/ / Actress Vera Sotnikova: Biography

Actress Vera Sotnikova: Biography

Vera Sotnikova, whose biography is the themeThis article has long been known to viewers. She is an actress of Russian and Soviet cinema and theater, a TV presenter. She is actively filming in television series and films, so her name is always on the list.

A family

Vera Sotnikova was born in Stalingrad(now Volgograd) in 1960, on July 19. In a beautiful girl, all the souls did not drink: parents - father Mikhail Petrovich and mother Margarita Petrovna, and older sister Galina (five years older).

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Family of the future star either to the cinema or to the theaterhad nothing to do with it. My mother worked as a telephone operator, and my father worked at a Volgograd factory as a burden-loader - he loaded scrap into a blast furnace. And yet. nevertheless there is a merit of parents that Vera became the man of art: her father wrote memoirs about how he ran away to war as a boy, and his mother composed poems.

The older sister adored literature and wanted to becomeactress, while the younger studied French with rapture and was going to enter the Moscow State University on filfak. However, fate decreed otherwise: Vera did not manage to become a linguist, but she realized her sister's dream - she entered the theater.

Somehow in the eighth grade the girl was very ill.Sister Galya, to somehow distract her, began reading aloud the story of Kuprin, which was the moment of truth. Recovered, Vera decided to engage in theatrical art and enrolled in the House of Culture in a circle.


Vera Sotnikova had a very happy childhood.Parents spent all their holidays only on driving girls to the best museums. Vera adored fairy tales and was a creative child. Laying herself to sleep, she without long persuasion, with pleasure closed her eyes and went to a land of dreams and fantasies, where she was, of course, the queen. Every evening Vera composed fairy tales before going to bed, and then played them in the afternoon with a school friend.

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All toys of the girl, except for names, necessarily had names, diaries, medical cards, and they all went in for sports, like her.

At school, Vera loved literature, for writingalways received a few five, quickly taught poetry and recited them on creative evenings, and sometimes even composed poetry. In a way, everything the girl did then became part of her future profession.

However, Vera did not always live a fabulous lifeSotnikov. Biography of one of the most beautiful Russian actresses also contains dramatic pages. It is now behind her shoulders the recognition of the public, dozens of successful performances and films. And the path began very prosaically ...

The beginning of the creative path

At the time when Vera finished school in her nativeVolgograd, Galina, her older sister, worked on city television as a director. She recommended the girl to enter the theater school in Saratov, but the future star failed her exams and returned home with nothing. Sotnikova decided not to surrender and began to prepare for admission to the faculty of Moscow State University. But they did not accept it either. After this, a series of accidents began, which in the life of the actress played an important role.

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Vera Sotnikova stood at the Kazan station ina huge queue for tickets. She planned to go home. It was necessary to wait about eight hours, and to pass the time, the girl decided to go to the "Pike" for an audition, simply at random. In the student yard, she met a guy, and he offered to go to the School-Studio at the Moscow Art Theater. Vera agreed. Andrew Myagkov listened to the students. After Sotnikova's speech, he asked: "Why are you reading so badly?". The girl honestly confessed that she had not accepted the documents to the university, and she was going to go home, and here she came to occupy herself in the evening with something. "You're not going anywhere!" - cut off Myagkov.

So, leaving her parents' home, at the age of seventeen Vera Sotnikova moved to the capital.

First love

The girl was placed alone in the dorm roomSurikov school. Vera attended classes with pleasure, and everything was fine, until one day in the spring she fell in love - irrevocably and finally. My friend Yuri's friend became the chosen one. He somehow went into the hostel, and Sotnikova was overwhelmed! A tall, handsome man with piercing blue-gray eyes, a scholar, a talent, an artist, a genius, an art connoisseur! Yura said that he works in the Pushkin Museum as an assistant to the restorer. He began to devote verse to Vera. Later it turned out that Yuri plagiarized them from Emil Verharn, but then the girl did not know about it, she liked poetry very much. In the life of the Faith this was the first true love, strong and passionate.

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So her real life began.Sotnikova married, but the marriage lasted only a year. In the second year, Yang's son was born. Actress Vera Sotnikova says that this is a difficult period, since there was practically no money. Young mother, in order to somehow improve the financial situation, had to agree to any role that was only offered. Faith with her young son was huddled behind a cupboard partitioning a room in a communal apartment. And in the second half, Yuri lived.


Sometimes a woman even thought that everything was fineto break off in one fell swoop. But she learned from her childhood the motto: "It's just that Stalingrad does not give up!" Vera tried to calm herself, saying that the difficulties would end sooner or later, she would become a famous actress and get a job in the best theater. And it happened.

Today Vera Sotnikova's filmography includes more than forty films and serials. Among the latest film works "The Bridegroom", "My Favorite Rid", "Ludmila", "The Office".

As a director, the woman took off for the singerVladimir Kuzmin 5 music videos. She also produced a television show "The Dog Waltz", an entourage "Adam and Eve", a documentary about the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

Vera Sotnikova's filmography includes quite a fewworthy roles, but the actress also tries herself as a TV presenter: she worked on the channel "TNT" in the project "Club of former wives", now is one of the co-hosts of the program "Battle of psychics". Among other things, the actress acts as the trustee of the Adeli Foundation, which is helping children with disabilities diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

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Personal life of Vera Sotnikova

In an official marriage was only once - with my fatherown son. Then, for 7 years, from 1993 to 2000, she lived in a civil marriage with singer Vladimir Kuzmin. After that, her civil partner was producer Renat Davletyarov. Now Vera Sotnikova is trying to keep silent about the details of her personal life.

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