/ / Actors of the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The history of the film

The actors of the movie "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The history of the film

Highly rated by viewers, critics andRostotsky’s film based on the story by Boris Vasilyev has become forever in the hearts of the public. For the actors, “And the Dawns Here are Quiet”, the roles in the tragic film have become iconic. To each of them the image from the picture about the feat of anti-aircraft gunners brought fame and spectator love. The article contains the names of the actors of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”.

the actors of the movie dawn here are quiet

From the history of creation

The film premiered in 1972, afterthree years after the story "And the Dawns Here Are Quiet" appeared in the magazine "Youth". For the actors who played the main roles in Rostotsky’s film, this work has become a real film debut on the big screen. With the exception of Olga Ostroumova. The young actress had time to play in the famous film "We live to see Monday", created by the same Rostotsky.

How was created "And the dawns here are quiet"?The cast was selected for a long time, carefully. For the director, this picture meant a lot. Once upon a time, during the war years, an unfamiliar nurse brought out ordinary Stanislav Rostotsky from the battlefield. In honor of the brave girl cinematographer, 27 years after the Great Victory, he decided to film the novel “And the Dawns Here are Quiet”.

Actors of the film

Starshov Vaskova played Andrei Martynov.The actor in the movie "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" played the brightest role. In addition, this would be his debut. On account of Martynov many good works in the cinema. He starred in the TV series "Eternal Call", in the film Rostotsky "White Beam, Black Ear". Nevertheless, when asked about the films in which this actor played, “And the Dawns Here are Quiet” will be mentioned first of all by every Russian audience.

The names of those who played the young anti-aircraft gunners are knownto many. Even today, half a century after the release of the picture. But before you talk about them, it is worthwhile to list the names of other actors in the film “And the Dawns Here are Quiet”. The film played Lyudmila Zaitseva, Alla Mescheryakova, Alexey Chernov, Boris Tkachov, George Martynyuk.

and dawns here are quiet actors

"And the dawns here are quiet": cast

Rostotsky's film is one of the best militarypictures in the Soviet cinema. They have become a sad symbol of patriotism of the heroine of the film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”. Actors in the 70s dreamed of filming at Rostotsky. Getting a role in one of his films meant pulling out a lucky ticket. According to the memoirs of actresses, working with this director was interesting, but not easy.

For field shooting Karelia was chosen with herdifficult climatic conditions. In the process of work, the director endured all the troubles with the actresses, for whom he became the second “girlish” commander Vaskov. The film group consisted of many front-line soldiers, so the screen tests were very meticulous.

Before the artists were claimed for the role, eachthem passed through the voting stage. The work on the painting “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was seriously organized. The casting ensemble, as already mentioned, was mainly debutants.

actors of the movie about dawns here are quiet photos

On the role of daring beauty Zhenya KamelkovaMany tried, but the choice fell on Ostroumov. The image of the “iron” Rita Osianina - the widow of a young commander - was given to Irina Shevchuk. Having played a difficult scene of the death of her heroine, the actress experienced something similar to the death agony. After the first double, Irina lost consciousness, and she had to be “revived”.

Galya Chetvertak played Ekaterina Markova. In the episode, where a graduate of the orphanage in her dreams represents herself as the heroine of the film “Circus”, her son Sergey Stolyarov became her partner.

Elena Drapeko was found by the assistant director.According to the scenario, the forester's rosy, brisk daughter - Liza Brichkina - was distinguished by a peasant grip. When viewing the first filming material, Drapeko was removed from the role. Persuading Rostotsky managed to his wife - Nina Menshikova. Helen was left, red freckles were painted to her, her eyebrows were etched and they were asked to change the talk. The actress played the episode of the death of her Lisa without a backup, and Elena was "drowning" in a real swamp.

Rostotsky made all his actresses believe inthe reality of death. The 26-year-old Andrei Martynov looks amazingly natural on the screen. His foreman Vaskov fights in his native places and speaks in an appealing local dialect. Stanislav Rostotsky managed to make his film so that when watching even the most persistent viewer is unable to hold back tears.

This is how the famous painting “Dawns herequiet. " The actors who played in it, took place in the profession. Olga Ostroumova performed many bright roles, for more than a decade she plays on the stage of Sovremennik. In the filmography of each of the "anti-aircraft gunner" a few dozen roles. But the main achievement for them, perhaps, was the love of the audience, which, however, would not be easy to achieve without talented directorial work and insightful script by Boris Vasilyev.

and dawns here are quiet actors and roles

Movie 2015

The article presents the creation history and namesactors of the movie "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". In the photo above you can see the heroes of the film, created in 2015. Director - Renat Davletyanov. They played in the film Ekaterina Vilkova, Kristina Asmus, Agniya Kuznetsova and other young and talented actors. Should I compare this film with the picture of 1972? Work Davletyanova critics noted positively. But with Rostotsky's film masterpiece, it can hardly be put in one row.

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