/ / Who is a Jedi? Jedi is ...

Who is a Jedi? The Jedi is ...

«Да пребудет с тобой сила» – эту фразу знают не only avid Star Wars fans. The cult cosmic epic is known throughout the world. And since the release of the very first part of it, millions of children around the world have dreamed of one thing - to become a Jedi.

Jedi is

Origin of the word

Его придумал режиссер саги Джордж Лукас.According to him, as a basis, he took the name of the Japanese cinema genre "Jidigeki". This is a historical drama, in the center of the plot of which is the life and development of a samurai. The creator of "Star Wars" highly appreciates Japanese culture, and the image of a samurai may have been taken by him as the basis of his character. Who is a Jedi?

Knights-peacemakers - warriors of Light

Jedi is one of the key charactersspace epic "Star Wars". He is the protector of the Republic during armed conflicts with hostile forces. Jedi always try to act in an exclusively peaceful way, therefore they are also called knights-peacemakers.

A Jedi is not a supernatural being.They could be any humanoid who has the ability to control the Force. What it is, in the star epic is indicated briefly. In one of the episodes, it is told that all life in the Universe is associated with certain microscopic creatures that allow controlling living and inanimate matter. Those who have a lot of them in their blood can become Jedi. According to another version, Force is an integral part of all life in the Universe.

Children with power were found and passed oneducation and training in the Jedi Order. If they went through the whole path of formation to the end and successfully withstood five tests, they received the title of knights. On rare occasions, a Jedi would become a knight without passing tests - for committing an exceptional heroic deed.

who is a jedi

Order of the Knights of Power

Thousands of years ago, the Jedi Order was formed,who stood guard over the calmness of the galactic republic. His homeland was the planet Tython. Initially, he studied the nature of the Force, but over time he began to take an increasingly active part in the affairs of the Galaxy. It is believed that the order has no leader and is governed by the Jedi Council. However, formally there is the title of master, the supreme ruler of the Jedi. In Star Wars, Master Yoda was called Master several times, and this suggests that during the events taking place in the saga it was he who headed the Jedi Order.

The hierarchy of the Order is:

  1. Younglings are those who begin to take the first steps in learning.
  2. Padawans are students of knights who have successfully completed the first stage of training.
  3. The Jedi.
  4. Master - Jedi, whose student has successfully passed the last test and received the title of knight.
  5. Master - elected by the Council from among the best warriors. In Star Wars, this is Yoda.

Jedi Code

Knights-peacemakers have their own set of rules. First of all, it is needed in order to help the Padawans, young disciples, overcome the attraction of the dark side of the Force.

The Code contains only a few commandments:not to use their skills for personal purposes, to act only being in harmony with the Force, not to succumb to the rage and anger that lead to the dark side and always try to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. The Jedi until the last try to keep the peace and only protected. They can attack in a pinch if this can prevent even more danger.

Jedi: War with the Sith

Мир, созданный гениальным режиссером Джорджем Lucas is huge. It accommodates thousands of different characters. Warriors of Light could not do without antagonists. In the Star Wars space saga, the Jedi have their eternal and powerful adversary — the Sith. Appearance they are frightening and repulsive - under the influence of dark forces, the appearance of a person who has chosen the path of evil is changing. The whites of the eyes turn yellow, and the pupils become catlike.

the return of the Jedi

The Jedi who chose the dark side of the Force wereexpelled. They fled to the planet Korriban, mingled with the local warlike race of the red-skinned humanoids sensitive to the Force, and established their Sith Order. Since then, they remain the main enemies of the Jedi.

Sword of the Jedi

Knight weapon

Actually, the main weapon of the Jediis he himself. More precisely, his ability to control the Force. Thanks to her, he can move objects and hold them in the air. As for military weapons, it is invariable and is an indispensable attribute and distinction. This is a Jedi lightsaber - a blade, the blade of which represents pure energy.

Jedi of war

It is applied both on ceremonies, soand in battle. According to tradition, a knight should make a Jedi sword with his own hands. The weapon was distinguished by the material of the handle and blade options. The color of the light beam could also be different - white, blue, blue, green and purple, depending on the crystal used in the sword.

"Return of the Jedi" - the history of the formation of the "star" warrior

The knights-peacemakers meet in the saga with her firstparts. But information about the Jedi served very poorly. It is known that these are warriors who use a certain Force, stand on the side of good and try to maintain a balance in the universe between good and evil. But in the third part of the epic film “Return of the Jedi”, the viewer will finally be shown how the knights are trained, and will be introduced to the legendary head of the Jedi Order, Master Yoda.

star wars jedi

In this part of the saga convincingly shows that it is not in the strength and growth of the case. The tiny Grand Master of the Order easily defeats the larger Luke Skywalker.

Cult of the Knights of Peacemakers

The influence of Star Wars is so strong thatled to the emergence of not only a huge number of fans of Lukas and ardent fans of the space saga, but also the emergence of a kind of religious doctrine - Jediism. Here it is more appropriate to speak not of a new religion, but of a subculture. Jediism is an officially registered religious movement in the UK. Here the number of its members reaches almost 400 thousand people. Most of them are students of major universities in the country. There are also many followers of this creed in Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, this movement is not so widespread, although gradually the circle of its participants is growing. Who is a Jedi according to a new religious teaching? It is based on the same Star Wars space saga. In it, a Jedi is a knight who follows the path of Light and uses Power for noble purposes. As for the new religion, this definition is not entirely correct. Here, the Jedi is rather the one who follows the path of spiritual and physical improvement, and it does not matter what kind of combat skills he possesses.

George Lucas is revered in Jedaism as a prophet.

Jedi is

Jedi - created by the fantasy of George Lucas knights, peacekeepers, adherents of the bright side of the Force, and today remain an example to follow the fans of the famous space epic.

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