/ / The film "Night Fun": actors, plot

The film "Night Fun": actors, plot

One of the psychologically strong picturesdomestic cinema is the movie "Night Fun". The film's actors recreated on the screen clashes of five different fates, characters. The plot of the film and the role is the topic of the article.

nightly entertainment actors


The stars of Soviet cinema were played in the movie "Night Fun". The actors who were involved in the tape are known, if not all, then very many, this:

  • Evgeny Evstigneev.
  • Valentine Gaft.
  • Albert Filozov.
  • Irina Alferova.
  • Alexander Kolkunov.


In the center of the plot is an exemplary Soviet family:Anna and Alexey Silin and their adult daughter Olga. The husband goes on a business trip, and the wife in the meantime invites a lover to visit. Deceived spouse returns home at the wrong time.

However, only at first glance the battered oldanecdote recalls the movie "Night Fun". Actors who played the couple Silin, - Filozov and Alferov. The heroes of the picture live in lies. They are used to it. The only person who does not want to put up with Silin's cowardice is Olga's daughter. She is the culprit of the scandal that has erupted. Olga returns home unexpectedly, understands that the mother is not alone, and sends a telegram to her father, in which she asks to return urgently.

movie actors night fun

Musician Sasha

At a time when Olga is waiting formassacre of an unfaithful mother, the phone rings. Later it turns out that this is an elderly and lonely musician who spends his time on a strange occupation. Alexander calls the number indicated on the money bill. Olga invites a stranger into the house. For what it does, she does not understand herself. Being in an excited state, Olga dreams of bringing her mother to clean water. And the girl seems, in this it will help an unfamiliar telephone hooligan.

When Alexander comes, Olga a lotsurprised. He is older than she imagined. And suddenly Olga has another senseless plan: to present the middle-aged musician to her parents as her fiancé.

nightly actors and roles

"Then from my mother's bedroom ..."

In one of the rooms of the Siliny family, everything happensthe events of the movie "Night Fun". Actors keep the viewer in suspense for more than an hour. Although, it seemed, and no events occur. Olga's mother, hearing the noise in the living room, leaves her room, and Olga imagines her fiancé. A little later, and comes back from a business trip father. Olga first convinces her parents that she intends to marry Alexander. Then she realizes that her joke has gone too far. But it's too late. When the mother's lover leaves the room - the head of Silin - the climax in the plot of the picture "Night Fun" comes. Actors and roles are listed below:

  • Albert Filozov is a deceived husband.
  • Irina Alferova is an unfaithful wife.
  • Valentin Gaft - the head of the husband and the lover of his wife.

Mikhail Fedorovich - the head of Silin - appearsin the living room without socks. But he conducts himself confidently. Far from embarrassing, and even raises his voice at the owner of the apartment. What is the movie "Night Fun"? Actors and roles are presented above. A person who did not watch this film, it may seem that in the plot of it - a banal family quarrel, caused by the betrayal of his wife. However, the trouble is that there is no quarrel. Silin believes in an obvious lie. He does not want to admit that the husband is changing him with the boss, and his career is so successful because of her infidelity.

movie nightly actors and roles

Anna - the wife of Silin - not only not confused, butoutraged by the silence of her husband. The woman wants to cause anger in the situation that is natural in this situation. Silin said nothing. And when the musician from the restaurant tries to save the situation, seemingly random in this family drama, he pounces on him. Raise the voice of the commander Silin is incapable. Mikhail Fedorovich humiliates his subordinate, forcing him to ask forgiveness for all present. The cowardly and weak-spoken Silin fulfills the order of the chief.

Olga and Alexander

What role did the musician play in this story,invited by Olga? Alexander was the only person able to support the girl sincerely. Olga's mother lied to her father for many years. Silin is a pretty unattractive character. And Olga, glancing at her parents, understands that she can not love them, as before. But it's impossible to hate father and mother.

The last episode shows an empty restaurant hall.Olga listens to the play of saxophonist Alexander. As the fate of the characters of the film, it is unknown. But it is not difficult to guess that Silinus the next day will go as if nothing had happened to work, continue to fulfill his job duties. Mikhail Fedorovich will lead. And Anna still meet with him during her husband's business trips.

The director and actors of the movie "Night Fun" created a dramatic story. The picture is not about adultery, but lies, in the face of which a person is afraid to look.

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