/ Romy Schneider: Filmography. Best movies with the actress

Romy Schneider: filmography. Best movies with the actress

The name of mysterious and bright Romy Schneider in historyworld cinema stands on a par with Hildegard Knef and Marlene Dietrich. The tremendous actor's talent of the actress of German origin brought her world fame, recognition and success. After the debut in the big cinema at the age of 15, by the age of 17 her name was already known all over Europe. However, in the personal life of the actress, everything was not so smooth.

Romy Schneider: Filmography

Romy Schneider: biography, personal life

Outstanding talent surely passed R.Schneider by heredity. She was born in an exclusively acting family in two generations. Her mother, the German star of the screen - Magda Schneider, and the father of the popular Austrian actor - Wolf Albach-Retti. Features of the profession are such that parents rarely saw their children, and when Rosemary Magdalene (the name given at birth) was 7 years old, and divorced. Employment and constant tours explain and the fact that the girl was trained and brought up in a boarding school, located in the Castle of Goldenstein, a private school with a nunnery. Romy Schneider, a biography whose personal life is full of interesting turns, from an early age gravitated toward theater, drawing, singing, actively participated in school plays and productions, and soloed at the church choir.

After her film career began to recruitturnovers, offers of work began to come from all sides. The girl became a real European star. Having received the right to choose, she went to Paris in 1958 to shoot the picture "Christina", where not only on the screen, but in reality she found love. Then almost unknown twenty-three-year-old Alain Delon and rising star Romy Schneider contrary to the protests of the parents were engaged. This happened in 1959. Their relationship lasted 6 years.

Romy Schneider: biography personal life

In 1966, the actress married Harry Mayen,in marriage with whom a daughter and son were born. Unfortunately, Romy Schneider, whose filmography is presented below, had to pass many tests. After the death of her 14-year-old son, she began to abuse alcohol and sedatives, the situation was aggravated by the serious surgery just transferred. The actress died at the age of 43 in her apartment. The press actively developed a version of suicide, but the official cause is called heart failure.

Film career

In the movies of R.Schneider came through her mother, who offered Romy the producer for the role of her "screen" daughter. The girl passed the tests successfully and her abilities astonished the film crew. The first tape with her participation "When the white lilac blossoms" was published in 1953. Then the films followed one after another.

However, the famous young actress woke up afterpremiere of the first part of the trilogy about Queen Elizabeth of Bavaria ("Sissi") in 1955 (frame in the photo). After almost two decades (in 1972) Romy Schneider, whose filmography is famous for working with the most famous directors, will return to this role again in the historical film "Ludwig", forever remembering the viewer of the beautiful and charming Empress Sissi.

group portrait with a lady

List all the movies with her participation is impossible,since she played about 60 roles in the movies. But we offer you a selection of the 5 most popular paintings that will open before you in full the incredible actor's talent and beauty of this woman.

"The main thing is to love"

Это одно из лучших творений польского режиссера Andrzej Zhukovsky. The main role in the film brought Romy Schneider, whose filmography is impressive, the prestigious award "Cesar". In the center of the plot desperate actress Nadine, who can not find a job. Having met on a shoot with a photographer working in the porn industry, she imperceptibly draws him, herself and her husband into a tragic love triangle. To get out of it is difficult and not always possible, but the main thing is to love.

«Criminal Report»

It is under this name, and not "Direct reportingabout death ", the picture is known to the Soviet audience. Fantastic drama tells about the last hours of the writer's life. The action takes place in the near future. The right to conduct a tragic and shocking report was given to journalist Roddy. In his brain, micro-transmitters are introduced, which lead to the fact that the eyes turn into micro-lenses. It is through them that the world will see a sensation. However, the adventurer Roddy was carried away by a woman and would do everything possible to save her.

the only angel on earth

Painting "Direct reporting about death" by genreis a classic thriller, the story line is confusing and unpredictable, and the brilliant acting game keeps the viewer in suspense throughout the entire tape.

"A simple story"

Dramatic film, which brought the actress a secondthe Cesar award. A touching story about a woman artist experiencing a difficult period in her life. Her lover is an infantile and selfish person, prone to suicidal thoughts. Realizing that the relationship is at an impasse, the woman decides on the break. In the situation, Marie's ex-husband unexpectedly intervenes, a chance encounter with which awakened an old feeling in their hearts.

"The only angel on earth"

Трогательная мелодрама с элементами комедии о love an ordinary flight attendant to the famous racer. Charming Lina is smart, beautiful and kind, but her eyes are full of tears from unrequited love. Renowned in the world of racing, Pierre often flies by the airline in which the girl works, that's just not paying any attention to it, since his soaps are busy with the upcoming engagement. After the bride safely escapes with the other, Pierre is in complete despair and is ready to commit suicide. To help the mountain-racer from the heavenly office send him a guardian angel.

The screen version of Heinrich Böll's novel

The picture "A Group Portrait with a Lady" is shot onmotives of the novel of the same name by G. Böll, first published in 1971. This is one of the most famous and powerful works of the author, for which he received the Nobel Prize. Very interesting composition composition of the novel.

Direct reporting on death

About the main character, in the past beauty, and nowthe object of ridicule and gossip the reader learns from unauthorized persons: friends, enemies, acquaintances. The name fully corresponds to the content - it is a portrait of a woman against the background of a turbulent and tragic era. No less interesting is the adaptation of the novel, directed by Alexander Petrovich. The main role in the film was performed by Romy Schneider, whose filmography as a result was supplemented by another cinematic diamond.

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