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What is a story in folklore and fiction

There are literary works, when readingwhich gives the impression that you listen to a leisurely oral speech. As if someone at the campfire is interesting to other listeners at night, a slow story. to such literary genres and methods is also a story. What is a story? We turn for help in the interpretation of the term to the vocabulary.


In dictionaries it is written that this is folklore orauthor's work, more precisely - the form of his presentation. It is specific in its intonation and style. But the main thing: the story as if reproduces speech orally in general, and the national character in particular. And yet, a fairy tale is a special kind of narrative in a single artistic work. It is built, as it were, on behalf of the narrator, whose position and style standards differ from the author's style of presentation. This creates the desired artistic effect.

what is a tale

Tale - genre of literature

In Russian literature, according to the conclusionsresearchers-literary critics, the tales take their origin from the works of Nikolai Gogol. But in a vivid manner and especially skillfully he was represented in the work of Nikolai Leskov. His tales of the righteous and heroes of the people "The Tale of Tula Lefty and the Steel Flea", "Tupeyny Artist", "Enchanted Wanderer" - works, where these techniques are fully disclosed.

tale genre literature

In Russian literature

What is a fairy tale in fiction?The essence of this manner of presentation is that the story is, as it were, not on behalf of a detached and objective author, but on behalf of a subjective narrator (usually a participant in the relevant events). At the same time, the text of the work itself mimics the speech of a living oral story. And the narrator in the work, as a rule, refers not to that social and cultural layer, that the author and the reader. So Leskov can be: a merchant, a monk, a soldier, a retired governor. And each of the storytellers speaks precisely that speech, which is inherent in it to a greater extent. This also achieves an artistic effect in the work. This tale also makes an impression on the listener (and the reader). This manner gives the product liveliness and originality in the presentation of plots, deepens the social context of the work of art, gives the text individual creative characteristics, gives the narrated events a more subtle and individual assessment. Take, for example, whole paragraphs of the text from Leskov's "A Tale of the Lefty", where the individual characteristics of the one described, seen by Lefty in England, sound very original and bright. Another Russian writer - a master of this genre - Bazhov. All, probably, remember his "Malachite box" in form and content also being literary stories. Pavel Bazhov, a folklorist, first made literary processing of folk tales of the Urals: "Blue Snake", "Silver Hoof," "Mountain Master", "Copper Mountain Mistress" and many other works of Russian folklore, giving them a bright form and a certain verbatim laconism. All of them entered the book "Malachite Box", republished for today by multi-million copies.

Russian tales

Russian Tales

This term in the relevant sciences onLiterature can be called various prosaic non-fantastic genres of CNT: legends, epics, skits, legends (mainly in folklore). What is a fairy tale, and how is it different, for example, from a fairy tale? In the fairy tale, in general, we are talking about magic, extraordinary adventures and miracles (except for everyday fairy tales). And the characters are often of a fictitious character: Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych. In fairy tales, good usually wins evil.

What is a story?It relies primarily on legends and legends. The narrative is conducted on behalf of the narrator, and in the basis, as a rule, lie real events that took place long ago. And the main distinguishing feature is the presence of the person from whom the narration is based, based on the folklore basis.

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