/ / How to disable Windows 7 update: basic methods

How to disable Windows 7 update: basic methods

What is for the seventh modification, that for the versions aboveand below, Microsoft provides service packs with enviable regularity, and updates are automatically installed, often at the most inopportune moment. How to disable the update Windows 7 permanently or partially, and further will be shown. Whether this makes sense, each user decides for himself, however, if such a decision is made, some nuances should be taken into account that may affect the subsequent functionality of the system.

What is required to disable automatic update?

Let's start a little from afar and see whyyou need to deactivate the installation of updates or exclude some packages from the list of automatic installations. If anyone does not know, basically almost all released update packages are designed to patch holes in the Windows security system and are only partially related to installing updated versions of gaming platforms and some other Microsoft software products.

Some updates despite authoritycorporations as one of the undisputed leaders in software development, alas, look, to put it mildly, completely incomplete. In Windows 7, this manifests itself most often, because after installing them, system malfunctions (sound loss, errors in the operation of hardware drivers, etc.) can occur. But this, as they say, still flowers.

Blue screen of death after updating Windows 7

Berries begin when after updating the systemcompletely “flies”, and at the start a blue screen appears (descriptions of such a failure can be quite a lot, but we will not dwell on them, since this is a separate topic for conversation). If at least one of the symptoms has been noticed, automatic installation of updates is, indeed, better to be turned off. But how to do that?

How to disable the update Windows 7 "Maximum" the easiest way?

First, consider the classic method, which is suitable for most users who do not particularly understand the system settings. How to disable Windows 7 update? As easy as pie!

Turn off automatic updates

To do this, enter the settings of the “Centerupdate ”(this can be done most quickly through the properties of the computer without calling the required section from the“ Control Panel ”) and set the disabling check for updates in the important updates section by selecting the appropriate mode from the drop-down list. As an additional action, you can put a tick in front of all items that are located below the main section (this is desirable but not necessary). If you deactivate all that is, neither updates for the system itself, nor for other programs (most often office suite) will not be installed.

This method of disabling installation updatesIt has its advantages, because the user can at any time set a manual search for available updates, and, if necessary, install only those that are necessary for him. This method is very often used to restore Windows to work, if the problem initially lies in the installation of bad packages (less often it may be due to incomplete or incorrect installation).

How to disable Windows 7 update service?

Now consider the more complex way thatimplies a complete deactivation of the service, which is responsible for the work of the "Update Center". How to disable the "Update Center" Windows 7? To do this, there are no tools in the very center, so you have to use the services section by calling it through the "Run" menu with the services.msc line.

Disable Update Center Service

On the right will be a complete list of allservice applets, among which you need to find the desired service of the “Update Center” (usually in the Russian versions of the system it is located somewhere at the bottom of the list below). How to disable Windows 7 update using the parameters of the service itself? To do this, double click or right-click the menu to enter editing the settings, stop the service execution with the appropriate button, and select the disabled mode in the start type field from the drop-down list, then simply save the changes by clicking the OK button.

Note: you can use deactivation via the command console, but for an ordinary user, the above method will be simpler to use.

Using customization tools

Можно воспользоваться и специальными third-party tools. Which ones and how to disable Windows 7 update? It seems that one of the simplest applications is a utility for tweaking the system called Windows 7 Manager.

Turn off updates in Windows 7 Manager

In its parameters you just need to find the corresponding item and set the deactivation of the check, receiving and installing updates.

Deactivating a driver update

How to disable the update Windows 7, a littlefigured out. But after all installation of updates can concern not only components of the system, but also drivers of all "iron" and some virtual devices which are available in computer system. What is deactivation for in this case? This will be needed only in a situation where, after installing the updated driver, a device works worse than before, or does not work at all.

Disable driver updates

To deactivate you need through the properties of the computergo to the additional parameters of the system and on the equipment tab, mark the point of choice when installing the software to the user, and also remove activation from the point of automatically obtaining information from the manufacturer and applications from the system updates database.

Questions about installing updates for programs

Disable update installedUser applications cannot be produced in the system for all programs. Such parameters will have to be set in each application. If you are satisfied with how the current version of the program works, you can disable the update. The only exceptions are important utilities and browser add-ons like Flash Player.

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