/ / Henry Fielding, "The History of Tom Jones": a description of the book, content and reviews

Henry Fielding, "The History of Tom Jones": a description of the book, content and reviews

Henry Fielding - the famous British writer18 century, famous as one of the founders of a realistic novel. The most famous work of the author is "The History of Tom Jones, Found." We will talk about this novel in our article.

About the book

Henry Fielding

The novel was first published in 1749 and becamethe most famous work that Henry Fielding wrote. It has a pronounced social orientation, but without sharp criticism. The author sympathizes with the humiliated destitute poor, wants to alleviate their unenviable fate. He is not touched by them, in which one could observe some insincerity. Therefore, there is no embellishment of the appearance of the poor. The aristocrat also does not elude Fielding's attention. With them, he does not stand on ceremony, depicting their cunning, deceit and greed.

Nevertheless, the book is written very easily and vividly.It is impossible to read without a smile. The author does not try to thicken the colors and turn his creation into a tragedy. His desire is to portray life as he sees it.

Henry Fielding. "The History of Tom Jones, The Foundling": a summary

Squire Olverty lives with her sister Bridget.One day they are thrown to the threshold by a baby. The boy is decided to leave and give the name Tom. But Olverty does not stop looking for the parents of the foundling. Soon is the mother - Jenny Jones, she confesses everything, and she is expelled from the village. Then the father, the school teacher Partridge, is also found, who also turns out to be deported.

Bridget soon marries and gives birth to a sonBlayfila. He and Tom are brought up together and become friends. Although boys are not at all like characters. Blayfil is always restrained, diligently studying and not breaking the rules. While Tom is his complete opposite.

Tom is friends with the daughter of their neighbor, a wealthy squire, Sophie.

tom jones henry fielding

Watchman's family

Tom Jones is not the only mischief.Henry Fielding gave his hero and responsiveness. The boy visits the family of a poor caretaker who dies of hunger, and gives all his money. Tom falls in love with Molly, the daughter of a watchman. The girl takes courtship, and soon everyone will know about her pregnancy.

The message is immediately distributed around the area.Learn about this and Sophia Western - a girl has long been in love with Tom, so news leads her into despair. The very same Tom, for a long time perceiving her as a friend, only now begins to notice the beauty of the girl. Gradually the young man falls in love with Sofia.

But now Tom must marry Molly. But the situation changes dramatically when a young man finds a future bride in the arms of another man. It turns out that Molly does not wear his child.

Olverty's disease and secret love

Henry Fielding with great love depictsthe main character and highlights it against the background of the others. So, when Olverti begins to get sick, all the household, even Blythil, think only of inheritance. Everything except Tom, who sincerely worries about the old man. Soon comes the news of Bridget's death. Olwerti is getting better. Tom gets drunk with joy, which causes condemnation of others.

Squire Western, wishing to extradite her daughter for Blayfila,negotiates this with Olverti. On the eve of the wedding, Sofia announces that she will not marry. Blayfil is getting a cunning plan. He convinces Olwertie that Tom got drunk and was glad that he was dying. The squire believes his words and throws out Tom.

the story of the volume of Johns Henry Fielding

Secretly, Tom wrote a letter to Sophia, confessing in love and that now they could not be happy: he was a beggar and had to leave Olverti's house.

Let's hit the road

The story of Tom Jones continues. Henry Fielding describes how his hero leaves the estate. Simultaneously, Sofia runs away from home, not wanting to marry an unloved.

On the way, Tom meets Partridge, whoconvinces the young man that he is not his father, but asks permission to accompany him. Then Tom manages to be rescued from the hands of the rapist Mrs. Waters. A field of which a woman easily seduces a young man.

Sophia is in the same hotel with Tom, but, having learned that he has betrayed her, he is furious. The girl leaves the hotel, and immediately her angered father appears.

In the morning Tom realizes why Sofia escaped. He desperately sets out on his way, hoping to catch up with his beloved.

henry fielding biography


Henry Fielding takes us to the capital of England.Sophia arrives in London and stops at Lady Bellaston, who promises to help her. Soon Tom arrives here. With great difficulty he looks for his beloved, but she remains adamant.

Lady Bellaston falls in love with Tom.Wanting to get rid of her harassment, the young man makes her an offer. A lady can not associate her destiny with a beggar, who is twice as young as her. Bellaston refuses Tom, but becomes furious. She informs Fellamaru, in love with Sofia, that their happiness is hampered by a crook. If you remove it, the girl agrees to get married.


Henry Fielding the story of Johns Jones Foundling

Again, an unexpected turn in the novel presentshis readers Henry Fielding. Tom's biography is again changing dramatically. On the street a young man is attacked, he defends himself and injures his opponent. Tomas is immediately surrounded by sailors sent by Fellamar and they take him to prison.

Western finds his daughter and locks before comingBlayfila and Olverti, who soon appear. It turns out that Mrs. Waters is Tom's mother. Olwerty summons the woman to herself. She says that Tom is the son of a friend of the squire, and his mother is sister Olverty Bridget. The truth is also revealed about the slander of Blayfil.


The novel that wrote Henry Fielding is coming to an end.The story of Tom Jones ends with the fact that the young man is released from prison - the enemy defeated by him is alive and does not bring charges. Olverti repents and begs forgiveness, but the young man does not blame him for anything.

Sophia learns that Tom was not going to marry Bellaston, but just wanted to get rid of the courtship of the old lady.

Jones comes to Sophia, he intends to ask her hands again. The girl agrees. And when Western learns that Tomorrow will become the heir of Olverty, and not Blythil, he gives his blessing gladly.

The wedding is celebrated in London, after the ceremony the newlyweds go to the village, where they intend to live away from the city bustle until the end of their days.

henry fielding books

Readers' comments

What impression does the readers make?Henry Fielding? Books of the writer during life were perceived with great enthusiasm. How do modern readers perceive the "History of Tom Jones"? Basically, they give the product the highest marks, noting its reality, charismatic characters and immersion in the past. The only negative, which is allocated by both supporters and opponents, is the volume. Indeed, the two-volume work is not readable. But some in this find the charm of the work - for a long time of reading you manage to get used to the heroes, they become native. A number of readers find a common ground between the Fielding novel and the books of J. Austin.

The work is worth reading to those who wish to dive into the 18th century, to feel the spirit of that era. Learn about how Europe lived at that time, or rather England.

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