/ / Where are the screenshots saved to "Windows 8", or All about screenshots in the operating system

Where are the screenshots saved to "Windows 8", or All about screenshots in the operating system

It is not enough to be able to take screenshots.You also need to find them on your computer. Therefore, users are interested in where the screenshots for "Windows 8" are saved. If you know this, you can rid yourself of unnecessary problems. However, it is worthwhile also to study the question of what is the best way to make screen shots in this operating system. After all, as it is already known, there are so many new opportunities in it.

where there are screenshots on Windows 8

System Features

But for starters on how to make a screenshot"Windows 8". In fact, it's not as difficult as it might seem. If you are directly in the operating system, then all you need is to open the window that you want to capture. And then click on some key combination on the keyboard.

What should I press for?Find the "Windows" icon, as well as the Print Screen. If you hold them together at the same time, a screen shot will be taken. Nothing complicated, right? Now you need to find a screenshot of the "Windows 8" screen. But how to do that? Where are the pictures saved by the user saved?


We will try to answer this question. The computer has a folder called "Images". That's it, and it helps to figure out where to save screenshots on "Windows 8".

how to make a screenshot of windows 8

After you take a picture, you need to go touser folder (where my documents are now stored). Now look in the "Images". You can notice that a new folder appeared inside. It is called "Screenshots". Open it and look at the result. All screenshots made using the keyboard will now be stored here. If there is a desire, after saving you can move the graphic files anywhere. But initially you'll have to search for them in the "Screenshots" folder.

Where to save

But this is not the only development optionevents. The thing is that sometimes you can answer where the screenshots to "Windows 8" are stored, the user is able to. He had better know the answer. It all depends on the method of "removing" the image.

There is such a technique as using only a buttonPrint Screen. In this case, you have to open any graphics editor, and then paste the image from the clipboard (Ctrl + V). Then save the picture to the desired folder. And most importantly, remember the path to it. It turns out, if you create a screenshot with the help of a graphical editor, then in the operating system the snapshot will be saved on any specified path. This you must decide on your own - where convenient, there and store.

From the program

True, and here you can not finish todayconversation. After all, there are several options for the development of events. For example, we create a snapshot using a special program on "Windows 8". Where are the screenshots saved? Usually, in the appropriate folder with the application.

screenshot screenshot windows 8

For example, for a given task, you cantake advantage of the well-known Fraps. In the program settings in the corresponding section (Screenshots) you can see the exact way to save the received images. Usually this is something like C: // Program Files / Fraps / Pics. This is where you can find all the screenshots that have ever been made. In principle, you can create screenshots and any other program. The meaning of this will not change. All images will be saved in the corresponding section in the folder with the application.


But sometimes users ask such questions,which are most often interested in gamers. For example, where are the screenshots saved to "Windows 8" made in the "Steam" application. It is not enough to make them. You also need to find the image data. And not only in the gaming client of the same name, but on the computer as a whole.

Here you can answer about the same asin the past case. In the folder with the program. In our case in a separate place, whose name is Userdata. How to find this folder? Go to the installation path of the Steam program. There will be a Userdata. In it, as a rule, there are third-party folders. Look in them. Each is dedicated to a separate game. Now find the option you need and look there in the Remote. Inside there will be a folder called Screenshots. True, it will be placed in advance in the "document" with the date of filming. That's all the problems are solved. Now you know where the screenshots of "Windus 8" made in "Steam" are saved. You can find them, by the way, with the help of a game client. Just go to the "Screenshots" section, located in the library, and then click on the "Show disk" button.

where to save screenshots

Summing up

So we learned to do, and also to findscreen shots in the operating system "Windows 8". As you can see, this is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance. It is worth noting that sometimes the Print Screen button does not work. In this case, you will have to reinstall (or update) the drivers on the computer. After that, try to capture the screen in any convenient way for you.

If you are in doubt, that you will be able to find the folder"Images" in the operating system, it is better to use special programs to shoot the desktop. All images, as already mentioned, will be stored in the folder with the application.

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