Every boy in his childhood dreamed of a careerthe famous football player. Indeed, since football is the most popular fad in boys, many start playing since childhood and are dedicated to this occupation all their lives. Almost every yard with the onset of spring you can see playing boys. Football has long been the most popular sport. Many guys at such a young age want to learn how to become a football player. Let's consider this question.
Of course, in order to just play football,you just need to find the right team and coach. As a rule, the career of footballers begins with the most ordinary domestic football and children's sports schools. Of course, any young athlete dreams of a big football. And who does not want to play for the most famous teams of the country, and maybe even the world? That's just to become a famous footballer, you need to make a lot of effort.
First, if you are engaged in sportsschool, and football - this is usually an occupation that you need to devote your entire life from the very youth, then pay special attention to the last year of training, because it is he who will determine your future career. If you still want to achieve something in this field, and you are interested in how to become a football player, then it is on the last year of training you need to understand your status and determine the level of the game.
In addition, it is necessary to determine thewhich role will you perform. It is necessary to understand that different roles require different qualities. For example, for the goalkeeper is very important growth, as well as the speed of the reaction. The extreme defender must necessarily have good speed and jumping. The striker should play well with two legs, have a scoring chord and a strong kick. The role of the central defender also requires high growth, physical strength and the ability to play with the head.
Thus, you must assess the levelown game, physical condition, technical equipment and tactical preparation. As a rule, doing it yourself is difficult enough, so it's better to invite a competent person in this matter who could objectively assess your physical and moral abilities.
Probably, even the most expensive players onthe question of how to become a football player, will answer that for this it is necessary to train a lot and develop their capabilities. Of course, there is no recipe for how to become famous and gain popularity, however, you can get some advice from players. For example, many people who have been working in this field for a long time, advise not to rely on miracle and gifts of fate, but to take everything in their hands and find a football agent.
This man will tell you exactly how to becomesoccer player. In addition, the agent should know all the teams and their coaches well. Evaluating the possibilities of the future football player, a good agent will help to choose the right team to go to the viewing, and send it to the right coach. And you can be sure that soon you will not only become a football player, but also, perhaps, will win the title of "best footballer".