/ / Grigory Beglaryan speaks and shows

Grigory Beglaryan speaks and shows

Academic reference books have not yet been foundtime to compose a classic article about the guru of the financial market, a virtuoso forecasting master, competent analyst and a serious radio host named Grigory Beglaryan. Long harnessed figures pen and keyboard. The gap of the world Internet space will fill the lines of young traders of the Moscow stock exchange.

Humanities are transformed into economists

Twenty-five years has plowed the worldMark Grigory Beglaryan, a graduate of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. A biography from official sources contains such information: was born on March 17, 1967; the graduate of the average Moscow school of 1984; ceased to gnaw granite science audiences of Moscow State University in 1991. The life story of a financier from open sources with sparse lines sets out the period from 1992 to 2008.

Labor weekdays began as a broker in the Russiancommodity and raw materials exchange. He tempered character in investment companies "Finvestko", "Solid", "Metropol". He competed exactly with Stepan Demura on the RBC channel. The London Metal Exchange will eventually install a commemorative plaque "Here I learned the copper alchemy of Grigory Beglaryan". Traders of the country, followers of the guru, begin and end the day under Beglaryan's mass on Radio Business FM.

Grigory Beglaryan

Grigory learned a hundred percent of lifethe principle of "We must share" and now from mountain Switzerland provides the necessary financial knowledge of the suffering with a starting capital of 750 thousand euros. The managing partner of the Medell Sea Consulting Center provides professional support to investors, provides trading recommendations for operations in the global and Russian financial markets.

The genius of investment forecasts and the nightingaleanalytical financial ruad does not advertise private life. On the Internet, according to rare replicas, the opinion is formed that his family lives in Switzerland, an adult daughter of Narine is clever and beautiful, the hero of the article is interested in show business and reads the Ministry of Finance in the person of Roman Shulgin. Wide layers of the trader's movement know what Grigory Beglaryan looks like. The photo in the article will give an idea of ​​the hero of the day and readers far from the exchange.

Strong ruble and useless dollar

Beglaryan builds a forecast from what he sees around.Radio listeners and viewers of Yutuba commercials unanimously passed a verdict: this is a divine sound, because others on the market do not inspire either bid, ask, oil or ruble. The analyst spoke at the end of 2016 in a dialogue with his colleague and opponent Demura the following: oil - 60 and the ruble - 60. Participants in exchange battles and sympathetic spectators are reserved with patience and observe.

Grigory Beglaryan biography
Grigory Beglaryan does not share the current pointview of the uselessness of the dollar. The analyst regularly advises investing in the American currency, even on a falling trend. The consultant advised in an interview at the conference "Structural response to currency fluctuations" to sit in the ruble in the short term, until the wooden breaks 66. The consultant believes that below 57 rubles will not grow stronger.

Readers are interested in what to store surplusof capital. Beglaryan recommends looking at the pound at a rate of 1.15 to the dollar, as the pound "will always win back", even if it falls just below parity. The analyst predicts a "grandiose" growth of the pound against the dollar, and the euro proposes to withdraw from the sphere of interests.

"Smart Lab" in the fate of the TV star

В 2013 году учредитель коллективного блога traders "Smart Lab" dreamed that Grigory Beglaryan wrote on his portal. But while the lack of free time prevents one guru to go on a visit to another and leave a couple of lines. Maybe too many suggestions from other forums. Mr. Beglaryan publishes brief forecasts and his own vision of the economic situation in Twitter, so as not to be torn.

Grigory Beglaryan photo

And the portal of Timofey Martynov places clips withparticipation of Grigory Beglaryan. A couple of years ago, the founder of the site even attempted to decrypt voice messages from commercials with the subsequent publication on "Smart Lab".


Short-term forecasts are curious and interesting inspeculative component of the exchange game. Long-term forecasts attract attention. Grigory Beglaryan predicted "a very quiet year of 2017" at the main prize in the field of journalism under the title "Press Ball - 2016", however, it was said that the silence will last until autumn. The free money guru recommends spending.

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