Genre of the work of A.S.Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is difficult to define unequivocally: some researchers believe that this is a story, others, on the contrary, define it as a novel. The author himself believed that the "Captain's daughter" is a description of a historical epoch in a fictional narrative. However, the definition of a particular genre does not provide such a definition.
So, let's try to answer the question about whether the "Captain's Daughter" is a novel or a story.
As you know, A.S.Pushkin worked in different genres. However, in this work the level of his skill is beyond our understanding. We can not unequivocally answer the question of whether the "Captain's Daughter" is a novel or a story.
The opinions of researchers of the writer's workcontradict each other. It is difficult enough to understand what the "Captain's Daughter" is - a novel or a story. Having determined the genre of the work, we will face the question of its character. After all, a novel and a story can be love, historical or family.
So, let's try to consider how in this book there are signs of different genres.
Most researchers who determinethe product as a story, is based primarily on the fact that it is very small in volume, and its events span a short time period. Those who share this point of view also point to the mediocrity of the personality of Peter Grinev and his entourage: such characters can not be heroes of the novel.
Indeed, this work is muchshorter than the usual novels written by classics. However, we again face the question of what his character is, and a small amount of the narrative still can not exclude the fact that this is a novel. Consider all possible definitions of the genre.
Undoubtedly, "The Captain's Daughter" is a novel ora story of a historical orientation. Pushkin tells us about the reign of Catherine the Great, namely the events of the riot led by Emelian Pugachev. To write "Captain's Daughter" the author did a great job: he got acquainted with historical documents, talked with survivors of that time. Very painstakingly wrote Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin story "The Captain's Daughter". The brief content of the work rarely conveys how accurate the author is in describing the life of the petty nobility, as Emelyan Pugachev's expressive speech, full of proverbs, allegories characteristic of the Cossacks.
However, having determined that this work has a historical orientation, we can not answer unequivocally the question of whether the "Captain's Daughter" is still a novel or a novel.
Of course, the "Captain's Daughter" has signs of a work of an educational nature.
At the beginning of the narrative the young nobleman Grinevappears before us as a kind of inexperienced, noble son, a kindly parent. At the end of the book in front of them - a real man who lived through a lot and changed a lot in a short period of time. He learned to overcome dangers and to dignify out of difficult situations. Most of the work of Peter Grinev is on the road, which is very characteristic for the work of an educational nature.
So, "The Captain's Daughter" - a novel or a story of educational orientation?
It should be noted that the love line,certainly present in the plot of the book. The main character falls in love with Masha Mironova, he has a rival - Shvabrin. However, the theme of love is not the main one, the relationship between Pyotr Grinev and Mary rather serves as a backdrop against which the author shows how the personality of the main character is changing.
Огромное значение А. С.Pushkin gives the inner world of the main character, his experiences, feelings, emotions. It is the internal dialogues of Peter Grinev that help us to understand the reasons for one or another of his actions, to assess the changes in his personality.
The memoir form of presentation is excellent for helping the reader to assess how much the main character’s worldview is changing by the end of the work.
So, here we can conclude that this bookdescribes certain historical events, shows the formation of the personality of the main character, while the story is very psychological and tells us a touching love story.
However, we did not answer the main question: "Is the Captain's Daughter" a novel or a novel? "
Надо сказать, что, как и в случае с выяснением the nature of this narrative, and in determining its genre can not be a clear conclusion. On the one hand, “The Captain's Daughter” is to a greater extent concentrating on the rather short period of the life of the main character, which characterizes the work as a story. However, the fate of the heroes of this book are associated with historical events, which is characteristic of the novel. In addition, it is known that Pushkin wrote The Captain's Daughter, impressed by the events of the present, and tried to see the problems that combined the recent past and the present, which also makes it possible to define the work as a novel.