes it's just impossible, the mind refuses to understand what is happening, and the consciousness turns the whole inner world of the one who was lucky enough to be present at the showman's shows!

How can this be?

Special effect is given to completely uniquepsychological experiments of the magician. Witnesses have to face real magic. The master introduces the public into the present state of affect, reads thoughts, controls emotions and desires.

Certainly, such manipulations with consciousnessare capable not only to impress the imagination, but also to introduce an impressionable spectator into a state of genuine horror: "How can this be? This is witchcraft! "However, do not make hasty conclusions. Alexander Murataev is an illusionist from God! It is obvious. And all that he does is brilliant, verified to every smallest detail tricks based on the laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics and psychology.

The foci of Alexander Murataev

Who knows, perhaps, after visiting such a show, someonewill be able to take a fresh look at their problems and fundamentally change attitudes towards life. For most of the show, Alexander Murataev will remain one of the most vivid impressions. One thing is certain: no one will regret what they saw. So, the show should go on!

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