/ / Laura San Giacomo, American actress with a multi-faceted role and creative potential

Laura San Giacomo, American actress with a multi-faceted role and creative potential

Popular American actress Laura San Giacomo- the owner of numerous prestigious awards and prizes, a permanent participant of film festivals and seminars on theatrical art. Laura (her real name) Giacomo is also an active public activist. Rich life experience helps her to create images in the movie with a high degree of accuracy. Moviegoers love the actress and are waiting for new roles in her performance.

Laura San Giacomo

Biography of Laura San Giacomo

Laura San Giacomo was born in New Jersey on November 161962 Her parents, who came from the Italian province, moved to the United States long before the birth of their only daughter. My father successfully did business in a large paper mill, which was co-owner. The family lived in prosperity, but the mother, who had a very active character, was engaged in social work and gave private lessons in home economics. Laura grew and was brought up under the supervision of a governess, but spent a lot of time next to her mother, who tried to instill in her a love for people around her, regardless of their social status. Subsequently, this became a good basis for Laura’s public projects.


While studying at school, Laura San Giacomo became fascinatedthe theater. In her free time, she and other students played small scenes from popular performances, sometimes young actors tried to create their own play, invent roles, and then each played their own character. It was an interesting creative process for all participants. Laura served as director.

laura san giacomo movies


After graduating from school, Laura San Giacomo enteredCollege, which she graduated with honors. There was a theater group at the faculty, thanks to which the future actress made the final decision to devote herself to art.

Laura’s creative journey begins at the end80s of the last century, when she debuted in the film "Lies, sex and video," directed by Stephen Soderberga. Laura San Giacomo played the lover of her sister’s husband Cynthia Patrice.

Having become a film actress, Laura did not forget about the theater,From time to time she took part in performances and appeared on the stage in one or another favorite role. However, she soon gave herself completely to cinema. Actress Laura San Giacomo, the films with the participation of which were remembered by the audience for a long time thanks to her talented game, tried to create an image of her character in her characteristic manner. Unusual appearance and natural charm helped in this.

The characters of Laura Giacomo were mostly minor, but she knew how to play them so vividly that often her interpretation could argue with the performance of roles by the venerable Hollywood stars.

biography laura san giacomo laura san giacomo

All movies

Laura San Giacomo - a multi-faceted actress, each image she created is remembered for a long time and, as a rule, is an ornament of the motion picture.

During her career, she starred in seven full-length films and played countless roles in various situational comedies (sitcoms), TV shows and artistic short films:

  • 1997-2003 - sitcom "Fashion Magazine" (Maya Gallo), the main female role;
  • 2001 - "Jennifer", character Jennifer Estess, the main female role;
  • 1994 - “Confrontation”, a four-part film based on a script by Stephen King, in which the actress played Nadine Cross;
  • 1991 - "Under Suspicion", the role of Angelina;
  • 1990 - Quigley in Australia (Cora), the main female role;
  • 1990 - "Another Circle" (Jane Bella);
  • 1990 - "Pretty Woman", a cult film directed by Harry Marshall, the role of Keith de Luc, girlfriend of the main character;
  • 1989 — Lying, Sex, and Video (Cynthia Patricia Bishop).

Starring role

Laura gained worldwide fame in 1990after the release of the "Beauty" with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in the lead roles. Roberts won the Academy Award, Gere won the Golden Globe Award, and Kit De Luc's character was awarded a special US Academy Film Award. The girlfriend of the main character Vivien Ward was so convincingly played by Laura San Giacomo that film critics considered it necessary to create a special audience award for the actress. Currently, Laura San Giacomo, the full filmography of which has not yet been published, is actively involved in several film projects.

all movies laura san giacomo

Personal life

Married Laura Giacomo was twice from the firstMarriage has a son, Mason, born in 1996. In 2000, the actress married actor Matt Adler, with whom he lives to this day. Spouses settled in the California Valley of San Fernando. Laura enjoys horseback riding, golfing, tennis, ballet, gymnastics and swimming.

Все свободное от съемок время актриса отдает volunteering, defends the rights of people with disabilities. The results of her efforts are noticeable, the living conditions of the disabled and disadvantaged are constantly improving. Laura is a member of many charitable societies whose goal is to protect human rights. In addition to active participation in public life, she is engaged in private charity, investing considerable funds in promising projects.

Laura San Giacomo, despite being busy,He also finds time for theater productions, where he comes at the invitation of directors. The actress is not a member of the troupe, but always appears in the play as a guest performer.

Laura San Giacomo complete filmography


In 1990, the actress was nominated for "GoldenGlobe ". For the role of Cynthia Bishop in the film" Lies, Sex and Video "Laura won the award" Independent Spirit. "In addition, she was repeatedly awarded with other prestigious prizes.

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