One of the most famous and large-scale projects."Of all times and peoples" - the fantastic Star Wars saga - began to be created by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s. To implement his plan, it took tremendous efforts that ensured the triumph of the first film, released on screens in May 1977. Moreover, according to the testimony of those who participated in the creation of this film epic, what happened in the process of work could well have become the plot for a separate fascinating film. So where and how was Star Wars filmed?
Before you begin the story of how Star Wars was filmed, you should pay a little attention to the director’s personality.
This is today George Lucas is one of the mostwealthy representatives of his profession with a capital of 5 million dollars, and at the time when he came up with the idea of the project, he was not even 30 years old, and he had only two full-length films in his asset. For the sake of justice, I must say that he had already made a movie in the genre of fiction, but it did not have a resounding success. The plot of this picture, known as “THX 1138”, is a story about the world of the future, where humanity, forced to live underground, is ruled by computers. The film, of course, is inferior in entertainment to "Star Wars", but its characters are still fighting for their right to be people and make all the decisions on their own.
At one time on George Lucas a hugeAkira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress was impressed. As a result, he wrote a script on 12 sheets with a long title that referred to the Great Jedi.
In the following years, Lucas was busy working on"Apocalypse today," but the picture was taken without him. Nevertheless, many of the scenes he invented were later used to create Star Wars.
The South Asian theme did not let go of Lucas, and heI rewrote my first script and firmly decided to invite actors from Japan to all roles. However, at the final stage of the work, the director radically changed his mind, and a story appeared that fans of the saga know by heart in the smallest details.
Having completed a long and hard work onthe scenario picture, Lucas was going to present a thick folio to potential investors and several film studios. He contained all the events of the Star Wars universe with the trilogy of the new time and a detailed description of hundreds of characters, with names and biographies.
Being a realist, George Lucas understood that forwith great success in presenting your project to film bosses, one enthusiastic story is not enough. He began to think how to better present the "Star Wars". The film, as he had conceived it, required large investments, so the director decided to order several illustrations to renowned industrial designer Ralph McQuarrie from Boeing. His choice was not accidental, as the artist at one time painted famous images of the Americans landing on the moon. The collaboration of Lucas and McQuarrie was fruitful, and the director received excellent concept pictures for Star Wars.
Telling about how they shot "Star Wars",One can not fail to mention the man who created the models of space transport and infrastructure. For the role of co-author in technical matters, Lukas invited Colin Cantwell, who was already working on the films "Strain of Andromeda" and "2010: A Space Odyssey" and kept an extensive collection of models in his house. Three of them with McQuarrie, they came up with the look and characteristics of the movement of the speeder, the ships and the Death Star station.
Today it is hard to believe, but in the mid-70s it was extremely difficult to find those who wanted to launch a fantastic film into production, and it took about half a year for Lucas to do it. In the end, XX-th Century Fox agreed to start shooting, butput in front of the director several conditions, including the refusal to receive a fee in advance and the publication of a book on the plot of the fourth episode of the space saga. The latter, in the opinion of the studio management, had to be done in order to find out how the script of the future film could interest the audience.
To cooperate in the work on the science fiction novel, Lukas attracted Alan Foster, and soon all of America was already reading about the adventures of Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.
Creating a book is the main reason why"Star Wars" filmed out of order. This tradition of throwing from end to end of the script has been preserved in the future, as it generated intrigue and fueled interest in subsequent parts of the saga. She became the cause of confusion in the question of what year Star Wars was shot. After all, the first episode was presented to the audience only at the end of the 20th century.
Directed by George Lucas so long nurtured the idea of his film, that clearly imagined how this or that character should look and how best to implement the necessary special effects.
As a place to create the world wherethere were heroes of the saga, chose Tunisia, or rather, the neighborhood of the city of Tatooine. Moreover, its name was so much liked by survey participants that it was used to designate the planet where the C-3PO and R2-D2 droids were sent, sent for help in the fight against the forces of the Empire.
Within two months, the decorators built the city of Mos Astley in the desert. In addition, 25 models, including radio-controlled ones, which were designed by Carlo Rambaldi, were brought to Tatooine.
The picture was taken in various parts of the Earth, for example:
In addition, cameramen, actors and other membersThe teams of director Lucas during the work on Star Wars have visited the Norwegian village of Finse, Phuket in Thai, Guilian in China and many other interesting places. Thus, they proved that our planet has such a diverse landscape and landscapes that it can become a decoration for the whole Universe.
Every piece of the George Lucas space epicwas more spectacular and perfect in terms of technical solutions and special effects. The countries where they were looking for nature also changed, and usually many times a picture. For example, the places where Star Wars was filmed. The awakening of power "is:
By the way, since the epic consists of 7 episodes,before answering the question of which year Star Wars was shot, you should find out which of them is being discussed. It is also worth noting that “The Force Awakens” was the first film of the saga, which was shot by a different director - J.J. Abrams. At the same time, George Lucas, who gave his work to Walt Disney for the seventh episode script, later told reporters that the story presented to the audience has nothing to do with what was written for the sequel trilogy.
Those who saw the first part of the George Lucas film saga during his childhood years are now well past forty or even over fifty.
If a question is asked about how much was shot"Star Wars" should be considered the time interval that passed from the release of the first episode (1977) to the completion of the last part of the film at the moment (November 2014).
This is today computer graphics and a variety ofDigital technologies allow you to create realistic images of any fantastic worlds, and 40 years ago directors and cameramen only had stuntmen, pyrotechnics, and about a dozen methods of conducting combined surveys.
That is why the special effects of "Star Wars" onwhich today, many watch with a smile, at one time struck the audience. At the same time, many did not even guess what tricks the film crew had to go to capture one or another episode with a duration of 20-30 seconds. For example, to make a “lightsaber”, they took an ordinary long wooden stick and covered it with a light-reflecting compound, while the space station “Death Star” was a mockup the size of ... a desk. Along it, workers dragged a miniature camera on a cable, controlled by a self-made computer created specifically for this.
Lucas's fantasy was truly inexhaustible, and forcreating special effects in the course were even not at all "space" objects. So, for shooting a flight through the belt of asteroids, ordinary potatoes were used as a heavenly rain. The span of each “space object” was filmed on the background of a blue screen separately, and already after all the fragments were mounted together with the image of the “flying starships”. All this required a lot of work, but the result was no less impressive than what is being filmed using computer graphics today.
Also as a sample for filmingbattle scenes Lucas used the military chronicle of the Second World War. It is possible to list interesting facts about the films from the Star Wars saga for a very long time, since from a certain moment the cosmic epic so captured the consciousness of its creators that they began to invent solutions that no one had used before.
After entering the screens of the first episode of the sagaThe Star Wars movie has become truly iconic. The queues at the cinema were longer than ever before. Most of the boys in the United States wanted to buy a lightsaber, and instead of toys depicting the heroes of the movie saga, at Christmas they began to give the children certificates for their purchase. As it turned out, the factory, which acquired the right to release them, did not have time to meet the ever-increasing demand for such figures.
Кроме того, космическая эпопея «Звездные войны» marked the beginning of the cinema sub-genre of the same name. Its popularity turned out to be so great that the name of the saga was transferred by the US public to the US defense program “IDF - Star Wars”. There was also a new type of fencing - suberfighting and even the original religious trend "Jediism".
Теперь вы знаете, почему «Звездные войны» снимали out of order, where it happened and how long it took. It remains only to say that in 2017 and in 2019 two more episodes are expected to be on the screen, the director of which is likely to be Ryan Johnson.