/ / Sculptor Niccolò Pisano: biography, creativity, and interesting facts.

Sculptor Niccolò Pisano: biography, creativity, and interesting facts.

The article will focus on the life and work of Italiansculptor and architect Niccolò Pisano. He is recognized as the founder of the Italian school of architecture, which influenced the artistic development of all of Italy.


Niccolo Pisano is rightfully considered the founderschool of Italian sculpture and is the father of the famous talented sculptor Giovanni Pisano. He is also recognized as the founder of the culture of the Proto-renaissance. The exact date of birth of the master is unknown. Researchers of his work say that 1219 is the most likely date.

The sculptor was born in the city of Puglia, in the southItaly If you turn to the archives of Siena, you can find that he is called the son of Pietro. “Pisano” is not a real surname, but only a nickname that the architect received after working for a long time in Pisa.


Niccolo Pisano, whose work demonstratesclearly a high level of skill, learned from ordinary masters in his hometown. There is also an assumption that he studied in the workshops that worked from the marriage shoulder of the emperor Frederick II and were the focus of the classical tradition. It should be said that he arrived in Pisa already quite a sculptor. As time has shown, he made the right decision, abandoning the Byzantine tradition for the sake of a return to the plastic of the ancient world. It is believed that around the 1245th Niccolò Pisano visited in Tuscany, where he worked in Castello del Imperatora in Prato.

Niccolo Pisano

After some time, the sculptor again changesplace of residence: he masters Lucca, where he continues to engage in sculpture. A little later he moved to Pisa (between 1245 and 1250). It was in this city that Niccolò Pisano met his future wife and became a father. About his beloved unknown absolutely nothing. Son of Pisano was very fond of and taught his skill from an early age. From the moment he moved to Pisa, he begins to appear in all documents under the name Niccolò Pisano.


Researchers can't say exactly whichnamely the work belonged to the hand of the sculptor Pisano. It is believed that he was engaged in the decoration of the castle in Castello del Imperatora. Most likely, he is also the author of the lions depicted on the castle portal. To his work of the Tuscan period carry "the head of a girl", which is shown in Rome (Palazzo Venice). In Lucca, he is engaged in decorating the facade of the Cathedral of St. Martin.

Niccolo Pisano Sculptures

The first masterpiece

Niccolo Pisano, whose sculptures are alreadymet throughout Italy, in 1255 receives a specific order in Pisa, according to which was to create a department of the baptistery. On this project, the sculptor worked with his friends Lapo di Richevuto and Arnolfo di Cambio. This was the first work that Pisano signed. She is considered his first masterpiece, since the master managed to combine the classics and the late Roman style.

Считается, что до этого Пизано активно изучал a sculptural work of the time of Augustus, so many of it was reflected in the department of the baptistery. It was a 6-coal structure, made of white, pink and dark green marble, which rests on the arches. The latter were made in the Gothic style in the form of a trefoil. The arches were supported by tall columns. In the corners of each arch was placed the figure of one of the 4 main virtues (the most popular figure is the image of the Force in the form of Hercules). It is believed that the master was inspired by the triumphal arches of Rome, which he admired when he traveled to Ostia, to create just such a baptistery.

Let's remember that the Arc de TriompheConstantine is also decorated with columns and reliefs. The latter depict various scenes from the life of Jesus Christ: “The Last Judgment”, “Adoration of the Magi”, “Bringing to the Temple”, “Crucifixion”, etc. courtyard of Emperor Frederick II. It is believed that the best creations of Niccolò are the relief of the "Annunciation", "The Adoration of the Shepherds" and "The Nativity of Christ". In this work, the sculptor successfully combined the technology of ancient masters and the modern sacral meaning of Christian customs. At the same time, the image of the saints also resembles the works of ancient masters: they are stately, elevated and restrained.

Nicolo Pisano creativity

Completion of work with his son

Around 1264 Pisano finished the work necessarydome baptistery. Initially, he was engaged in the architect Diotsalvi, but then the work was given to Niccolo. The sculptor decided to make the baptistery higher and decorate it with two domes. Around 1278, Niccolo was assisted by his son Giovanni, who helped complete the work on the baptistery by decorating the facade with sculptures. A little later, Niccolò began working on the project of the ark for the relics of St. Dominic. The development of Pisano was approved, but further work was refused. A little later, he still had a hand in creating a tomb for St.. Dominica in Bologna together with Fra Guglielmo.

Niccolo and Giovanni Pisano

Chair for Siena Cathedral

Around 1265, he begins to work onpulpit for the Siena Cathedral. In total, he spent on it for about three years. The department was very similar to his first masterpiece - the baptistery. However, here he changed the scope and made the building larger in size. It should also be noted decorating, because it was much more luxurious than the first work. On the project, he worked with his faithful friends - the son of Giovanni, Arnolfo di Cambio and Lapo di Richevuto. If we analyze the volume figured bas-reliefs, then we can say that the influence of the French Gothic is very noticeable in them.

Niccolo pisano his paintings

Niccolò and Giovanni Pisano’s last work isfountain, which was intended to decorate the main square in Perugia. Written evidence states that Niccolò built the Church of Santa Trinita in Florence, as a reminder of the Cistercian Gothic, which continued its development in Italy.

Summing up we can say that Niccolòbecame the forefather of the Italian school of sculpture, which existed until the XIV century, and its influence spread throughout Italy. Much of Pisano’s works are related to the past: obsolete symbols and images remained, the space was completely filled, not giving a place to the flight of fantasy. But the works of Niccolò Pisano (his paintings) prepared the society for great changes in the field of sculpture and architecture. They became a springboard for a high jump. The years 1260-1270 were very intense for the master, since he received orders from all over Italy.

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