/ / Vera Glagoleva: filmography, personal life, biography, family

Vera Glagoleva: filmography, personal life, biography, family

Vera Glagoleva is a fragile, pretty woman withstrong-willed character. According to her, the key to success is the totality of the beloved family and work that brings real satisfaction. Now she is a talented actress, director, screenwriter, mother of three daughters, a loving wife and just a happy woman. What was waiting for her on the road to success?

Childhood of Vera Glagoleva

The actress was born on January 31, 1956 in the familyteachers. Parents wanted their girl to do rhythmic gymnastics, but Vera did not like girlish occupations. She was fond of daring and moving games. Soon she became interested in archery and planned to dedicate this to her whole life. In the shooting Glagolev achieved considerable success, even became a master of sports of the USSR.

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But the chain of random events turned everything upside down.

Good girl Vera

In 1974, unexpectedly for herself and herclose on the screens of the country there was a beautiful actress Vera Glagoleva. And although she had no special education, this did not stop the girl from starting her brilliant career. The first role in the movie "To the End of the World" the actress received, accidentally went to the film studio "Mosfilm." Glagoleva so liked the assistant director that he invited her to participate in the samples. The first time in the frame, the beginning actress was almost invisible, but Nahapetov caught her innate talent and confidence. Soon Vera was the main character of the film "To the End of the World".

Life with Rodion Nakhapetov

The personal life of Vera Glagoleva began veryrich and interesting. Unexpected shooting turned into a real romance with the director, flowing into a family life of 15 years. A fairly large age difference did not stop lovers from being together and building a good family. That's the kind she is - Vera Glagoleva. The filmography of the actress during this period of his life includes such films as "Enemies", "On Thursday and Never Again", "About You", "To Marry a Captain" and many others. It's easy to understand that Vera was quite in demand, and in her younger years she was already filming not only with Nakhapetov, but also with other directors. Professionals immediately discerned in her talent.

The first husband gave Glagolovoi two lovely daughters.The children of Vera Glagoleva were born with an interval of almost two years. Now Anya and Masha are independent young women, pleasing grandmother with beautiful grandsons.

children of faith glagole

In the early 90's, actress Vera Glagoleva summed upline under the next stage of his life - a divorce took place with the first husband. Glagoleva herself says that the family life has become unstuck due to the fact that the spouses were from the same professional world, and this caused some disagreement.

Hold as a director

Vera Glagoleva the first time after parting withmy husband, of course, strongly experienced this situation. But her favorite work helped her to cope with temporary difficulties and experiences. People tried to try themselves as a director, and everything turned out all right. In 1991, the first Glagolova film was shot - "Broken Light", in which the actress acted as both a stage director and the main character. The picture came out on screens not at once, only in 1999.

The debut work was followed, albeit witha significant break, and others - "Random acquaintances", "Two women", "Order", "Ferris wheel". In some of them, the actress showed herself not only as a director, but also as a screenwriter and producer. One of the most important works of Glagoleva was the film One War. The actress has long dreamed of making a serious historical film. And she did it perfectly.

"One war"

From the first minute of viewing it is clear that the film was shotwoman. So it is no longer possible for anyone to reveal the life of each heroine delicately and emotionally. The film tells about Soviet women who gave birth to children from Nazi occupation during the war. Each of them had different reasons for this: love of the enemy, need, hunger, and some did not do it of their own free will. Mothers faced sharp condemnation of the public, neighbors, relatives, but for the sake of their children tried to bravely overcome all the hardships and torments.

After this work, Vera Glagoleva, filmographywhich replenished with such a tragic work, rightfully began to consider himself a real director. She could, managed, achieved, fulfilled her dream, took a serious picture based on real events.

New love

So, the films with Vera Glagoleva began to appearon the screens of the country, sensitive heroines passed moments from the life of ordinary women. Each role is played by an actress with great attention. And the personal life of Vera Glagoleva did not stand still. Almost immediately after parting with Nakhapetov she meets her second husband - Kirill Shubsky.

Vera Glagoleva filmography

According to the actress, she was extremely lucky, andlife gave her the happiness of being with such a person. Two years later, the family of Vera Glagoleva again replenished - the happy couple had a daughter, Nastya. And although the girl has a big age difference with her sisters (13 and 15 years old), they communicate very well.

Children of Vera Glagoleva

The eldest daughter of an actress, Anna, was engaged in ballet since childhood and graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

actress Vera Glagoleva
Immediately after this, she was accepted into the troupeThe State Academic Bolshoi Theater, on whose stage the ballerina's debut took place. In 2006, Anna married the actor of the Bolshoy Theater Yegor Simachev and gave birth to a daughter Polina.

Anya first time acted in film while stilla little girl in the melodrama "Sunday Dad", where her mother also played Vera Glagoleva. The filmography of the eldest daughter of the star was replenished with the films "The Secret of the Swan Lake", "On the Head" and "New Romance."

Maria Nakhapetova

Masha from childhood was engaged in painting, painted inan art studio of the Pushkin Museum and entered the Art Department of VGIK. In the US, where she left in 2001, she studied computer graphics so that her favorite pets from the paintings could come to life.

director Vera Glagoleva

Pets are Masha's favorite destination.Her paintings are very popular. It all began with a portrait of a favorite pet of friends, and then developed into a professional business. She is proud of her talented daughter and her mother - Vera Glagoleva. The filmography of Mary was limited to the film "Infestation", directed by her father - Rodion Nakhapetov. And in the family life she took place as the mother of her son Cyril.

Nastasya Shubskaya

The youngest daughter of Glagolevoy Nastia finisheddirecting faculty of VGIK. Despite this, the girl says that she does not want to seriously engage in cinematography, like mom. As a child, Shubskaya received several roles, including the main role in the film "Ka-de-bo".

the family of Vera Glagoleva

Now Nastasya is 21, and she is already a bridefamous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. Lovers began to meet in the spring of 2015, their relationship developed quickly. Most recently, the young man made an offer to Nastya, and the girl agreed. However, the date of the wedding the guys have not yet decided.

Heroines actresses

All the roles of Vera Glagoleva are exceptionally positive. She plays gentle and sweet, loving and kind women, each of them has her own character.

In the melodrama "On Thursday and more never" actressplayed a gentle girl Varya, who loved the future father of her child and did not even suspect that he could ever betray her. Clean as the surrounding nature, the provincial did not understand the charms of Moscow's life and preferred a native preserve where everything lives in harmony with each other.

In the film "To marry the captain" Glagolev,on the contrary, showed a strong-willed emancipated woman, who herself can stand up for herself and solve her problems. But one day the world of the heroine turns around, and she realizes that she wants now to be a gentle, meek, real woman, to marry the captain and be behind him, like behind a stone wall.

movies with Vera Glagoleva
For their works and images of heroines Vera Glagolevahas received more than one award. Her paintings were appreciated at many international film festivals. In 2011, Vera received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

For several years the family of Vera Glagoleva lived forcity. The actress still loved nature very much in her youth, often with her husband they went out into the forest, gathered mushrooms and played mobile games. In the big house the whole family, daughters, grandchildren gather, and the atmosphere of fun and comfort reigns.

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