/ The film "My King". Reviews of critics and viewers

The film "My King". Reviews of critics and viewers

There is an opinion that female directors, beingreal experts in human psychology, knowing a lot about exquisite pleasures, undertake the production of paintings with taste, so they are aesthetic in content and form, and they are extremely emotional and soulful. This statement can be confirmed by the film "My King".

Contradiction of opinion

Oddly enough, but from the ex-actress, and nowproduction director Mayvenn Le Besko, the world cinema community did not expect anything outstanding. Her film "My King" reviews after the Cannes Film Festival received rather contradictory. The contributor from the Guardian appreciated the efforts of the director by one, but the reviewer of the Hollywood Reporter was delighted after the premiere, and tirelessly crumbled with compliments to Mayvenn Le Besco. Rating romance version of IMDb is 7.00. Most film industry experts, leaving favorable reviews of the project of French stage director, called the tape "typically French."

movie my king reviews

"Typically French"

Indeed, in a certain sense it is “typicallyFrench cinema ”, if we consider the realism of Maurice Pialat as a reference. Yes, the clarification of relationships, endless rushing, feasts and erotica in the project Le Besko is exactly as long as necessary to maintain the reputation of Frenchness, in a superficial understanding of francophiles. In the overwhelming majority, the work of the director and in general the film “My King” (2016) reviews praise for demonstrating how differently individuals perceive love and how unevenly they express it.

movie my king 2016 reviews


Many reviewers, considering the film “My King,” described the plot as intriguing, but somewhat confusing.

The main character Tony (Emmanuel Berko),a female lawyer of the Balzac age, meets her youthful love of Giorgio (Vincent Cassel). A stormy passion flares up between the characters, their impetuous romance, which the filmmakers supply with a mass of everyday and funny moments, ends with a marriage ceremony and Tony's pregnancy. But the happiness of the couple, as usual, unable to withstand the oppression of everyday routine, is broken about the vicissitudes of life. Giorgio leaves Tony.

In parallel, the existence of the main characterperiodically poisoning nervous Agnès, the former passion of Giorgio, who continues to periodically maintain relations with her. As a result, it all ends with the fact that Tony tears bundles on his leg while skiing with his matured son. Having come to a recreational boarding house for a long time, a woman is remembered.

Since this incident, the film “My King” begins the narration, and reviews of further developments are positioned as an associative series of flashbacks.

my king critics reviews about the film

In form and content

Few filmmakers were able to come to a unanimousopinion on the shape of the tape "My King". Critics' reviews of the film determine the form of a motion picture similar to a realistic novel: the illuminated time period is quite impressive - 10 years, five main characters are the main characters, the devil Agnes, slobber Solal - brother Tony (actor Louis Garrel) and his girlfriend, performed by Isild Le Besco. In addition, according to film critics, the plot of the film contains a logical coincidence that is necessary for any novel. Le Besko has not forgotten the leitmotif of the doubles: the bifunctional relationships of the caring and long-suffering Giorgio and the mentally unbalanced Agnès in the plot become the basic layout of the interactions between the characters. Characters occasionally simply perform castling within this layout, prompting the viewer to sense all the intonations and facets of such a relationship.

the movie is my king plot

Acting cinema

It is no coincidence that the film "My King" reviews lookedcalled one hundred percent copyright cinema. The direction of Le Besko is practically reduced to non-intervention. At the same time, the almost mechanical structuring of the narrative does not turn the melodrama into a dead apparatus, on the contrary, following the fate of the heroes to a rigid plot structure is associated with the work of the fatum. The wrong choice entails a complete selection of situations that are tragicomic in their predictability, which, through the efforts of the author, are detailed and described in detail, and quite vital and ridiculous, without moralizing and pathos. All the traits of tension, the forerunners of tragedies and the stinging horror of life are represented by a delicate hint, expressed by the language of views, bodies, defaults and heavy pauses.

the film is my king

The main actors

Венсан Кассель и Эмманюэль Берко украсили своим presence of the film "My King". The reviews demonstrated by their acting skills deserved enthusiastic. Actors, reincarnated in the images of their characters, tear to pieces the passions of lovers, and after divorced partners to the pleasure of looking.

Vincent Cassel in project Le Besko plays toliadventurer, whether a restaurateur, but definitely a charismatic playboy, charming, lively and sexy playful life. The best works in the filmography of the actor tape are "Jason Bourne", "Vice for export", "Black Swan", "Brotherhood of the Wolf", "Doberman", "Crimson Rivers".

Heroine Emmanuel Berco appears before a spectatora female lawyer, without makeup, with a rather ordinary appearance. However, the French actress, who managed to try on the hypostasis of the screenwriter and director, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Her talent is ambitious, which confirms the well-deserved reward - the palm branch of the Cannes Film Festival in the nomination "For the best female role." In Le Besco's melodrama, the actress demonstrated an energetic emotional intensity. Berko is especially known to a wide audience of viewers for the films “Street Mandar”, “Clement” and the mini-series “Carlos”.

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