/ / Bunin, "Village": analysis. "Village", Bunin: the main characters

Bunin, "Village": analysis. "Village", Bunin: the main characters

The most sustainable, organic, new inthe works of Bunin the first years after the revolution of 1905-1907. became an aspiration to study social reality. The works of these years draw us into deep thoughts about the history of Russia, its people, the fate of the Russian revolution. There is an interpenetration of national, historical, contemplative-philosophical thought.

Bunin village analysis

General characteristics of the "Villages"

So complex content in the seemingly traditionalthe everyday guise of the story "The Village", created in 1910. This is one of the first major works of Ivan Alekseevich, written in prose. The writer worked on its creation for 10 years, starting work in 1900.

V. V.Voronovsky described this work, which opens the village cycle in the works of Bunin, as studying the causes of "memorable failures" (that is, the reasons for the defeat of the revolution). However, the semantic content of the story is not limited to this. The story about the doom of the Russian backwater, given in The Village, is one of the most talented descriptions of the fate of the patriarchal system in the history of the new time. There is a generalized image: the village - the kingdom of death and hunger.

The task that the author set himself -portray the Russian people without idealization. Therefore, Ivan Alekseevich conducts a merciless psychological analysis (“The Village”). Bunin had for him a rich material, which gave the writer well-known to him life, everyday life and the psychology of the Russian outback. A miserable, impoverished life, to which the image of people — inertia, passivity, cruel morals — was all a writer watched, drawing conclusions and conducting a thorough analysis.

"Village" (Bunin): the ideological basis of the work

Bunin Village

The ideological basis of the story - a reflection on the complexityand the problematic nature of the question "Who is to blame?". Kuzma Krasov, one of the main characters, painfully struggles to resolve this issue. He believes that there is nothing to collect from the unfortunate people, and his brother, Tikhon Krasov, that the peasants themselves are to blame for this situation.

The two above characters are the main characters.of this work. Tikhon Krasov personifies the appearance of the new village owner, and Kuzma - the national intellectual. Bunin believes that the people themselves are guilty of misfortunes, but does not give a clear answer to the question of what should be done.

The story "Village" (Bunin): composition works

The story takes place in the village of Durnovka, which is a collective image of the long-suffering village. In this title there is an indication of the idiocy of his life.

The composition is divided into three parts.In the first in the center is Tikhon, in the second part - Kuzma, in the third sums up the lives of both brothers. On the basis of their fate, the problems of the Russian village are shown. The images of Kuzma and Tikhon are in many respects opposite.

Tikhon, being a descendant of serfs, who managedget rich and become the owner of the estate, I am sure that money is the most reliable thing in the world. This hardworking, savvy and strong-willed peasant devotes his whole life to the pursuit of wealth. Kuzma Krasov, a true believer and people's poet, reflects on the fate of Russia, experiencing the poverty of the people and the backwardness of the peasantry.

tale village Bunin

Images of Kuzma and Tikhon

On the example of Kuzma Bunin shows the emergingtraits of the new folk psychology, Kuzma thinks about the wildness and laziness of the people, that the reasons for this are not only the difficult circumstances that the peasants have fallen into, but also themselves. In contrast to the character of this hero, Ivan Bunin (“The Village”) portrays Tikhon as calculating and selfish. He gradually multiplies capital, and on the way to power and well-being does not stop by any means. However, despite the chosen direction, he feels despair and emptiness, which are directly related to the outlook on the future of the country, revealing pictures of an even more brutal and destructive revolution.

Through arguments, thoughts, conclusions of brothers about themselves and abouthis homeland, the writer shows the light and dark sides of the life of the peasants, revealing the depth of the decline of the peasant world, conducting its analysis. “The Village” (Bunin) is a deep thought of the author about the deplorable state created in a peasant environment.

Bunin village contents

The third part of the work is devoted to the imagebrothers at the moment of crisis - summing up the life course of the main characters in the work “The Village” (Bunin). These heroes are dissatisfied with life: Kuzma is hungry for melancholy and hopeless loneliness, Tikhon is concerned about personal tragedy (the absence of children), as well as the destruction of the foundations of the village's household. The brothers are aware of the hopelessness of the situation in which they found themselves. For all the difference in their characters and aspirations, the fate of these two heroes is in many ways similar: despite their enlightenment and wealth, their social status makes both of them superfluous and unnecessary.

Author's assessment of the revolution

The story "Village" (Bunin) is a clear, sincereand true assessment of the Russian writer's lifetimes. It shows that those who are "rebels" are empty and stupid people who have grown up in rudeness and lack of culture, and their protest is only a doomed attempt to change something. However, they are unable to make a revolution in their own consciousness, which remains hopeless and bone, as the author's analysis shows. The village of Bunin is a sad sight.

Image of the peasantry

Guys appear before the reader in allugliness: beating up children and wives, wild drinking, animal torture. Many Durnov simply do not understand what is happening around. So, an employee of the Purse visited once in the Caucasus, but can not tell anything about him, except that there is a "mountain on a mountain." His mind is "poor," he pushes away all the incomprehensible, new, but believes that he has recently seen a real witch.

The teacher in Durnovka is a soldier, the mostan ordinary-looking peasant who, however, carried such nonsense that it was only possible to "throw out his hands." Education was presented to him as a schooling for strict army discipline.

Ivan Bunin village

The work "The Village" (Bunin) gives us anothera bright image - the guy Gray. He was the most impoverished in the village, while having a lot of land. Once Gray built a new hut, but it had to be drowned in winter, so he first burned the roof and then sold the hut. This hero refuses to work, sits idle in an unheated dwelling, and children are afraid of torches, because they are used to living in the dark.

The village is all Russia, therefore in the workreflected the fate of the whole country. Bunin believed that the peasants are only capable of a spontaneous and meaningless rebellion. The story describes how they once rebelled throughout the county. It ended in the fact that the men burned several estates, poured "yes and silent".


Ivan Alekseevich was accused of beinghates people, does not know the village. But the author would never have created such a piercing story, if he had not been rooting for his country and peasants with all his heart, as seen in the work “The Village”. Bunin, with the content of his story, wanted to show everything that is wild and dark, which prevents people and the country from developing.

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