/ / Doram "Goblin": actors and roles

Doram "Goblin": actors and roles

Doramas for South Korea - this is already an integral part of modern culture, like a halo or key-pop performers. Each channel in the Republic of Korea produces dozens of dorami annually.

goblin series

Дорама «Гоблин», в 2016 году стартовавшая на channel tvN, instantly entered the TOP-10, crowding the "Descendants of the Sun", "Think Like a Culprit", "The Mysterious Garden" and others. Today it is on the second place of the spectator rating of cable TV channels. The series attracted the attention of TV viewers not only with an unusual fantastic plot, but also star cast.

goblin doram actors

The names of the actors of the Goblin Doram

  • Gon Yu - Kim Shin (goblin, demon, doccabi).
  • Kim Guo Ying - Jie Ying So (Goblin Bride).
  • Lee Don Uk-Von E (reaper, Prince Vaughn E).
  • Yu Ying Na - Kim San (Sunny, owner of the cafe).
  • Dream Je - Yu Dok Hwa (nephew of the goblin).
  • Kim San Kem is the grandfather of Doc Hwa.
  • Pak Hee Bong is the mother of Ying Tak.
  • Han So Jin - Ying So in the childhood.
  • Kim So Hyun - Queen (Sunny).
  • Kim Ming Jae is the King of Koryo Won E (Reaper).

Preparation for shooting

К съемкам сериала авторы сценария подошли со всей responsibility. They conceived the idea of ​​realizing a fantastic drama. For three years, various variants of fantasy characters were considered. The choice fell on the Korean folk character - tokkabi (goblin). The channel's management commented on this situation: "These characters have never become the protagonists of the series."


goblin actors and roles

Doram "Goblin" tells the story of loveschoolgirl Ying So and 938-year-old goblin. Once the goblin intervened in the fate of a woman and saved her, bringing her back to life. However, he could not imagine that she was pregnant. Soon a woman gives birth to a girl - Ying Tak. And from this moment on the fate of the goblin and Ying So intertwine. Now the girl must fulfill her destiny and pull out the sword from the goblin so that he can interrupt his endless life. But, persuading Ying So pull out the sword, he does not notice how he falls in love. At the same time, Yin hunted a reaper, from which she managed to escape, when the goblin rescued her mother. In this case, the goblin and reaper live in the same house. A further story tells how the characters will understand this tangle of love and friendship. We learn better about the roles and actors of the Goblin Doram.


goblin dorama actors names

Goblin (or tokkebi) is a kind of evil in Korea.Most often, old things are turned into tokbox. Goblins are good to the human race, but they like to joke about ordinary people. This feature is typical for the protagonist of the series. Goblin embodied in the drama actor Gon Yu

Знакомство с одиноким гоблином-токкэби начинается at the time of the Koryo era. General Kim Shin, after winning one of the decisive battles over the borders of the state, returns to the capital. The people meet the general as a hero! He and his army are trying to get an audience with the young King Goryeo, in order to present him with a victory. However, instead of a magnificent reception, they were met with weapons. The general is accused of betraying, Kim Shin's sister, the queen, is also accused. Both of them perish.
After the time of Kim Shin,becomes an evil goblin. But in his chest he always has a sword. And pull this sword can only the true bride of the demon, only so the demon can fulfill his long punishment and leave this world.

goblin dorama

Прожив 938 лет он, наконец, встречает свою bride. Then the action takes place in our days. It turns out that as soon as Ying blows out a candle - the goblin appears next to her. From now on he plans to persuade the girl to pull out her sword. But, without noticing it, he falls in love with her. What should I do now? This question torments Kim Sheen.

Ying Tak

goblin dorama with Russian voice acting

Ga Ying - one of the youngest among the actorsthe Goblin Doors. Acquaintance with the main character of the series Ji Ying This is happening at school. She is a responsible girl. Torn between work and study, serves his relatives. A girl at an early age lost her mother, on her birthday. Therefore, Yin So long did not celebrate her name-days and did not buy cake. Until one day, everyone forgot about her holiday. Then Ying So firmly decides to celebrate his birthday. She buys a birthday cake, goes to the pier and blows out the candles. Suddenly, a handsome man appears in front of her.

Ying So an ordinary schoolgirl, not counting a small feature - she sees ghosts. Moreover, among them, the girl has more friends than among ordinary people.

Therefore, an unexpectedly appeared man in no waydoes not confuse her, the girl decides that the mysterious stranger is a ghost. Among ghosts, there is a growing rumor that Ying Tak is the goblin's bride. What are they talking about?

At the time of filming, the age difference betweenthe actors of the Goblin Dori Gong Yu and Ga Ying were 12 years old. Nevertheless, according to the actors themselves, this was not a problem for them. Gong Yu very highly appreciated the talent of Ga Ying, as an actress, in an interview.


goblin dorama 2016

One of the most exciting images embodied inDoram Goblin actor Lee Don Uk. The grim reaper-altruist, who works for days. He does not remember anything of his past. For 300 years he has been wandering around the Earth, performing the sad and gloomy work of the reaper, serving his sentence for a crime that he does not even remember. He does not even have a name!

Tired of the life of a wanderer, he dreams of living in hishouse. For what it concludes a lease with a certain Doc Hwa. Unfortunately the reaper, he got a house with a dirty trick. It turns out that the owner of the house is not Doc Hwa, but his uncle is Kim Shin. While uncle traveled for 20 years, enterprising Dok Hwa decided to earn some money and rent a house. Neither the reaper nor the goblin do not want to yield to the living space and are forced to settle under one roof.

Противостояние и дружба жнеца и гоблина добавляет comic note in the plot of the series. They make fun of each other. Without noticing how their relationship grows into a strong friendship. And the reaper is already acquainted with the bride of the goblin, who, by an unfortunate coincidence, is a lost soul, which the reaper must take away.

In parallel, the reaper meets a girl to whom hisirresistibly draws. By coincidence, this girl is also connected to the bride of the demon. She is the hostess of the cafe, which gives the work of Ying Tak. Gradually the reaper learns that they are not just met with this girl - Sunny. Once in a past life they had already met, but the way this story ended does not give him rest. Will he be able to save his love and his friends?


tokkebi sledge

Another brilliant Korean actress - Ying Naplayed the role of a beloved reaper. This role has become the most popular among the female audience of the series. For relations between the reaper and Sunny, it is almost more interesting to watch than the main love line.

Sunny meets her lover absolutelyby chance, during the purchase of the ring on the street. When a handsome man approaches her and is interested in the same ring as she. Sunny gives the young man his number. But he does not call for a long time. And then it suddenly appears, without explanation. And it happens all the time. He runs away from their dates, practically does not call. The girl starts to suspect something is amiss. Finding out this, she accidentally learns that her lover is a reaper. But this does not frighten the girl. Problems in their relationship begin when Sunny recalls her past life. In it she was a queen, and her lover was the king, guilty of her death. How can I forgive? Such a difficult task faces a fragile girl.

In the Russian box office the series did not come out. Doramu "Goblin" with Russian voice acting can be viewed on Russian sites in the performance of STEPonee.

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