/ / “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”: Characteristics of the Heroes from Boris Vasilyev's Tale

“And the dawns here are quiet”: a description of the characters from the story of Boris Vasilyev

Death is a constant companion of war.Soldiers die in battle, and it brings an endless pain to their loved ones. But their fate is to defend the Motherland, to perform heroic feats. The death of young women in war is a tragedy that has no excuse. This theme is devoted to the story "And the dawns here are quiet." Characteristics of the characters, which were invented by Boris Vasilyev, gives the work a special tragedy.

and dawns here are quiet characteristics of heroes

Five female images, so different and so alive,He created a talented writer in the story, which was later filmed by a no less gifted director. The system of images in the work plays an important role. The story of the five lives that ended tragically early, is the story "And dawns here are quiet." Characteristics of the characters in the plot plays a central place.

Fedot Vaskov

The foreman passed the Finnish war.He was married, had a child. But by the beginning of World War II he had become absolutely lonely. The wife is gone. Young son died. And there was no man in the whole world who would have missed Vaskov, would have waited for him from the front and hoped that he would survive this war. But he survived.

The main characters are not in the story "And the Dawns Here Are Quiet".Characteristics of the characters still given Vasilyev in some detail. Thus, the author portrays not just people, but the fates of five girls, who barely managed to finish school, and an elderly front-line soldier. They have nothing in common. But the war bound them forever. And even after many years, Vaskov returns to where the five lives of young anti-aircraft gunners ended.

characteristics of the heroes of the work and dawns here are quiet

Zhenya Komelkova

Why for many years does not losereader interest story "And dawns are quiet here?" Characteristics of the characters in this book are presented so extensively that the death that overtakes each of the girls, you begin to perceive as the death of a familiar person.

Zhenya is a red-haired beautiful girl.She is different artistry and extraordinary charm. She admire her friend. However, strength and fearlessness are important qualities of her character. In war, it is also driven by a desire for revenge. Characteristics of the heroes of the work “And the Dawns Here are Quiet” are connected with their fates. Each of the characters is a person with a sad story.

Most of the girls parents took the war.But the fate of Zhenya is especially tragic, because the Germans shot her before her eyes as her mother, sister, and brother. Of the girls she dies last. Taking the Germans behind her, she suddenly thinks about how foolish to die at eighteen years old ... The Germans shot her point-blank, and then for a long time looked at the beautiful proud face.

characterization of the characters of the story and dawns here are quiet

Rita Osianina

She seemed older than the other girls.Rita was the only mother of a platoon of anti-aircraft gunners who died in those days in the Karelian forests. She gives the impression of a more serious and reasonable person compared to other girls. After being seriously wounded, Rita shot herself in the temple, thereby saving the life of the foreman. Characteristics of the heroes of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - a description of the characters and a brief background of the pre-war years. Unlike her friends, Osyanina managed to get married and even give birth to a son. The husband died at the very beginning of the war. And the war did not give her a son upbringing.

Other heroines

The above characters are the brightestin the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The main characters, the characteristics of which are presented in the article, are nonetheless not only Vaskov, Komelkov and Osianin. Three more female images depicted in his work Vasiliev.

Lisa Brichkina - a girl from Siberia whobrought up without a mother and, like any young woman, dreamed of love. Therefore, when meeting with a middle-aged officer Vaskov, a feeling awakens in her. The foreman will never know about him. Performing his task, Lisa is sinking in a swamp.

and dawns here are quiet main characters characteristic

Galina Chetvertak - the former pupil of the childhouses. She did not lose anyone during the war, because in the whole world she did not have a single soul mate. But she wanted so much to be loved and have a family, that she indulged herself in dreams. Rita died first. And when the bullet hit her, she cried out “Mom” - a word that she didn’t call a single woman in life.

Когда-то у Сони Гурвич были родители, братья и sisters During the war, all members of a large Jewish family died. Sonya was left alone. This girl differed from others in refinement and education. Gurvich died when she returned for a pouch, forgotten by a foreman.

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