/ / Breed of light chickens: description, features, reviews

Breed of light chickens: description, characteristics, reviews

At poultry farms and in household plotschickens of different breeds can be bred. The popularity of Russian farmers is enjoyed both by the poultry meat direction of productivity, and by the egg. Broilers are bred at many poultry farms, in villages and in cottages. One of the best meat breeds is considered to be brahma.

The procedure is technologically quite complex- breeding of chickens at home. For beginners, it can be difficult to start feeding this bird, or getting a young one or leaving. Brahma is a unpretentious breed. And if you want to get acquainted with such a fairly profitable business, like chicken breeding, you can start with it.

light bruma

History of the breed

Brama was bred in America in the 19th century on the basis ofimported from India Asian poultry. These powerful chubby chickens were interbred with Chittagongs, Cochins and Malay fighters. The presentation of the breed took place in 1850. Initially, it was called the gray Chittagong. But in 1952 one of the farmers presented such a chicken to the English queen. In honor of the Indian ancestors, the poultry farmer called it brahmaputra, which subsequently was transformed into an abbreviated "brama".

general description

Farmers appreciate this breed not only for their excellent meat production, but also for the original appearance. To the characteristic features of the brahma can be attributed, for example:

  • fluffy and very dense plumage;
  • strong yellow beak;
  • head very small, in comparison with the body, the size;
  • red lobe and yellow eyes;
  • presence of fluffy plumage, including on paws.

breeding of chickens at home for beginners
The constitution of the body is light brahma is very strong and muscular. Many other breeds of chicken meat direction (dorking, cochin, etc.) in this respect are much inferior to it.

Inadmissible disadvantages

Like any other breed, the brahma has its own characteristics that characterize the purity of the blood. Inadmissible defects in these chickens are such signs:

  • small growth or squat figure;
  • short back or narrow chest;
  • "Hawk" heel;
  • form of the body of Cochin;
  • weak pubescence of the middle fore-toe;
  • white lobes;
  • loose bushy tail;
  • the presence of a toe on the crest.

chick bra

Breeding chickens at home for beginnerscan seem a matter of relatively complex. However, subject to the choice of purebred, good brambles for the farm, half of the enterprise's success to its owner will be guaranteed.


The color of the chicken can be very different. Most often on farms are bred:

  • pale brass with golden plumage, black tail and necklace on the neck of the same color;
  • Light with silvery-white plumage, black tail and necklace;
  • Dark with black-gray plumage and pattern.

Dark and light brahma like rocks were approvedin 1874, the fawn (buff) - in 1924-m. In the 60-70s of the last century two more varieties were officially recognized - yellow-black and kuropatchato-tape. Even later, the partridge-blue color was approved.

Brahma bright: description

Most often farmers are bred thisvariety of the breed. Light brahma is called in another way Colombian. The plumage of such chickens, according to the standards, must be absolutely white (except for the necklace and the black tail). If instead of a silvery bird has a yellowish hue, it is recognized as defective. The necklace and tail of such chickens should also have a green gleam.

light broth chicken

On the pins and fingers of such chickens are blackstrips. Of all the varieties, the bright brahma is distinguished by the most proud posture. The chest of these chickens is powerful, the back is short, and the wings are not too large and tightly pressed to the body.

A distinctive feature of the light brauma is also a light bones. The trunk of these chickens is square. The paws are thick and very well pubescent.

Performance indicators

One of the absolute advantages of chickens of this breed,in comparison with many modern, it is believed that they have maintained a very strong maternal instinct. Bring the nestlings of light braids on their own and take care of them just fine. For a year the chicken of this variety can bring up to 140 eggs. Usually farmers collect 120 pcs. in the first year and approximately 100 in the second. In the following egg production, like in most other breeds, begins to fall in light bras. The color of the egg shell of the bird is creamy. Dimensions they are quite large (about 60 grams).

The weight of the laying hen of this breed is 3.5-4 kg, the males - 4-5 kg. Chickens (light brama) have a yellow or fawn color. Young growth of a light brauma develops slowly enough.

light brass rooster

Refers to this variety, like all otherrepresentatives of the breed, to the group of late ripening. Also, some shortcomings of light brahma are considered not too high taste qualities of meat. These chickens are gaining weight well. However, their meat has a fairly coarse texture and does not differ particularly juicy. But it is believed that it can still be used not only for soups, but also for second courses.

Character of chickens

Ценится эта порода у фермеров, помимо всего other, and for the fact that you can keep it in the courtyard with any other poultry. These hens differ in calm and balanced manner. A light-colored brass cock does not fight either with the representatives of its own breed, or with any other poultry. Non-bearers of the same white-silver variety can safely and without quarrels eat from one trough with chickens of any breeds, turkeys, quails, etc. This bravado is tamed very easily even in comparison with representatives of other species.

Endurance indicators

With regard to the conditions of keeping the chickens lightare considered relatively unpretentious. This hardy bird adapts well to almost all climatic conditions. The quality of the barma feed is also not shown any special requirements. It is not necessary to heat a shed with this bird in winter. Eggs in the cold season, these chickens practically do not reduce.

Contain bras most often on a floor method. But at the same time too much exercise is not required for them.

How to make a barn for a light variety

Bird for a white-silver bracelet suitable for normal (2-5 hens per 1 m2 meter square).To install heaters in it, as already mentioned, is not necessary. However, to insulate a shed for this bird, of course, is worth it. Most often, these structures are made frame-shield. In this case, mineral wool is used as a heater. You can also build a shed from used sleepers or foam concrete.

bruma light description

In the poultry house for the birds of the Brama breed is light, as for the chickens of any other breed, it should be established:

  1. Nasses. They are usually made of their poles with a section of 40 mm and set at a height of 80 cm from the floor level.
  2. Nests. Размеры этих конструкций должны быть такими, so that the chicken would fit freely in them. No hindrance should be caused by the entrance to the nest. It needs to be made wide enough and high. For a better egg-laying of the nest, it is worth to fill the wall next to the perches at the same level.
  3. Drinkers. Under the water in the poultry house you can use any containers - buckets, old pans, etc. To avoid overturning, drinkers should be slightly buried in the ground.
  4. Feeders. This equipment is usually knocked out of two boardsso that in the cross section the construction resembles the letter V. Above the troughs on the short legs a rotating pole is mounted. Its presence prevented jumping chickens inside and scattering food.

Также в сарае следует установить несколько Basins with ash and a container with small pebbles. The floors in the hen house should be made boardwalks. In order for the light-colored brama not to freeze in winter, they are covered with a thick layer of sawdust or straw.


Near the poultry house it is worth making a small aviaryso that hens on warm days could make walks. This will positively affect the health of the brahma. It is best to gather the paddock from the eastern or western side of the house. This will provide enough sun and at the same time the presence of a shadow in which chickens can hide in the heat.

Feeders and several drinkers in the summerusually taken out in the paddock. The enclosure can be enclosed by a rabbit (height - 2 m). Like other representatives of the breed, the light bruma does not require a lot of walking. However, the enclosure for this bird must still have a larger area than for the dark or palm brahm. These chickens are somewhat more massive and active.

Features of feeding

Since the light bruma is related to the rockmeat direction of productivity, its diet should include a sufficient number of products containing proteins. Grain (best of all wheat) is given to these chickens at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. At lunch, the hens can be offered a mushroom on the serum. To prepare such food, it is allowed to use nettles, carrot, beet and radish tops, any root crops (except green potato), zucchini, eggplant, fruit.

To the bird received all the vitamins necessary for herand microelements, it is necessary to add a little premix, intended for meat chicken or broilers. Sometimes brahma is fed and boiled potatoes. Such a product promotes rapid weight gain by the bird. However, use such a product, as in the case, for example, of broilers, is as accurate as possible. When overfeeding boiled potatoes with light-colored braham, and especially in young animals, a gut can occur.

Cultivation of chickens

Bred chicken is hatched, as already mentioned,yourself. For one hen, if necessary, you can lay up to 20 eggs. But of course, a large number of young animals are easier to get in the incubator. Bred chicks are taken when using such equipment by standard technology.

Brahma bright: reviews of farmers

The opinion of the owners of household plots about thesechickens turned out just fine. Eggs they carry regularly, and weight, in comparison with the amount of food consumed, is gaining good. To some disadvantages of the breed, farmers include the fact that when chickens are hatched, such a chicken can simply suppress eggs because of its high weight. Therefore, some owners of household plots advise beginners nevertheless to use the incubator to expand the population. Well, or lay eggs under the chickens of other breeds.

breeds of chicken meat direction

Some drawback is lightvarieties many farmers consider very late puberty. If other forms of this breed begin to be laid off by 9 months, then silver-white can "wait" sometimes and up to 10-11.

About the nature of light brum, farmers haveonly the best reviews. Roosters of this variety, as some holidaymakers say, for example, can sit quietly together in one "pen" and do not pay absolutely no attention to each other.

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