/ / Actor Grigory Gladiy: biography, photo

Actor Grigory Gladiy: biography, photo

Grigory Gladiy is a talented Ukrainian actor,which can be seen in many famous movies and TV shows. "X-Men: Days of the Past", "Only Old Men, Red Violin, Ugly Swans, Unconquered" are just some of the famous paintings with his participation. What can you tell about the actor in addition to this?

Grigory Gladiy: the beginning of the road

The actor was born in Ternopil region(Ukraine). It happened in December 1954. Grigory Gladiy was brought up in an ordinary family. Among his relatives there are no movie stars. The first years of the boy's life were held in Khostykiv. Already in his childhood Grisha realized that he dreams to connect his life with dramatic art.

grigoriy gladius

After graduation, the boy entered the Kiev Karpenko-Kary Institute, received his diploma in 1976.

Work in the theater

Grigory Gladiy played his first roles in thestudent years. After graduating from the institute, the young man joined the creative team of the drama theater named after TG Shevchenko, who soon left for the Kyiv Youth Theater.

glorious actor

Grigory began with the performance of episodic andminor roles, quickly became one of the leading actors. Then he wanted to test his powers as a director. Debut Gladia in this sphere was the play "The Steadfast Prince", the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the famous playwright Calderon. Unfortunately, his first production did not pass censorship, was banned to show.

The anti-Soviet views of the actor and director ledto the fact that he became the object of persecution of the authorities. This forced him to spend several years in Lithuania, where he was sheltered by director Jonas Vaitkus. As a result, Grigory Gladiy was in Moscow. He entered the GITIS and began performing at the Anatoly Vasiliev Theater. The talented young man had his first fans, but he dreamed of more.

First roles

For the first time actor Grigory Gladiy was onset in 1973. The young man made his debut in the famous military drama "Only the" old people "go into battle. He could not draw public interest to himself, since he played the nameless junior lieutenant, who appears only in the episode.

Work on the set happened to the actor onsoul, he began actively to act in films. In the film "Dudariki" Gregory embodied the image of the ataman, in the film "The Return of the Butterfly" he got the role of the writer Vasily Stefanik. "From the Bug to the Vistula", "The Life of the Holy Sisters", "Such a late, such a warm autumn", "Overcoming", "Lost in the Sands" - Gladiy's filmography was actively replenished.

Moving in

In the early 90's, the actor visited the Canadian cityMontreal, played one of the leading roles in the play "Invitation to the Execution". Life in Canada fell G. Gladia to his liking, in connection with which he refused to return to Russia. A few years later, the actor was able to obtain citizenship.

Grigory Gladius photo

It can not be said that Gregory's career went todecline after moving to Canada. The actor flatly refused to change his profession, which he did not regret. He began to offer small roles in foreign films and TV shows. For example, the star can be seen in the TV project "Her name was Nikita", in the film "X-Men: Days of the Past". From time to time, he also starred in Russian and Ukrainian films and TV shows. Therefore, without work, he does not have to sit.

What else to see?

Grigory Gladiy, whose photo can be seen in the article, starred in many famous films and series. The list of those that deserve attention in the first place is presented below:

  • tragicomedy "The Chameleon Game" (1986);
  • films "Music for December" (1995);
  • science fiction film "The Departed" (1987);
  • melodrama "Remembrance without date" (1990);
  • military historical drama "The Unconquered" (2000);
  • the thriller "Ugly Swans" (2006);
  • a film in the fantasy genre "The Night at the Sunset of Summer" (2011)

In 2016, the military-historical picture "Occupation" with the participation of the actor.

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