/ / "Love is evil": actors, plot, interesting facts

"Love is evil": actors, plot, interesting facts

In 2001, directors and screenwriters of eccentriccomedies "Stupid and even stupid" and "I, again I and Irene" Peter and Bob Farrelli took on a film with a melodramatic plot. However, the Farrelli brothers were not without their characteristic humor. As a result, the romantic comedy "Love is Evil" has turned out. Actors, interesting facts and details of the shooting - about all this read in our article.

What is beauty?

The plot of the film "Love is Evil", at first glanceseeming simply curious and funny, has a philosophical overtones. The main character Hal Larson (Jack Black) is very picky. Himself is not a standard of masculinity, Hal is extremely selective in the choice of companion. He is only interested in impeccable beauties, and even the slightest flaw is capable of irrevocably alienating the fastidious character. As a result, all Larson's relations are short-lived.

black jack

In the elevator, he accidentally encounters the famouspsychologist and pours out his soul. Hal complains of pettiness, which prevents him from feeling truly in love and happy. The psychologist, who, incidentally, played the real author of best-selling books on self-development Anthony Robbins, imbued with the problem of Larson, hypnotizes him. Now the hero sees the inner beauty of people. His gaze attracts a stranger walking along the street. It seems to shine from within. Falling in love at first sight, Hal gets to know an angelic beauty called Rosemary (Gwyneth Paltrow). This girl seems ideal. She is kind, polite, caring and, as it were, lacking in flaws. But Hel does not know why his chairs are broken under his beloved, and others react to her without much enthusiasm.

love evil actors

"Love is evil": actors

Let's start with the basic ones.The main roles were played by the jovial Jack Black ("School of Rock", "Soldiers of failure") and one of the main beauties of Hollywood Gwyneth Paltrow ("Perfect Murder", "Iron Man"). Once upon a blond Gwyneth watched with enamored eyes even Brad Pitt, but on set the brothers Farrelli dressed the cutie Paltrow in an 11-kilogram suit. In addition to the image of the heroine Gwyneth was used a special latex make-up.

love evil main roles

The fact is that the Oscar-winning actress agreedplay a girl, Rosemary, obese. Hal Larson sees her bright inner world and projects this impression on the exterior, thanks to which she falls in love with Rosemary with all her heart. When Gwyneth Paltrow decided to take a walk in the finished makeup before the shooting, no one recognized her as a famous actress. Moreover, passers-by tried not to look her in the eye or as if they did not notice it at all.

gwyneth paltrow love of evil

The Hollywood star realized how psychologicallyit is difficult for people with excess weight in society. The actress is unlikely to face the fate of "pyshechki" - Paltrow very strictly monitors his diet and even published several books with recipes and a system of proper nutrition. However, the emotional experience gained on the shooting of the film shocked her to the core.

In the movie "Love is Evil," the actors acted quite wellfamous and in secondary roles. These are Brooke Burns, Bruce McGill, Joe Viterlly, Susan Ward. Jason Alexander played a notorious friend of the protagonist named Mauricio, who at the end of history learned to take his own flaw as a highlight.

jason alexander

Russian dubbing

Attention of Russian viewers the film attracted morethe fact that in the Russian dubbing of the film "Love of Evil" the actors of foreign voices were well-known domestic. The heroine of Gwyneth Paltrow was voiced by Maria Shukshina, whose voice came very close to the gentle image of Rosemary. The character of Joe Black sounded Sergei Growth - the actors are very similar in appearance and temperament, so dubbing harmoniously blended. Other characters were voiced by Sergei Parshin, Evgeny Dyatlov, Natalia Danilova.

Moral of history

This movie is noteworthy in that its purpose is notis simply a desire to cheer the viewer. The creators of the film put in it an instructive meaning - one can not judge people by their appearance. An attractive person may hide spiritual ugliness, and a person with some external defect often becomes the owner of a golden heart.

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