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Alexander Tamonikov: biography and creativity

Alexander Tamonikov, whose biography causesinterest in the majority of admirers of his work - a modern Russian writer, behind which more than thirty novels of the detective and military-political genre, which became bestsellers and published more than a million copies.

Interesting facts about the writer

A graduate of the Samarkand military commandschool, combatant, Tamonikov is a laureate of literary prizes of national and international scale and is a member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia.

alexander tamonik
Alexander lives in Ryazan, where he also studiesliterary activity. Tense subjects of his books, the harsh truth of life of comrades-in-arms, fascinating scenes are tenaciously holding the reader's attention to the very last line of the work.

"The company goes into the sky"

In 2006, the novel "Rota Goes to Heaven", whichwrote Alexander Tamonikov, became the basis for the creation of the Russian TV series "The Storm Gate". The plot is written on the basis of a real battle of 2000, held at 776th height. A company of young soldiers under the command of Senior Lieutenant Alexander Doronin is entrusted with the defense of the Storm Gate Pass in Chechnya. A group of GRU special forces was attached to the company, the commander of which is Major Egorov. A few years ago, his wife and son died at the hands of terrorists. Upon arrival at the pass, Egorov introduced Doronin to Shah, a former Chechen militant and confidant who lost his family for the same reason. The Shah has reliable information that a large force of militants is preparing to deliver a crushing blow to the area of ​​the pass. A fierce battle. Almost the entire company was killed. In life there were 23 fighters, which managed to save the troops that arrived in time. All of them were awarded with orders of courage, and Gorshkov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. But what is the price of these awards!

alexander tamonikov list of books
Mikhail Porechenkov, Andrei Krasko, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Anatoly Pashinin, Marina Mogilevskaya, Ivan Zhidkov, Daniil Strakhov, Mikhail Efremov, Boris Shcherbakov starred in the lead roles.

Alexander Tamonikov on Ivan the Terrible

A bright work in the work of Tamonikovis a novel-epic "The White Tsar - Ivan the Terrible" about one of the greatest rulers of the Russian Land - Tsar John IV Vasilievich. The reader in the full breadth of the author's word presents a multifaceted picture of the distant past of the peoples of a bygone era, the efforts of which formed the Russian empire.

alexander tamoniki biography
An unpredictable, domineering autocrat in thisthe work is shown vulnerable, suffering man, who has taken on his shoulders huge responsibility for the fate of his homeland. The successes of the Russian tsar were so astounding and impressed by the monarchs of those times that the latter were compelled to reckon with the interests of Rus.

Alexander Tamonikov: list of books

В серии «Воин» рассказывается о людях оружия, ready to unconditionally become the defense of the motherland. About the so-called Courage Battalion under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Golubyatnikov, who got into various emergencies and adequately endured them, novels came out: “They vowed to win”, “The last battle of the battalion commander”, “Ordered to accomplish the feat”

Alexander Tamonikov list
Произведение «Служили два товарища» повествует о two combat friends: captain Neverov and older than Makeev, who were by chance on different sides of the barricades. The leading double life officer from the repair battalion, stationed in Turkmenistan and performing many complex combat missions, is fascinatingly described in the novel “The Afghan gladiator”.

The special forces major Alexander Timokhin is an Afghanthrown overboard of life - the protagonist of the novel "And then he cleared the city." The young officer did not lose heart, managed to find himself in a peaceful life, to get on his feet, he opened his own cafe. It seemed that life was getting better, until Mirza Levoev, an influential gangster, laid eyes on the cafe ...

Save humanity

"Strategic reserve" - ​​a novel that wroteAlexander Tamonikov, keeps the reader in suspense until the end. The key figure is the Russian professor Andorin, who created a highly effective cure for AIDS. Full of hope, he is going to speak at a symposium, but his plans are cut short by the terrorist sect “Bloody Sunset,” whose intention is to use the funds for other purposes, which pose an open threat to all of humanity. The professor was abducted; a special forces group led by Colonels Timokhin and Krymov was sent to rescue him and the whole world.

The work “Recognition of the Mujahid” is abouta group of TV people who went to the shooting in Afghanistan and fell into the hands of bandits. The main goal was the daughter of a famous oil businessman-businessman Valentina Turkina. Russian special forces went to rescue the hostages.

"We were brought up by the war":to fight with gangsters alone is a losing business initially. But this axiom does not apply to the former major Special Forces Leshem, who has his own views on such things. He will have to stand between two drug dealers, who are at war with each other, and deliver a devastating blow that could destroy the criminal business of both.

Александр Тамоников, список книг которого огромен and constantly updated, interesting to the reader. His works are in demand, numerous and fascinating, and the heroes of the works are selfless, brave, courageous, and are a shining example for fans of the writer's work.

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