/ / Movies about geniuses: the pride of world cinema

Movies about geniuses: the pride of world cinema

movies about geniuses

One of the bright works of the magnificent AlexanderAbdulova - the film "Genius". The actors in this picture of Viktor Sergeev are generally chosen perfectly. The criminal authority (an unexpected image for this artist!) Guillaume was played by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. Yuri Kuznetsov once again tried on the uniform of a representative of law enforcement agencies. Beauty Larissa Belogurova performed one of her last roles in this action-packed tape, after which she forever said goodbye to the world of cinema. In the episodes the Baltic dandy Algis Matulionis, the intelligent Boris Klyuev, Viktor Kostetsky, the always "popular" Valentina Talyzina and Anatoly Kuznetsov were good. This adventurous picture in the category of "films about geniuses" fits in a very peculiar way. After all, the main character Sergei used his talent for fraudulent purposes. And what else remained to the brilliant electronics man, forced to trade vegetables in the dashing 1990s, when engineers were paid a penny, and there was no decent work? But the film "Hunting for genius" (rather, a mini-series) with Dmitry Maryanov as a well-known journalist Kovalenko tells how this capital celebrity was dragged into a mysterious story. The trump card in the game was the life of a biologist.

film genius actors

Rarely yes aptly

Фильмы про гениев снимают не так часто.However, as they say, "seldom so aptly". Deserved fame was won by two American films. "Mind Games" won four awards of the American Film Academy. Ron Howard made a touching story about a talented mathematician whose life suddenly nearly fell under the slope because of the ingenious and cruel turning of the wheel of Fortune. The main role of John Forbes Nash Junior was played by Australian talent Russell Crowe. But Matt Damon in 1997, embodied on the screen the image of a child prodigy, whose abilities are surprising, but an irascible nature can prevent the development of a young genius. A young professor is invited to help a professor of mathematics (played by Robin Williams). Gus Van Sant's "clever Will Hunting" was also a favorite of academics, but in the Oscar race only screenwriters (buddies Damon and Ben Affleck) and Williams won for the best second-rate male role.

32 awards

the film is a hunt for genius
If you make a list of "films about geniuses," thenone of the top lines must be given to the Forman "Amadeus." In 1984, this drama made a real sensation. It is impossible to look at it with a detached, cold look. The history of great envy, which has long become an ominous legend. It is possible that the authors of the picture, as in Pushkin's time, were wrong, attributing to Salieri these baser feelings, which led to the unfairly early death of Amadeus. But Farid Murray Abraham managed to become so authentic Antonio Salieri, and Tom Huls - reckless, but, unquestionably, absolutely brilliant Mozart. This is proven by 32 film awards. Of these, 10 are Oscars. This is an incredible success! Writer of such "sunny" music, Mozart died at 35 years old and was buried in a common grave (rich graves with magnificent tombstones could only afford to know).

They say that geeks and geniuses generally do not livea very long time. Too tense is their mental activity. But here are films about geniuses (at least many of them), like the very creativity of their characters, are immortal.

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