/ / Doesn't the update come to Windows 10 - to rejoice or cry?

Does not come to upgrade to Windows 10 - to rejoice or cry?

Recently, some usersoperating systems began to complain that they did not receive an update to Windows 10. To tell the truth, these are very dubious complaints. After all, people often try to deal with updates of operating systems, and not download them. Let's try to understand whether it is worth being upset if the Windows 10 update does not work. It is also worth figuring out what to do if you decide to upgrade yourself.

update does not come to windows 10

Benefit or harm

But first let's try to understand whether you really needget upset if updates for the operating system do not come. It's no secret that Microsoft now has many problems and shortcomings with Windows 10. So often users are trying by all means to disable the update and messages with a proposal to upgrade.

So we can say that it is worthreally enjoy the lack of messages from the "Update Center". Why? If you do not receive an upgrade to Windows 10, then you do not risk sooner or later to be left without the operating system to which you are accustomed. So if the use of innovations from the company "Microsoft" is not planned, it is better not to panic and calm down. If you wish, you can always download the service pack for Windows 10 from the World Wide Web, and then manually carry out all the manipulations.

When problems arise

Now it's worth thinking - why aren't the updatesare coming? The reason for this phenomenon can be anything. From the slightest system failure to major problems with the operating system. But users most often note several rather simple and not very dangerous reasons for which the upgrade to Windows 10 does not come.

windows 10 update does not work

These include the old version of the system, tofor example. So, the owners of "Windows" older than the "seven" can not use the automatic update. Not at all, under any circumstances. Everything will have to be done manually, independently.

Another reason is system failure. It fixes very quickly and easily. But more on that later.

Помимо всего прочего, если на компьютере If a pirated version of the software is installed, you can only hope that the update itself will not appear. Some version builders often simply disable this feature. For "pirates" it is very convenient. Do not have to once again think about how to fix the situation.

If you have an operating system,which do not have any redundancy at all, you don’t need to hope for an automatic update. It is excluded. As in the case with the later versions of "Windows": fix the situation does not work.

What to do

But what if you do not receive an updateup to windows 10? There are several options for the development of events. If this kind of behavior was caused by a malfunction or error in the operating system, then restarting the Update Center is sufficient. Did not help? Then, using this service yourself, check for all updates, download and install them. The problem will be solved.

In addition, practice shows that sometimes, ifupdate does not come to Windows 10, you need to update the drivers on the computer. It helps, but rarely. Often it’s enough just to work a bit with the Update Center.

service pack for windows 10

In the case of pirated copies of "Windows" is better notexperiment. Leave it as it is. And if you need to upgrade, you will have to buy a licensed copy of the operating system. Or download yourself a "pirate" from Windows 10.

Do it yourself

True, if you strongly puzzle overI do not want to automatically update the operating system; you can manually complete the process. This method is used when there are old versions of Windows on the computer.

What is required?Download a special update package to your computer from the official Microsoft website, install the Media Creation Tool application, and then use it to complete the entire process. Or create an installation disc. Sometimes you have to buy a licensed copy of "Windows 10" directly in the store. That's all. As you can see, it is not so difficult to correct the situation, if you know where to start.

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