/ / Job description of a design engineer in construction

Job description of a design engineer in construction

Инженер-проектировщик – достаточно солидная profession, and to occupy this position, it is necessary not only to have professional knowledge, but also to be able to apply them in practice at a high level. The salary of such employees depends on the organization in which they work, and on their direct responsibilities. In any case, only the leadership and job description of the design engineer can answer all the questions.

General Provisions

Инженеры-проектировщики - это специалисты, which only senior management can accept or dismiss from work. To get this position, you need to have a higher technical education, you can have no work experience. Or, can a person with a secondary special education who has worked in this sphere for at least three years, according to the job description of the design engineer of the 1st category, can take.

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На пост заместителя может попасть человек со secondary specialized education, who has worked at least five years in project organizations. For the position of the designer of the second category, a person with a higher technical education can apply, who has gained at least three years of work experience. But for the third category you need a higher education of technical focus, and to work as a design engineer of the second category you need at least three years.

What is guided by

Such specialist during his activityshould be guided first and foremost by normative documentation relating directly to his professional duties. In addition, it should be provided with methodological information, which takes into account relevant issues. He must honor the company's charter and its work schedule, carry out orders and other assignments from top management, and also observe the job description of the design engineer.

What you need to know

Инженер-проектировщик должен знать нормативные legal acts and other documentation, as well as all related information relating to the design, operation and construction of facilities. Important knowledge for a specialist in this position are design methods and how technical and economic calculations are carried out. Know how the technology works and how the equipment and structures are assembled, and what kinds and types of materials are available.

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His knowledge should relate to excellence inconstruction and design, both foreign and domestic. It must take into account the requirements for the projected facilities of a technical, economic, social and ecological type. He must know the materials of the guiding type, standards and technical conditions for the development and execution of design estimates and other documents. In addition, he must know what are the technical means of design, the basics of patenting and the rules of labor protection in conjunction with fire safety. The job description of a design engineer implies that at the time of his absence, his duties are assigned to his deputy, who is elected in the prescribed manner. And all the responsibility for this position falls on him.

Official duties

The duties of a design engineer includethe development of individual parts of the project, taking into account the achievements in science and technology, as well as the experience gained by foreign and domestic professionals in the design, construction and operation of finished objects. All this should be automated and comply with all norms and standards.

job description of engineer in construction
He must directly participate in thepreparatory activities for tasks related to the development of project decisions. The specialist in this position should collect the initial data necessary for successful design. This applies to technical issues at sites that are assigned to it by management. And he should participate during the whole period, until the design capacities are mastered. Also, he must unite the solutions of different parts of the project. In addition, he must check the patent purity, carrying out for this purpose all the necessary studies.

Other duties

Job description of the engineer-designerimplies that it will ensure compliance with standards for all documentation for projects and technical operations. In other words, he must monitor the compliance of all documents with norms and procedures. Control the construction of the objects designed by him, and also give advice if this is within his competence. He is obliged to analyze and summarize the experience in the development and implementation of construction projects in order to prepare proposals confirming the expediency of correcting decisions taken in the general order.

job description of the engineer of the designer of the first category

Job description of the mainengineer-designer means that he must make decisions based on the prepared applications for inventions, prepare feedback and conclusions, confirming or refuting their rationality and compliance with technical conditions, standards and other regulatory rules. Provide their subordinates with working conditions that are in accordance with the legislation of the country.

job description of the chief engineer of the designer
Observe and ensure that other employees do notviolated the rules of labor protection. And also notify the authorities if such cases have occurred or if someone from the workers has received an industrial trauma. Prevent emergency situations or if they are available to deal with liquidation, provide first aid to victims and call doctors at the scene.


Job description of the presenterengineer-designer takes into account that he has a number of rights, among which are familiar with the decisions of the management on projects that affect his activities directly. And also the right to suggest management to improve or simply change the work that relates to its duties and is permissible in the instructions. Request documents and other materials from the heads of business units that he needs for work.

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It can also attract specialists from differentstructural units, so that they helped him to solve the tasks assigned to him by the company's management. But such rights are not always, sometimes the leadership does not allow such manipulations, especially if the engineer works in a small firm. He may require management to assist him in his work, as well as participate in general meetings related to labor protection.

A responsibility

The job description of a design engineer inconstruction suggests that he has a certain responsibility. He responds if his job duties are performed incorrectly or not at all. All this taking into account the current legislation of the country. He is also responsible for any violation of rights and law during the work that is assigned to him.

job description of the chief engineer of the designer in construction
Responsibility is taken into account with reference tocriminal, administrative and labor code. He also answers financially for inflicting financial damage on the organization in which he works. According to the job description of the engineer-designer of low-current systems, he is responsible for any violations of the norms and rules of labor protection, sanitation at work, fire safety and other regulatory acts.


Engineer-designer - a serious profession.To get to this post, you need to have not only enough knowledge, but also be able to apply them in practice. In his career, a professional must take into account a variety of factors and comply with the norms and standards of the organization where he works. The job description of the leading design engineer in the building clearly defines his duties during the work, the rights and the responsibility that the employee bears. All concepts and norms are prescribed taking into account the current legislation of the country.

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