/ / Who are the editors? Editor: Description of the profession

Who are the editors? Editor: Description of the profession

When a person is interested in the question of whoeditors, he immediately imagines an employee who sits with a cup of coffee in front of the computer and directs other people who coordinate with him every small detail of production. In general, it is. However, there are a lot of varieties of this profession, so to understand who such editors are, it is necessary to consider this issue deeper.

Who are the editors

About the main editor

The editor-in-chief is the person who directseditorial staff of any media. He controls the workflow and eliminates all the shortcomings that have been committed by the subordinates. In addition, a person of this profession should be a good psychologist, since under his leadership there are many people, among them journalists, designers, proofreaders, copywriters. They are people of a creative profession, therefore, each of them needs a special approach. Any newspapers and magazines are printed under the supervision of the editor-in-chief.

But this position is the highest stage of a career. If you want to get it, you will have to develop both mentally and psychologically. Your main weapon is patience and readiness to work hard.

What is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief

Many believe that the editor-in-chief of the newspaper is not a difficult job. This is a false opinion, since the duties of this employee include many actions:

  • Development of plans aimed at the rapid development of the publication.
  • Control of the activities of all employees involved in the production process.
  • The choice of the topic of the material, the formulation of its main meaning.
  • Communication with publishers, assistance in solving their problems.
  • Correction of errors that editors or copywriters might allow in articles or other materials.
  • Develop your own material and write articles.
  • Preliminary preparation of each article for publication.
  • Speeches at general meetings, the ability to convey to each subordinate the essence of the problem.
  • Organization of events that do not relate to direct work on the material.
  • Compilation of all reporting related to the work process in the publishing house.
  • Participation in all activities related to publishing.

If we briefly formulate who these editors are, then we can say that these are people who have great responsibility for the fate of the editorial board and for their own reputation on their shoulders.

Newspapers and magazines

The issuing editor and the requirements for it

In addition to direct duties, the editor must have certain skills. Without them, he can not cope with his post. So, the requirements for the editor:

  • experience in the same or similar field of activity;
  • possession of modern information and new technologies;
  • knowledge of the scheme for preparing materials and putting them into print;
  • excellent command of the native language both in oral and written form;
  • availability of higher education;
  • emotional stability and ability to concentrate on work;
  • Foreign language skills.

Often a person of this profession deals with Internet resources, so knowing the basics of creating websites also often helps the editor.

Commissioning Editor

Profession Editor: where to learn

To become an editor, you need to get a higher education. The advantage of the profession is that you can finish your university in one of the following areas:

  • journalism;
  • philology;
  • publishing.

If you graduated from university, received a diploma andready to start work, then first you will have to work at a less attractive position, for example, a journalist or a copywriter. But if you prove yourself as a talented worker, then the career ladder can lead you to the post of editor-in-chief.

Profession editor where you teach

What personal qualities should the editor have?

The issuing editor must own a largethe amount of information, but this is not enough to successfully realize yourself as a specialist. If you want to be remembered by employees as a talented and responsible leader, cultivate in oneself such qualities of character:

  1. Mindfulness. You will have to learn to notice the shortcomings in the materials that you are checking, as well as pay attention to the state of health and emotional state of the editorial staff.
  2. Accuracy. Without this character trait, your work will turn into chaos.
  3. Ability to memorize large amounts of information.
  4. Developed intuition. The editor is a creative profession, often you have to rely on luck.
  5. Independence. You will often have the opportunity to prove yourself as a person.
  6. Logical thinking.
  7. Strong patience. Often people will not understand what you want from them. It's important not to break down on them and it's possible to explain your position as many times as it takes to make a person understand you.

Literary editions, headed bya talented editor, quickly become popular, since the end result depends directly on the organization of work. All these traits of character can be developed in yourself, so do not be discouraged if you do not possess any of the listed qualities.

The editor of the newspaper

In what cases is the editor's work contraindicated

Sometimes a person can not work as an editor for medical reasons. Health should be protected, and this profession can do harm in some cases. These include:

  • poor eyesight;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • psychological diseases;
  • problems with the cardiovascular and circulatory system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • problems with pronunciation;
  • problems with hearing.

These factors interfere with the successful work of the editor and can lead to major health problems, so if you have at least one of these problems, it is better to choose another post.

Literary editions

Where you can work as an editor

Newspapers and magazines are not the only area of ​​application of editorial skills. If you are attracted to this profession, you can work:

  • in all kinds of publishing houses;
  • remotely, via the Internet;
  • on radio stations;
  • on TV channels;
  • in news agencies;
  • in the production centers.

In addition, you can work independently,can develop their activities in the team. The advantage of this profession is that you do not limit yourself to certain limits, you always have a choice. But do not rely on this dignity, because it can also be countered by the shortcomings that you have almost no free time, and you will have to face people of a different nature and find a special approach to each of them.

Итак, мы разобрались, кто такие редакторы.If you are a creative person who is able to control and manage people, then this profession suits you. Be single-minded, and you will succeed.

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